Support for customers from Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel 005-25011522
If you have concerns about a child's safety, follow the Risk identification and management of threats to the safety or welfare of a child.
This document explains the support available for customers from Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel in Australia.
On this page:
Claim lodgement, supporting documents and information
Claim lodgement, supporting documents and information
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer contacts + Read more ... Engage with an on-demand interpreter if required. Searching for a customer using Process Direct Select the Customer Summary tile. This shows the Search Customers screen. Has the customer provided their Customer Reference Number (CRN)?
This screen shows:
Note: the search results in Process Direct will show the name and details entered in the search fields. If too many records are returned, refine the search criteria by including the customer's first name. Check contact details are up to date. Record the customer's preferred spoken language on the Other Contact Details (OCD) screen. If no record exists, see Adding a customer to the system. |
2 |
Confirm residence details + Read more ... Legal residence In Customer First or Customer Record, request the Immigration Datalink on the Immigration Enquiry (RSIMME) screen. Make sure the most recent immigration information is on the customer's record. The customer's visa/s should populate on the Legal Residence Details (RSLEG) screen. Residing in Australia The customer must also reside in Australia to be eligible for payment. This is not advised by the datalink. The Service Officer needs to make a discretionary decision as to where a customer resides by weighing up relevant factors. See Assessing if a customer is an Australian resident. Make sure the country where the customer currently resides is coded on the Country of Residence (CRES) screen. Note: Palestine cannot be coded on the RSIMME and CRES screens. If a customer is from Occupied Palestinian Territories, record the most appropriate country available (for example, Israel or Jordan) to:
Be aware of cultural sensitivities if discussing this with the customer. The Service Officer can:
For more information about cultural sensitivities, see Multicultural Guide. |
3 |
Identity confirmation + Read more ... An Australian visa can be linked to a foreign passport. Where the Australian visa is linked, customers can have their:
If the Australian visa is not verified or linked, Service Officers cannot use the foreign passport to complete PUiC or linkage. It can only be used as a Secondary Use in Community (SUiC) document. If customers cannot confirm their identity, Service Officers must code any available identity documents and complete the alternative identity assessment in person or by phone. |
4 |
Claim lodgement + Read more ... Note: once the claim and supporting documents have been submitted, it will be allocated to the SpB processing team for action. Has customer already lodged a Claim for Special Benefit?
5 |
Unaccompanied or unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) + Read more ... Under 18 years of age
Aged 18-21 years of age
For more details about the definition of an FTB child, see Family Tax Benefit (FTB) child of a person. |
6 |
Vulnerable customer + Read more ... If the customer is experiencing vulnerability, has complex needs, or is in financial hardship for they may be eligible to have their claim sent for priority processing To request urgent processing create an open Fast Note - select Auto text, use Generic > Claim or Update Escalation > Special Benefit. See Immediate new claim and non-new claim priority processing. If a customer experiencing vulnerability does not have adequate existing supports, consider referral to external support services, specialist officers and/or other internal supports. Procedure ends here. |
Claim processing
For Special Benefit Processing team only.
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
SpB start date + Read more ... SpB start day is:
For more details about start date and backdating rules, see: |
2 |
Pre-call notification and requesting information verbally + Read more ... In some case a verbal request for information is a quicker and more effective option. Make one genuine attempt to contact by phone. If contact is successful, tell the customer:
Did the customer provide the additional information or documentation?
If contact is unsuccessful:
3 |
Proof of Identity + Read more ... On the Transaction Summary (TS) screen, check the customer's Identity Status. Note: claims lodged online would already have confirmed identity to be able to lodge an online claim. If the Identity Status is:
For more details about Identity confirmation and Identity Reviews, see: |
4 |
Tax File Number (TFN) + Read more ... Customers and partners aged over 16 are required to supply a valid Tax File Number. A TFN exemption may apply in limited circumstances. Has the customer provided a valid TFN?
