Online Carer and/or Close Relative Assessment 065-21050527
This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speaker phone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.
This document outlines how a carer or close relative can complete online claims for care recipients and how to confirm details.
Online aged care calculation of cost of care
Care recipients who complete an online aged care calculation of your cost of care application and own their home are asked if a carer and/or close relative lives with them. This does not include their partner. They need to provide the carer’s and/or close relative’s:
- name
- date of birth
- contact number
- nature of their relationship
At the end of their online application, instructions present for the care recipient’s carer or close relative to complete an online task including an Application ID and Temporary Access Code (TAC).
This is a ‘Supplementary Task’ the care recipient can still submit their application without providing this information within their online application. The care recipient must provide the Application ID and TAC to their carer or close relative so they can complete their assessment. Once the carer or close relative access the online assessment, they enter the Application ID and TAC details to complete the questions and upload required documents online. The carer or close relative are also given the opportunity to review the information they have provided before submitting the online task.
Assisted Customer Claim (ACC)
Service Officers can complete the claim by running the Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) with the care recipient or start the claim in ACC and encourage the care recipient to finish the claim online. When assisting care recipients to claim using ACC:
- By phone, the Service Officer can:
- advise the care recipient of the Application ID and Temporary Access Code (TAC) to give to their carer and/or close relative
- print and mail the carer and/or close relative assessment information page to the care recipient. Note: this will delay the claim finalisation process
- remind care recipients their application will expire after 13 weeks if the care recipient fails to submit their application
Assessing a carer and/or close relative as a protected person
A carer and/or close relative nominated as a protected person in an online application needs to provide more information. This is so a determination can be made to assess them as a protected person.
Services Australia (the agency) asks if they give consent to using their information to determine assets for calculating ‘your cost of care’. This occurs when the carer and/or close relative completes the ‘Supplementary Task’. This task can be completed via the following channels:
- online
- the Assisted Customer Claim (ACC), or
- the Aged Care Carer and/or close relative assessment (SA483) form
If they choose not to give their consent the agency cannot determine their protected person status. They go straight to review and submit the assessment.
If they state that they are receiving an Income Support Payment (ISP), they need to provide their Customer Reference Number (CRN). If the agency confirms this information, they go straight to review and submit.
If they are not receiving ISP, questions include:
- financial details to determine a notional entitlement to an ISP, and
- how long they have been living in the home to determine their eligibility as a protected person
They are also asked for verification.
For more information see Aged care means assessment - protected person.
Locating carer or close relative assessment
Once complete, an online Carer or Close Relative Assessment uploads as a PDF file to the online Aged Care Calculation of your cost of care. This is accessible in Documents on the care recipient’s record. The carer and/or close relative may also upload documents with their assessment. The care recipient will not be able to view these on their online account.
Alternative options for completing the Carer or Close Relative Assessment
If the carer and/or close relative is unable (or chooses not) to use online services, they can confirm their details:
- by completing an Aged Care Carer and/or close relative assessment (SA483) form. The care recipient must then upload the complete form using Upload documents, or
- verbally, if they are present at the time of contact. They can give verbal permission to access their Centrelink record but if more information is required they need to complete the SA483
Once this assessment is complete, update the task status in the online claims to Provided.
See Resources for links to the Services Australia privacy policy and online forms.
Related links
Aged care means assessment - protected persons
Online aged care calculation of your cost of care
Authenticating a Centrelink customer
Calling a customer or returning a customer's call
Inadvertent access and authorised access
Searching for a customer on the system