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Return and processing of Pension Bonus letters 065-07010030

This page contains the action to take when Pension Bonus Scheme (PBS) annual reminder letters are returned to Centrelink.

PBS letter returned

PBS annual reminder letter returned to Centrelink

This table describes the steps to take when a PBS annual reminder letter is returned.




Letter returned to Centrelink + Read more ...

A Pension Bonus Scheme (PBS) annual reminder letter is returned to Centrelink. Does the letter and/or envelope indicate why the letter was returned?

  • Yes and:
    • The member has died, go to Step 2
    • The member no longer resides at the address on the letter, go to Step 3
    • There is another reason, action accordingly or contact the customer. Finalise the outstanding DOC and or MFU activity if required. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 3


Death of member + Read more ...

Has death action already been coded?


Address changed + Read more ...

From member's record, has their address changed since the letter was issued?

  • Yes:
    • Re-send the PBS letter to the member's new address. It is not possible at the moment for the system to re-issue the annual reminder letter
    • Finalise the outstanding DOC or MFU activity. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 4


Check for multiple Centrelink Reference Numbers (CRN) + Read more ...

Check the system for multiple CRNs. For example the member may have registered under another name or the name may have been misspelt at registration. Check different spelling, maiden name etc. via the Name Search (IN) screen.

Did the member have multiple CRNs?


Member has multiple CRNs + Read more ...

Complete a DOC on both records to indicate the existence of the other record:

  • Ensure only one record is current by checking the benefit status line
  • Ensure the current record contains all the relevant information:
    • If the member's address has changed re-send the PBS letter to the new address. It is not possible for the System to re-issue the annual reminder letter. Contact the member to see why letter was returned and action any change of circumstances accordingly
    • Finalise the outstanding DOC and MFU activity
    • Cancel duplicate record, if able. See Types of Centrelink records

Procedure ends here.


Member does not have multiple CRNs + Read more ...

A DOC will be recorded on the system that a PBS letter has been returned:

  • Finalise the outstanding DOC and/or MFU activity
  • Do not change the status of the member's PBS record. PBS members have no notification requirements
  • Contact the member, if possible, to check why the letter was returned. If there has been a change of circumstances action accordingly