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Early or late lodgement of job seeker reports 001-18120545

This document explains when to accept an early or late lodgement of a job seeker report.

On this page:

Request from customer to lodge SU19 form early

Assessing late Reporting Statement (SU19) submitted by post or fax

Assessing a late Reporting Statement

Request from customer to lodge SU19 form early

Table 1




Early Reporting Statement + Read more ...

Customers can request early lodgement of the Reporting Statement (SU19) form through self service (online account, Express Plus mobile app or phone) if:

Customers unable to report early using self service, will be advised to contact Services Australia:

  • verbally by phone
  • in writing, or
  • at a service centre (by post or in person)


Determine the reason for lodging early + Read more ...

Is the customer lodging early due to travelling overseas or due to national public holiday processing arrangements?


Travelling overseas or reporting early due to a national public holiday + Read more ...

Is the customer travelling overseas and wants to advise before departure or reporting early due to a national public holiday?


Customer in hardship + Read more ...

Has the customer requested an immediate payment due to hardship?


Assess immediate payment + Read more ...

See Urgent payments due to exceptional and unforeseen or extraordinary circumstances to make a decision about immediate payments.

After Smart Centre determination of the immediate payment, if the customer is:

  • eligible for an immediate payment, they are still required to lodge on their Entitlement Period End Date (EPED). Procedure ends here
  • not eligible for an immediate payment, go to Step 7


Changing the customer's Entitlement Period End Date (EPED) + Read more ...

Is the customer eligible to change their EPED?


Customer is required to submit a Reporting Statement on their EPED + Read more ...

If the customer no longer has a copy of their Reporting Statement (SU19):

  • encourage the customer to register for self managed services (online account, Express Plus mobile app or phone) to submit their Reporting Statement
  • and if they refuse or are unable to use self service facilities, advise them to contact again on their EPED to verbally submit their Reporting Statement
  • record full details of the customer request and early reporting decision on a DOC

Genuine attempts must be made to transition customers to report via self service options before assisted reporting is completed, unless an exception applies.

Assessing late Reporting Statement (SU19) submitted by post or fax

Table 2




Reporting Statement (SU19) submitted late + Read more ...

If the job seeker:

  • is a self service reporter who has tried to report more than 13 days late, see Step 4 in Table 3
  • advises they have reported but it has not been processed, if the form was submitted:
  • has attended in person to report 13 or more days late, see Step 2 in Table 3
  • has lodged their SU19 by post or fax, go to Step 2
  • has a CAN/DNL (did not lodge a Reporting Statement) or FRP (failed to report) debt and is submitting their SU19 to have their debt offset, see Step 8 in Table 3

See acceptable reasons for late reporting and Identifying barriers to participation for Indigenous customers.


Postal or fax reporting + Read more ...

Job seekers reporting by post or fax need prior approval for it to be accepted. Reporting Statements submitted by post should be posted on the report due date and not posted early.

Has the form been submitted on the report due date or within 13 days?

Genuine attempts must be made to transition customers to report via self service options before assisted reporting is completed, unless an exception applies.


Check exemption from personal reporting + Read more ...

Check the Reporting Regime Details (RPRD), Activity history list (ES, HAL, HAY) and Document List (DL) screens.

Does the Allowable Channels field on the RPRD screen show values other than 'Personal'?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, and the job seeker:
    • has a valid reason for not reporting in person, for example, working and this can be verified, record details on a DOC. Go to Step 4
    • has no valid reason for not reporting in person, record details on a DOC. Encourage the customer to report through self service (online account, Express Plus Centrelink mobile app or phone). Go to Step 4


Reports by fax or mail 13 days after the Report Next Due date + Read more ...

View the digital SU19 image.

Job seekers need approval for reporting by fax/post. Customers should be considered for self service before approval is granted.

If the job seeker has mutual obligation requirements or any pending decisions, consider if they are satisfying their mutual obligation requirements.

Note: there may be barriers to participation for Indigenous customers.

Is there a pattern of late reporting with unacceptable reason(s) for late reporting provided?

  • Yes:
    • Place the SU19 on hold
    • Record full details of unacceptable late reporting reason(s) on a DOC
    • Go to Step 6 in Table 3
  • No, and it is the first time this has occurred:
    • Create a DOC with a heading of 'Late reporting warning'
    • Record full details of reason/s given for late reporting
    • Run the SU19 Lodged by Mail in Error script to issue a warning letter to the customer. See Reporting overview for information
    • See Step 7 in Table 3

Assessing a late Reporting Statement

Table 3




Form submitted in person + Read more ...

