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Homeless supplement for aged care services 065-13040030

Homeless supplement frequently asked questions and answers

This table helps Service Officers to respond to questions about the homeless supplement for aged care services.




What are the 1 October 2022 changes?

From 1 October 2022, the homeless supplement was replaced by the specialised homeless base care tariff.

The tariff is included in the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) fixed funding for residential aged care services. The Department of Health and Aged Care decides which services qualify for it.


Is there an application form for the Specialised Homeless base care tariff?

Yes, there is an application form. Residential aged care providers must use the Department of Health and Aged Care's specialised homeless base care tariff resident assessment form from 1 October 2022.

This form is used to:

  • collect
  • record, and
  • store evidence of the homelessness status of a new or existing care recipient, where this has not previously been determined

See the Department of Health and Aged Care's website for the form.

Prior to 1 October 2022, residential aged care providers used the Viability expansion component and homeless supplement assessment form (AC024) for homeless supplement purposes.


Where can services find more information on the specialised homeless base care tariff?

The Department of Health and Aged Care's website contains information on AN-ACC base care tariffs. This includes the specialised homeless base care tariff, such as eligibility requirements, questions, and answers.

See the Department of Health and Aged Care's website for more details.


For what period did the homeless supplement apply as an individual supplement?

The homeless supplement started on 1 October 2013 and ended on 1 October 2022 with the start of the AN-ACC funding model.


Who is eligible for the homeless supplement?

The Department of Health and Aged Care determines eligibility for the homeless supplement for residential aged care services.

Residential aged care services are eligible when all of the following criteria are met:

  • They have registered with the Department of Health and Aged Care for the expansion component of the viability supplement
  • They have more than half of all residents meeting the viability expansion component and homeless supplement assessment criteria
  • They send the AC024 form to Services Australia

Home care services are not eligible for the homeless supplement.

See the Department of Health and Aged Care - Subsidy for residential aged care.


Is there an application form for the homeless supplement?

Yes, aged care homes registered with the Department of Health and Aged Care for the homeless component of the Viability Supplement need to send the AC024 form to Services Australia.

Once pages 3 and 4 of the AC024 form has been processed by Services Australia, the aged care homes automatically receive the homeless supplement in addition to the funding provided by the Viability Supplement.

Aged care services must use the AC024 form to demonstrate the care recipient's eligibility for the homeless supplement on a day that is before 1 October 2022.

From 1 October 2022, residential aged care services must use the Department of Health and Aged Care's Specialised homeless base care tariff resident assessment form.

See the Department of Health and Aged Care - Subsidy for residential aged care for more details.


How much is the homeless supplement?

The Department of Health and Aged Care's website publishes current and historical rates of the homeless supplement.

See the Department of Health and Aged Care - Schedule of Subsidies and Supplements for Aged Care.


Where to seek answers for system related queries

For any system related questions that require further investigation, Service Officers will need to ensure the escalation process is actioned appropriately. See Tier 0 technical support - self-sufficiency for the escalation process.


Where can services find more information on the homeless supplement?

The Department of Health and Aged Care's website contains details on the homeless supplement that describes what the supplement is, eligibility and how to apply.

See the Department of Health and Aged care website for more policy details.

Contact details

Aged Care program

Services Australia website link