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Part-time or full-time study as an approved activity for Parenting Payment (PP) 001-09070230

FAQ - Course approval policy and review of decisions

Table1: This table contains information about the approval process for PP job seekers who wish to undertake full-time or part-time study.




Question: Are PP job seekers subject to the short course approval policy?

Answer: No. PP job seekers are not subject to the short course approval policy and can undertake approved study for longer periods. PP job seekers can participate in full-time or part-time study to meet their mutual obligation requirements, if they are undertaking at least 15 hours of study per week, or 30 hours per fortnight. PP job seekers are not required to claim for a student payment when they commence full-time study.


Question: When can Services Australia approve a part-time or full-time course for PP job seekers?

Answer: PP job seekers, as principal carers, can fully satisfy their mutual obligation requirements through approved study of at least 15 hours per week, or 30 hours per fortnight. There is no minimum number of contact (classroom or otherwise directed) hours.

The study can be approved by the agency regardless of whether the institution regards the course as full-time or part-time. The study can also be approved regardless of the duration of the course. In other words, PP job seekers with mutual obligation requirements are not subject to short course approval rules, so undertaking full-time study does not affect their qualification for payment.


Question: In the case of course approvals, who is the decision maker (DM)?

Answer: It will depend on who is approving or rejecting the short course application. This means that the DM could be either the provider or a Service Officer.


Question: Can a job seeker request a review of the decision if Services Australia or a provider does not approve a short course?

Answer: If a job seeker is not satisfied with a provider decision in regards to non-approval of a short course and following discussion with the provider it is clear they will not change their decision, the job seeker may contact the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) to lodge a complaint.

As with any adverse decision made by a delegate of the Secretary under Social Security Law, a job seeker can request a review of a decision relating to the requirements of a Job Plan, whether made by the provider or a Service Officer.

A review officer can overturn a decision relating to the requirements of a Job Plan only where the decision is not consistent with Social Security Law (for example, because the job seeker cannot reasonably be expected to meet the terms of the Plan or where a term is precluded by the legislative instrument).

A review officer cannot overturn a Job Plan related decision simply because the review officer or the job seeker disagrees with the decision.

FAQ - Guidelines to follow when approving part-time or full-time study

Table 2: This table contains guidelines to follow for PP job seekers who require approval for full-time or part-time study.




Question: Can a PP job seeker undertake part-time study if it is not approved by Services Australia or a provider?

Answer: Any type of part-time study which cannot be approved (whether a short course or a longer course) can be undertaken, if the job seeker continues to meet all of their mutual obligation requirements, including job search, attending appointments and accepting offers of employment.


Question: If a PP job seeker who is undertaking approved study transfers to JSP/YA, can they continue their studies indefinitely and retain eligibility for JSP/YA?


  • If a PP job seeker transfers to JSP/YA (principal carer), they can continue to complete their current course of full-time study without the need for further approval, even if the remainder of the course is longer than 12 months. They will be taken as meeting all mutual obligation requirements as long as they continue to undertake study for at least 15 hours per week, or 30 hours per fortnight in the same course, with no minimum contact hours
  • If the job seeker ceases study or wants to change their course, they would need to be re-assessed under the study guidelines for JSP/YA. The job seeker would need to talk to a provider (if in a program) about approval of the new course and single JSP/YA principal carers would lose eligibility for PES


Question: Will PES still be paid to those job seekers who continue to study after transfer from PP or DSP to JSP/YA (job seeker)?

Answer: All PP job seekers (whether studying full-time or part-time) who were in receipt of PES whilst in transition to JSP/YA (principal carer) will continue to receive PES if they continue to study in the same course when they transitioned to JSP/YA (job seeker).

Note: from 1 January 2014, JSP (single principal carers) qualifies as a PES attracting income support payment. This means that those PPS job seekers who transfer to JSP (single principal carer) will continue to be able to qualify for PES at any point in time (where all other qualifications are met) and will no longer be required to continue in the same course of study to retain access to PES. Refer to Initial contact with students claiming Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) for further information.


Question: How does Services Australia code course approval for PP job seekers?

Answer: In situations where Services Australia can approve a course, the job seeker will be asked to complete a 'Request for course approval SS362' form. The agency will consider suitability of the course under current guidelines and must confirm enrolment. In all cases where the agency is approving a course for a PP job seeker, the code 'PFT' will be used on the AEX screen.


Request for course approval (SS362)

Mutual obligation requirement options

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-attachment.pngOptions for Working Age job seekers who would like to study full-time or part-time

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) activity exit codes

Some of these codes will be sent by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) to Centrelink when the provider has recorded that the job seeker has exited from the full-time short course that was previously approved by the provider.

Only the codes will be sent - DEWR does not send the literals to Centrelink.

Centrelink display the exit code in the Exit Reason: field on the Short Course Details screen.

Exit codes






Cultural or religious objection




Did not finish


Failed to attend participation contact


Found full-time employment




Jury duty


Language difficulties


In lawful custody


Moved to different location


Moved to closer activity


Major personal crisis


Move to more suitable activity


Found part-time employment


Successful completion of activity


Missing essential skills/abilities to participate


Transferred to new service


Travel in excess of 90 minutes to activity

Contact details

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR)