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Transfer and recovery of Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) payment debt 005-06100000

This document outlines the process of ceasing a current payment arrangement, transferring SRSS debts to Home Affairs and recovering SRSS debs from a customer’s SRSS payment.

On this page:

Ceasing a Services Australia payment arrangement

Transferring SRSS debts to the Department of Home Affairs

Navigation path for checking the deduction amount

Ceasing a Services Australia payment arrangement

Table 1




Ceasing payment arrangement when SRSS customer has an active repayment arrangement + Read more ...

To cease a Services Australia payment arrangement, go to Arrangement List (OPAL) screens to confirm payment arrangement and type.

Does the customer have an active payment arrangement for the SRSS debt?


Cease repayment arrangement + Read more ...

Make 3 genuine attempts to contact the customer to advise:

  • their withholding arrangement will cease, and
  • the debt/s will be transferred to the Department of Home Affairs

Was contact is successful?

  • Yes:
    • Select the active/current arrangement options on OPAL screen
    • Key in ‘T’(today) in the Cease Date field
    • In Comment field enter Debt id XXX transferred to Home Affairs on DD/MM/YY, press [Enter]. Finalisation is not needed as this activity is auto approved
    • DOC using the auto text option in Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Multicultural > SRSS Debts > SRSS Debt Repayment Cease
    • See Table 2
  • No:
    • Escalate to SRSS Level 1 Helpdesk

Transferring SRSS debts to the Department of Home Affairs

Table 2




Transferring a SRSS debt to the Department of Home Affairs + Read more ...

Transfer all determined SRSS debts to the Department of Home Affairs:

  • Go to the Debt List (OPDL) screen and select the relevant debt
  • Go to the Debt Amount (OPDA) screen and key XBP in the Change reason field, then press [Enter]
  • The system will confirm the amount to be transferred, press [Enter]
  • Do not change or manually enter amounts
  • The debt status will change to FXP (Transferred to External Department)
  • Select and complete activity in the Assessment Finalisation (OPAF) screen. Key Y in the Finished field
  • DOC using Fast Note - select Auto text, use Multicultural > SRSS Debts > SRSS Debt Transfer

Repeat coding for all determined debts to be transferred.

Note: use the one DOC for multiple debts transferred

Navigation path for checking the deduction amount

Table 3




Determining if a deduction is in place or a customer is enquiring about the amount of their Department of Home Affairs deduction + Read more ...

Customer is having money deducted from their SRSS payment.

Is the customer enquiring about the amount of their Department of Home Affairs deduction?


Checking the amount of the deduction + Read more ...

Future payment, to access the Social Services Plan:

  • In Customer First go to Workspace
    • select the CRN hyperlink
    • scroll down to the Cases tab
    • select Status Resolution Support Services under the Description tab
    • select SSP ID hyperlink
    • select Planned Payments
  • the Settlement Period will also include document type: Dedns' external
  • the deduction amount will be 5% of the total SRSS payment (all components) after the income test is applied

Past payment, to access the Payment List

  • In Customer First go to Workspace
    • Payment List (Financial Customer Care)
    • select the latest posting date
    • select payment amount, the Department of Home Affairs deduction link will display:
      Document type: Dedns' external
      Sub Transaction - Text: WHS DIBP Bank 4-6 IMA or Non IMA
  • the deduction amount will be 5% of the total SRSS payment (all components) after the income test is applied

Procedure ends here.


The Department of Home Affairs deduction enquiries + Read more ...

If the customer questions why they have a Department of Home Affairs deduction, refer the customer to Home Affairs or their Service Provider, see Department of Home Affairs and contracted Service Providers responsibilities for Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) payment.