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Aged Care fees and charges – care subsidy reduction to zero 065-19103005

This document outlines the circumstances when a care recipient has their care subsidy reduction (CSR) set to zero. It provides information for when a manual letter can be issued to confirm CSR to zero.

Care subsidy reduction (CSR) to zero




Check if care recipient is still in care and determine start date + Read more ...

Confirm care details by checking Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP):

  • Locate care recipient record from Care Recipient search
  • Care recipient summary screen will display entry and departure for all care types
  • Care recipient > Event summary screen will display departure reasons

Is this care recipient currently in home or residential care?


Review period of care that CSR to zero applies + Read more ...

What period of care is the enquiry related to?

  • Current period of care:
    • Care recipient is still in care with the same provider, go to Step 3
  • Previous period of care:
    • Care recipient is no longer in care, go to Step 6
    • Care recipient is now in care with a new service provider, go to Step 6


Check if fees set for current care period + Read more ...

For residential care and home care, check ACSP – Fees and charges > Fees and charges details

Have home care/residential care fees been set for this care recipient?


Has a fee advice been issued for current care period + Read more ...

Check to see if the care recipient has been correctly notified of their care subsidy reduction:

  • ACMPS Communication History for home care and residential care recipients
  • ACMPS Notes tab – for home care and residential care
    • For residential care recipients, RC39 letters sent from ACMPS before 14 November 2015 qualify as fee advice as they contain the means tested fee
    • RC39 letters sent after this date do not contain a means tested fee. The care recipient has not been correctly notified of their fees
  • ACSP Correspondence > Letters summary for home care and residential care
  • ACSP Care recipient > Care recipient notes for home care and residential care
  • Customer First – Document Tools and Document List

Has the care recipient received advice of fees within 6 months of entry into care?

  • Yes,
    • CSR to zero does not apply for the current care period
    • For previous period of care, go to Step 6
    • Procedure ends here
  • No,


No fee advice issued and remains in care + Read more ...

When fees are set and advice issued to the care recipient more than 6 months after entry, the care recipient does not pay any ITF/MTCF from the date of entry until the day before the advice was issued. The care recipient is issued with an advice which states:

  • the period of $0 fees, and
  • the correct ongoing fees

These advices commenced automatic production in February 2019. For any CSR to zero period before this date a manual calculation may be required.

Action required:

  • Service Officers are to escalate to ICT via MySupport when:
    • fees have been set more than 6 months after entry into care
    • 7 days have elapsed, and
    • the fee advice has not been issued
  • Service Officers are to refer for further investigation when:
    • fees were set more than 6 months after entry into care, and
    • an incorrect advice was issued
    • create a Fast Note select Auto Text use Aged Care > Enquiry > Aged Care Man Adj Request Fees
  • Procedure ends here


Care recipient departed before approved provider receives fee advice + Read more ...

Fee advice must be sent prior to the departure date.

Check the following to decide whether an approved provider has been correctly notified:

  • ACMPS Communication History for home care and residential care recipients
  • ACMPS Notes tab – for home care and residential care
  • ACSP Correspondence > Letters summary for home care and residential care
  • ACSP Care recipient > Care recipient notes for home care and residential care
  • Customer First – Document Tools and Document List

Is the care recipient requesting a letter to confirm that they are eligible for CSR to Zero? (including where a care recipient transfers to another facility, has not passed away and requires a letter)

  • Yes,
    • Service Officers who complete Deceased Manual assessments, go to Step 8
    • to create a work item to refer to Deceased Manual assessment team, go to Step 7
  • No,
    • document outcome of investigation in Customer First and ACSP
    • procedure ends here

Note: Previously the fee advice must have been sent at least 7 days earlier than the departure date, where sent within 7 days of the departure, CSR to zero was applied.


Create a work item requesting a manual letter be issued + Read more ...

Creation and issue of a manual letter confirming CSR to zero is restricted to staff with the MANADJ or RCADEA skill tag.

  • Create a Fast Note. Select Auto Text use Aged Care > Enquiry > Aged Care Departed CR – Man Let Req
  • Procedure ends here


Issue manual CSR to zero letters + Read more ...

For Aged Care – Manual deceased assessment staff only

Care recipient is now departed from care. They require a manual letter advising that they do not have to pay any ITCF/MTCF for their time in care. Details of letter types are available in Aged care letter codes and descriptions.

Issue a manual letter for each entry into care where CSR to zero is to be applied:

  • Complete the relevant letter templates for advice to:
    • Care recipient and nominee if applicable – if not deceased
    • Estate of care recipient – if care recipient deceased
    • Service provider
  • Upload PDF copies to the Customer First record as Form Type: UNS005 – Financial
  • See Attaching electronic documents to a Centrelink customer's record using Document Upload in Customer First for assistance
  • On the letter PDF file, select the Print File icon
    • letter is sent to local printer
    • letter is then manually posted to required addressee


Document action taken + Read more ...

In Customer First for home care and residential care

Add a DOC via Auto Text in Fast Note:

  • Category 1: select Aged Care
  • Category 2: select Assessment
  • Template: select Aged Care – CSR to Zero – Granted
  • Text: add/edit information as indicated

In ACSP for home care

Go to  Care recipient  >  Care recipient notes:

  • Select Add note
  • Subject:  Correspondence
  • fee advice issued and uploaded to ACMPS DD/MM/YY S88(1)(b) applied for periods DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY for SVC <insert Service name and ID>, and DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY for SVC <insert Service name and ID>

In ACSP for residential care

Go to Care recipient > Care recipient notes:

  • Click on Add note
  • Subject: Correspondence
  • Add note including all relevant care periods if covering different providers: fee advice issued and uploaded to Customer First DD/MM/YY S39(1)(b) applied for periods
    • DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY for SVC <insert Service name and ID>
    • DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY for SVC <insert Service name and ID>

Procedure ends here