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Inter-environment Change of Address (ICoA) facility problem escalation process 102-03020070

This document outlines how to identify and refer an ICoA activity due to a problem.

Referring Inter-environment Change of Address (ICoA) activities for further action




Referral of non-standard ICoA procedures + Read more ...

In some cases, staff will need to refer ICoA activities to the Centrelink Payment Support Team (CPST) via mySupport. The Resources page contains a link to mySupport.

Can the Service Officer finalise the activity using standard procedures?


Seek help to finalise the activity + Read more ...

Staff should refer the problem to Local Peer Support (LPS) or a Service Support Officer (SSO).

Check the screens below for problems. Complete any action that is needed.

Note: transfers can be one of four status types.

In Process Direct:

  • Inter-environment transfer details (ICOA)

In Customer First:

  • Inter-Environment Transfer System Status (ITSS) screen. The transfer will not complete if:
    • the system shows that the gaining or losing environments are not available, or
    • if the payment system (for example PEN) is disabled
  • ICoA Log (ITLG) screen. This screen shows the status of the transfer. The screen may also show that there are edits that are preventing or delaying the transfer. Clear the edits in the ICoA activity
  • Edit List (ITED) screen. This screen shows any errors, warnings or messages that relate to the transfer of the record. Clear the edits in the ICoA activity
  • Display Inter-Environment transfer history edits (ITEH) screen. This screen will show a history of edits related to the transfer. These edits have been actioned or cleared. Identify the last edit cleared. This screen will not show current edits that still need clearing

Go to Step 3.


Identify cases that need to be referred + Read more ...

Refer the case to LPS or an SSO if there is still a problem with the transfer.

They will escalate to the CPST via mySupport.

Check the ITLG screen in Customer First shows:

  • An edit status of 'OK', and
  • The current edits are '0'

Allow 2 days for the record to transfer to the new environment.

Has the transfer occurred?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, these records may have an outstanding edit that is not displaying on the ITLG or ITED screen. Check the last edit cleared using the ITEH screen. The CPST will follow up on these cases to see if there are any edits in the background stopping the transfer. Go to Step 7


Transfer of customer or child record from one environment to the other + Read more ...

The ICOA screen in Process Direct and ITLG screen in Customer First in the gaining environment will show a transfer status of completed (COM).

Does the losing environment ICOA/ITLG screen show a transfer status of scheduled (SCH)?


Has an Abort/Bug screen appeared at any time during the ICoA activity? + Read more ...


Has an edit displayed that states 'Contact Applications Service Desk'? + Read more ...

  • Yes, report any problems or faults to the CPST via mySupport. This ensures that:
    • National Administration are made aware of any enhancements so they can make changes to the ICoA facility
    • they can include the most common problems, faults and workarounds in future bulletins
    • Go to Step 7
  • No, procedure ends here


Confirm the need for referral + Read more ...

Refer ICoA activity to the CPST via mySupport.

The Resources page contains a link to mySupport.

Make sure to include the following details:

  • Customer details
    • Customer Reference Number (CRN)
    • Name
    • Date of birth
  • Gaining and losing environments
  • status of the activity (for example, scheduled)
  • reason for the referral (for example, an Abort/Bug screen appears during processing)