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Cancellation and rejection codes for Pension Bonus Scheme (PBS) 065-07050010

This document outlines information regarding cancellation and rejection codes for the PBS.

PBS rejection and cancellation codes




Cancellation codes for registration + Read more ...

  • PBC - Pension Bonus claimed - automatically recorded
  • NBC - No bonus claimed with age pension - manually recorded (NCC used prior to 8 December 2007)
  • CLR - Client request cancellation - manually recorded
  • RPP - Received precluding payment (ISS used prior to 8 December 2007)


Rejection codes for registration + Read more ...

  • AGE - Does not meet Age Requirements
  • LRN - Late registration not accepted
  • NAU - Not residing in Australia
  • NSV - Non-Protected SCV Holder
  • NPV - No Permanent Visa
  • NSR - Not Sufficient Residence
  • FRC - Failed to Reply to Correspondence
  • PRR - Not lodged before 1 July 2014


Rejection codes for payment of pension bonus + Read more ...

  • 13W - Failed to Claim Within 13 Weeks - manually recorded
  • 12M - Registered Less Than 12 Months - automatically recorded
  • AGR - Failed Agreement Specific Rules - automatically recorded
  • BON - Already Received Bonus Payment - manually recorded
  • RPP - Received a Disqualifying Payment- manually/automatically recorded (DSQ used prior to 8 December 2007)
  • CLR - Withdrawn/voluntary surrender - manually recorded (WDR used prior to 8 December 2007)
  • NPP - No Pension Payable - automatically recorded
  • NRG - Not Registered
  • OTH - Other - manually recorded
  • PBR - PBS not registered - manually recorded


Rejection codes for the Pension Bonus Bereavement Payment + Read more ...

  • ASS - Excess assets
  • D12 - Deceased accrual period less than 12 months
  • DBP - Deceased’s Pension Bonus Payment already paid
  • DBS - Died before 1/1/08
  • DDQ - Disqualifying payment received by deceased
  • DNP - Deceased not partnered at date of death
  • DQA - Deceased could qualify for Age Pension only under an international Social Security Agreement
  • FSI - Failed to provide sufficient information for the deceased
  • INC - Excess income
  • LNA - Late claim not accepted
  • NAR - Claimant (i.e. surviving partner) not an Australian Resident
  • NIA - Not located in Australia
  • NMC - Deceased and claimant not members of a couple
  • NRM - Deceased not a registered member of the PBS
  • POI - Identity not provided
  • NTC - Failed to advise TFN (claimant)
  • DNV - Death not verified
  • FWT - Failed Work Test


Rejection codes for the Pension Bonus Top-up Payment + Read more ...

  • NPT - No Pension Bonus Top-up Payable - automatically recorded
  • PTM - Pension Top-up manual calculation required - automatically recorded