Special Benefit customers under the age of 16 years
For more details about in coding Tax File Number, refer to Requesting a Tax File Number (TFN). |
5 |
Free board and/or lodging + Read more ... If the customer received free board and lodging on a temporary basis only, they will receive the maximum basic rate of Special Benefit (SpB). Free board and lodging is regarded as temporary if it is provided for no more than 6 weeks. For example, when someone provides temporary free accommodation while the customer awaits payment of SpB. Service Officers must be satisfied the customer is receiving temporary free board and lodging:
For more details see Rates of payment for Special Benefit (SpB). |
6 |
Section 24 + Read more ... Section 24 can be granted without a full, formal assessment to Special Benefit claimants that meet the following conditions. They:
Partner information and linking Service Officers should get as much partner information as possible, noting customers may not be able to provide much information about their partner. For this customer base the following is not required:
Note: if enough information is available, Service Officers must create a partner record and link it before applying the Section 24 decision. Recipients must be reminded of their obligation to notify of a change of circumstances within 14 days, including if their partner joins them in Australia. Section 24 reviews Customers granted under these special Section 24 provisions do not need to have a Section 24 review created. The mandatory Special Benefit review will cover the Section 24 review process. Section 24 decision DOCs Record a DOA DOC. Use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Assessments and Reviews > Section 24 > OPT Israel Favourable S24. |
7 |
Unaccompanied or unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) + Read more ... Under 18 years of age If independence has been granted, on the independence/Homeless/Away from Home details (NIH) screen, complete the:
Customers under 18 years can study full-time study details are coded on the Education Course Details (EDCH) screen. Aged 18-21 years of age A UTLAH assessment is not required if the customer's parents are overseas:
Note: for customer's aged 18-21 years, a UTLAH assessment is only required if:
8 |
Foreign pension + Read more ... Centrelink International Services (CIS) is responsible for coding foreign pension for new claims. To refer to CIS:
For more details about Foreign Pension Coding, see Foreign pension coding. |
9 |
Overseas income and assets + Read more ... Due to the current situation, it is unlikely these customers will have significant overseas income or assets that were realisable. Completed modules, if required, should be accepted without supporting documentation where the customer is unable to provide the required information. Service Officers must code this information and document the record. For more details about overseas income and assets see Foreign income and assets. |
10 |
Assurance of Support (AoS) + Read more ... If the holder of the 449 or 786 visa has an AOE/ACC status preventing the SpB claim from being processed. For non-AoS skilled Service Officers escalate to Local Peer Support (LPS). Otherwise, skilled AoS Service Officers must:
Assurance of Support (AoS) and Special Benefit (SpB) ZIAM_SPL_GEN Manual Follow Up activity PEN/MFU is generated when the SPL/CUS customer receives a new visa subclass or Australian citizenship status (keyword I011RS). Service Officers must investigate to ensure ongoing qualification to SpB. If customers are granted a visa requiring an AoS, Service Officers must:
If the customer has been granted an AoS visa, and the AoS has come into effect, Special Benefit will become a debt to the assurer. For non-AoS skilled Services Officers, escalate to LPS. Otherwise, Service Officers must:
If SpB is to continue during the AoS period a SpB new claim is required. See Assuree makes a claim for an Assurance of Support (AoS) recoverable payment. |
11 |
Mutual obligations and exemptions + Read more ... If SpB is to be granted and customer is paid under JobSeeker payment (JSP) condition, make 2 genuine attempts over 2 days, to advise the SpB mutual obligation, any temporary exemption and reporting requirements. Do not finalise the claim until after the 2 attempts are completed. Hold the claim for one day with reason 'Pending Customer Contact' if first attempt is unsuccessful and document date and time of contact. If the customer is subscribed to Electronic Messaging (EM) service, issue a pre-call notification (SMS only) between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm, using the customer's local time. The SMS will let them know a Service Officer will call them today from a private number. Successful contact
Unsuccessful contact Hold the claim for one day with reason 'Pending Customer Contact' if first attempt is unsuccessful and document date and time of contact. Document the 2 attempts to contact. Note: if unable to confirm employment income for arrears payment, system automatically rejects Failed to Report (FRP) overnight. The claim will need to be reindexed. See: Temporary exemptions from mutual obligation requirements Depending on the visa subclass and customer circumstances, mutual obligation exemptions must be considered where appropriate. All customers A Nominated Visa Holder granted a 449 or 786 visa will have a temporary exemption:
This exemption only applies once, not each time a new visa type is granted. Check the job seeker status is Active (JSR/ACT on the benefit status line). To view job seeker registration:
To code the exemption on the Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen, use code 'ASR' in the Activity Type: field. Temporary incapacity exemptions A customer may be granted a temporary incapacity exemption from mutual obligations. Medical certificates lodged as part of a new claim are recorded on the Medical Conditions (MC) screen in Process Direct and are assessed as part of the new claim. See Assessing and coding medical evidence for temporary incapacity exemptions. Service Officers must record a DOC on the customer's record, which provides the rationale behind any decision to grant or not grant a temporary incapacity exemption. Other exemptions If a temporary exemption is applied, code the temporary exemption on the AEX screen using the appropriate exemption reason code. For more information about mutual obligations, see Mutual obligation requirements for Special Benefit (SpB). |
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12 weekly reporting + Read more ... Customers from Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel on 449 or 786 visa eligible for exemptions may be eligible for variable lodgement. See Reporting requirements for customers receiving a payment with mutual obligation requirements. |
13 |
Customer suspended Failed to reply to correspondence (FRC) + Read more ... If the customer has been suspended due to 'No Job Plan':
See Restoration of Jobseeker payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (job seeker) and Special Benefit (SpB). |