Other assistance and help available to migrants, refugees and visitors 005-05000000
This document outlines how Services Australia provides assistance when a customer has recently arrived as a migrant, refugee, humanitarian entrant or has been granted a Permanent Protection Visa to live in Australia.
Government intent
Migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, particularly those with low English proficiency or poor literacy in their own language, are among our most vulnerable members of the community. They often have complex needs, particularly in relation to health, welfare and language services.
Services Australia, the Department of Health and Aged Care and the Department of Home Affairs strive to meet the needs of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in the areas of government services, health and education.
On this Page:
English language assistance
The Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) provides free English language courses to help eligible adults settle in Australia. AMEP is administered by the Department of Home Affairs.
The program caters for the individual circumstances of the customer, including the needs of customers living in rural and regional locations.
Case management
Specialised and Intensive Services (SIS) is a program designed to provide specialised and intensive case management support for recently arrived refugees and other humanitarian entrants who have complex needs.
The service will support refugees and humanitarian entrants where pre-migration experiences, severe physical and mental health conditions, or crisis events after arrival in Australia present significant barriers to successful settlement.