JobSeeker Payment (JSP) customers returning to (or continuing in) part-time study 001-19051532
This document outlines the effect of part-time study on the payments of a customer receiving JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and the impact on their mutual obligation requirements.
JobSeeker Payment (JSP) customer advises that they are studying part-time
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JSP customer advises that they are studying part-time + Read more ... For customers who are currently receiving a payment:
Is the customer provider managed?
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Partial Capacity to Work (PCW)or Temporary Reduced Work Capacity (TRWC) + Read more ... To view if a customer has been assessed as having a PCW or TRWC, select the Key Information or Activity type/Non-applied exemptions screens. Has the customer been assessed as having a PCW or TRWC?
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Customer has been assessed as having a PCW or TRWC + Read more ... Customers who have been assessed as having a PCW or TRWC of 15 or more hours per week are able to satisfy their requirements if participating in part-time study up to their assessed work capacity. If their study is for less hours than their assessed work capacity, they would be required to undertake other activities to satisfy their requirements. Advise the customer that study as an approved activity will need to be negotiated with their Employment Services Provider. Services Australia will approve the remainder of a course for customers who:
The customer is deemed to fully meet their requirements during this period. Customers with an assessed partial capacity to work or temporary reduced work capacity of 0-7 or 8-14 hours per week will only be able to undertake study as a voluntary requirement. These customers will still be required to undertake quarterly participation interviews with Services Australia. Note: if the requirement is a part-time course, and the customer is Indigenous, they may be eligible for assistance, for example, Incidentals Allowance, under the ABSTUDY scheme. If the customer is thinking about applying for ABSTUDY for the part-time course, then the customer must be made aware that the course cannot be included as a compulsory requirement. They will only be eligible to apply for ABSTUDY assistance if the course is a voluntary component. Is the customer's part-time study (and other requirements if applicable) enough to satisfy their mutual obligation requirements?
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Principal carer + Read more ... Is the customer a principal carer?
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Customer is a principal carer + Read more ... The customer is able to satisfy their requirements if participating in study of 15 or more hours per week (or 30 hours per fortnight), including any combination of contact and non-contact hours, regardless of whether the study is classified as full-time or part-time by the institution or organisation providing the course. If a JSP single principal carer contacts Services Australia regarding undertaking study, advise them they must first apply for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and meet PES approval. If PES is approved, the PES approval letter needs to be taken to the Employment Services Provider. If the course is:
For their mutual obligation requirements to be met the course must be an approved short course. For more information, see Part-time or full-time study as an approved activity for JobSeeker Payment (JSP). Note: JSP (single principal carers) is a PES attracting income support payment. This means those PPS customers who transfer to JSP (single principal carer) will continue to be able to qualify for PES at any point in time (where all other qualifications are met). They will no longer be required to be continuing in the same course of study to retain access to PES. Is the customer's part-time study enough to satisfy their mutual obligation requirements?
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Study for less than 20 hours per week + Read more ... Is both contact and non-contact study for less than 20 hours per week?
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Satisfy mutual obligation requirements + Read more ... Is the customer still able to satisfy their requirements by looking for work?
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Customer is still entitled to JSP + Read more ...
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Job seeker is no longer entitled to JSP + Read more ...