If the job seeker advises they have submitted the form in person and it has not been processed, check:

If more information is required before processing can commence, obtain this verbally from the job seeker and record the additional information provided on a DOC.

Has the SU19 been received and is ready to process?


Personal reporting is 13 or more days late + Read more ...

Ask the job seeker to explain reason/s for reporting late and how they have met their mutual obligation requirements.

Note: there may be barriers to participation for Indigenous customers.

Is the reason for late reporting acceptable or are there any special circumstances that have been approved and have they been satisfactorily meeting their mutual obligation requirements?


Report has not been received + Read more ...

If the report has not been received:

  • check details of reporting with the customer
  • discuss reason for late reporting, and
  • if the job seeker has mutual obligation requirements or has any pending decisions, consider if they are satisfying their mutual obligation requirements

Note: there may be barriers to participation for Indigenous customers.

Is the reason for late reporting acceptable?


Self service reporter is reporting late + Read more ...

Check for reasons the job seeker did not report on time via self service (online account, Express Plus Centrelink mobile app or phone). Note: customers with mutual obligation requirements can use self service to report up to 13 days late.

Note: there may be barriers to participation for Indigenous customers.

Is the reason for late reporting acceptable?


Reason for late reporting is acceptable + Read more ...

Use the Earnings and Reporting workflow in Process Direct, or create a manual DOC with a heading of Late reporting accepted:

For claims rejected Did Not Lodge (DNL) or Failed to Report (FRP), where the jobseeker:

Note: there may be barriers to participation for Indigenous customers.

Procedure ends here.


Reason for late reporting is not acceptable + Read more ...

If the customer does not have a valid reason for not reporting on time and the benefit line shows Cancel Next Pay (CNP):

  • tell the job seeker their payment will cancel and they will need to test their eligibility and lodge a new claim
  • cancel the job seeker's payment using reason code OTH (Other)
  • record full details of unacceptable late reporting reasons and cancellation on a DOC
  • advise the job seeker they will need to apply for payment. The job seeker can make the claim online or staff can run the Assisted Customer Claim workflow
  • tell the customer the reason for the decision and their review and appeal rights

Note: a customer's payment will automatically CAN/DNL if they do not report within 28 days from their EPED.

Procedure ends here.


Process payment + Read more ...

To process payment:

  • create a DOC with 'Late reporting accepted' in the summary line, unless one already exists. Record on a DOC:
    • reason/s given for late reporting and that it has been accepted
    • mutual obligation requirements are being met
  • use the Earnings and Reporting workflow in Process Direct, to process the job seeker's payment

Note: payment can be restored up to 13 weeks from the date of notification of cancellation. If payment was cancelled reason DNL (Did not lodge a Reporting Statement) or FRP (Failed to Report), ongoing qualification and payability during the cancellation period must be established. For more information, see Restoration of JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (job seeker) and Special Benefit (SpB).

If the customer's claim has been rejected DNL or FRP and the customer is contacting within 13 weeks of notification of rejection, the original claim can be reassessed without the need for the customer to reclaim. See Request to reassess a rejected claim.

If the customer is contacting more than 13 weeks since notification of the rejection, they must lodge a new claim. Procedure ends here.

If the job seeker has a CAN/DNL or FRP debt, and payment is not being restored, go to Step 8.


Payment not being restored and Reporting Statement (SU19) submitted to have debt offset + Read more ...

Update the job seeker's record with details on the SU19. All employment details must be coded for the debt to be accurately reassessed. Any changes to circumstances, assets or investments, must also be updated.

If the job seeker met their mutual obligation requirements for the period of the debt but no longer has ongoing entitlement for restoration, the debt amount can be recalculated where there is eligibility for part or all of the debt period.

Send a request to reassess the debt amount. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Debts > Debt Raising > Debt Raising ACTion DOC Request. Include:

  • Summary line: SU19 accepted debt amount to be reassessed
  • Dates (from xx to xx) for the period the SU19 was accepted
  • Details of any updates, for example, Employment Income Summary (EANS) updated
  • Details of mutual obligation requirements, for example, met requirements as set out in their Job Plan
  • Debt ID to be reassessed
  • Customer to be notified of outcome