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28 day review of Job Plans 001-09100070


Table 1: This table outlines notes available to Service Officers when a job seeker completes online tasks but the result is not successful.


Notes Text

Unsuccessful update - Job seeker disagrees with job plan

Customer indicated they did not agree to job plan on <System date> (sequence number, version number).

Unsuccessful update - Job seeker refuses job plan

Customer indicated they refused job plan on <System date> (sequence number, version number).

Job seeker agrees to job plan, DEWR is successfully updated, ISIS update fails

Customer agreed to their Job plan on <System date> and it has been updated with DEWR.

There was an error when updating the job plan to their record. Please investigate and correct.

Error returned: <Error>

SUS-FRC job seeker agrees to job plan. The restore update fails (including if arrears are created during assessment)

Customer agreed to their Job plan on <System date> and it has been updated with DEWR.

There was an error with removing the customer's suspension. Please investigate and correct.

Error returned: <Error>

Receipt messages

Table 2: This table outlines receipt messages returned to job seeker on actioning online task.

Job Seeker actions to agree to Job Plan Online Task

Receipt Notes for Job Seeker


[Tick Icon] You have agreed to the terms listed in your Job Plan


[Tick Icon] You have disagreed with the terms listed in your Job Plan


[Tick Icon] You have not agreed to your Job Plan