Aged care means assessment - home care post-entry 065-18082138
This document outlines the process for completing a home care means assessment after a care recipient has started receiving home care.
Post-entry home care means assessment
When a care recipient starts a home care package, the ACMPS:
- determines if Services Australia or the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) is responsible for completing the means assessment
transmits entry details only to the agency/department responsible for the means assessment.
From 12 October 2024 onwards, Process Direct receive all aged care entry and departure event notification instead of Customer First. Customer First received aged care event notification that occurred before 12 October 2024
All entry events for care recipients who started home care before 1 July 2019 are transmitted to Services Australia. If DVA is later found to be responsible for the means assessment, the means assessment is manually cancelled.
Means assessments
- Determine what fees the care recipient needs to pay for their home care package
- Only income is assessed
- The care recipient and nominee (if applicable) receive a letter with a summary of the income used to calculate the basic daily fee (BDF) and/or income tested care fee (ICTF) payable
- The Service Provider get a letter to advise of the basic daily fee (BDF) and/or income tested care fee (ICTF) they can charge the care recipient
Means assessments may be completed:
- as an automatic means assessment when:
- Customer First/Process Direct completes a means assessment automatically when an entry event is received for a current means tested income support recipient, and
- the required information is available in the system
- Note: a means assessment cannot complete automatically if there is a started RCA/HOM activity on the Activity List (AL) screen. This may occur if a care recipient lodges an Aged Care Calculation of your cost of care form before their entry into home care
- as a verbal means assessment
- by completing an Aged Care Calculation of your cost of care form
- as a paper form
To check if an application is needed, see Determining when an application for a calculation of your cost of care is required for home care in the Aged care means assessment.
Income from real estate and businesses
Home care recipients do not need to provide asset details for any real estate or business interests. However, they do need to provide details about:
- rental income received from real estate, including their principal home
- income received from a sole trader or partnership
Customer First should already have current income and assets details for real estate and businesses where the care recipient or their partner receive a means tested income support payment.
Income from private trusts and companies
Where a care recipient has an interest in a private trust and/or private company, they must provide:
- a completed:
- Private Trust form (MOD PT), and/or
- Private Company form (MOD PC)
- all supporting documentation
These documents are needed for referral to a Complex Assessment Officer (CAO).
The Resources page contains links to:
- forms
- letter templates, and
- Services Australia and Department of Health and Aged Care websites
Related links
Accepting information from and disclosing information to a Power of Attorney
Aged Care - Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC)
Aged care reviews - reassessments and updates
Aged care letters - creating manual letters
Aged care means assessment - preliminary checks
Aged care request for a nominee or executor
Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) - Care Recipient in Context (CRiC)
Adding or rejecting a nominee request
Assessing the Partner details (MOD P)
Assessing and coding real estate details
Indexing, re-indexing and cancelling claim activities
Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services
General notification provisions and exceptions
Identifying and making suitable referrals to the Complex Assessment Officer (CAO)
Income from boarders and lodgers
National Redress Scheme overview
Person Permitted to Enquire (PPE) or Update (PPU) authority