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Financial suitability test for suitable work for principal carers 001-09140010

Scenarios to code employment income in the rate estimator

This table describes how to code the employment income (per fortnight) 'current situation' field and the Employment income (per fortnight) 'proposed situation' field so that the Financial Suitability Test (FST) questions will present for the appropriate customer group.

Gross employment income should always be used, as the FST will calculate tax liability.


Employment scenario


Job seeker is not working and is offered employment + Read more ...

Employment income 'current situation' field

  • Code zero for employment income
  • This represents the situation of 'no work'

Employment income 'proposed situation' field

  • Code the proposed employment income
  • This represents the new situation of 'all work'


Job seeker is currently working and is offered additional work - either more hours in current job or an additional job + Read more ...

Employment income 'current situation' field

  • Code zero for employment income
  • This represents the situation of 'no work'

Employment income 'proposed situation' field

  • Code the total of all anticipated income
  • This represents the new situation of 'all work'
  • To calculate this total, add together:
    • the income from the current position, and
    • the income from increased hours in current job/additional income from new job
  • Note: for any subsequent FST questions such as travel costs or childcare, figures representing the total impact of the anticipated increase in work must be used. For example, if the cost of travel for current work is $40 and will increase to $60 if the job seeker takes up more work, the figure of $60 is to be used for travel costs


Job seeker is currently working and wishes to reduce their hours of work + Read more ...

Employment income 'current situation' field

  • Code zero for employment income
  • This represents the situation of 'no work'
  • Note: if the job seeker wants to have their current, or another, employment income assessed by the FST, the 'current' field should always be coded as zero employment income

Employment income 'proposed situation' field

  • Code the reduced employment income amount
  • This represents the new situation of 'all work'
  • Note: if the job seeker wants to have their current, or another, employment income assessed by the FST, the 'proposed' field should be coded with the relevant employment income being assessed


Job seeker is currently working and wishes to cease their employment completely + Read more ...

Employment income 'current situation' field

  • Code total current employment income
  • This represents the situation of 'all work'

Employment income 'proposed situation' field

  • Code zero for employment income
  • This represents the situation of 'no work'

FST manual calculation sheet

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An attachment is available: Placed in front of links to attachmentsFinancial Suitability Test Calculation Worksheet