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Inter-environment Change of Address (ICoA) facility edits 102-03020090

This document outlines assistance in dealing with the edits which occur and may prevent or delay the finalisation of an Inter-environment Change of Address (ICoA) activity. Edits indicate that there are situations which are preventing an ICoA transfer. Edits may be encountered by the user during the starting or scheduling of an ICoA or when monitoring a transfer.

On this page:

Edits impacting the finalisation of an ICoA activity

Clearing edits within the ICoA activity

Edits impacting the finalisation of an ICoA activity

Table 1:




Editing transfer failures + Read more ...

Edits are the way that the Inter-environment Change of Address (ICoA) facility indicates that there are situations which are preventing a transfer.

Edits may be encountered by the user during the starting/scheduling ICoA screen flow, or when monitoring a transfer.


Edits encountered in the starting/scheduling ICoA screen flow + Read more ...

When edits are encountered in the starting/scheduling ICoA screen flow, the user has the following options:

  • leaving (cancelling) the transfer screen flow as the edit indicates that the ICoA transfer should not have been started - for example, the customer is already scheduled for transfer
  • continuing the ICoA screen flow until the transfer is at scheduled status, then fixing the edits, and/or waiting until the edits automatically clear to allow the transfer to complete automatically, usually on the next day. Examples of activities that will complete automatically are:
    • activities in the background awaiting Batch 2 to transfer them to the History Activity List (HAL) screen with a status of HST, or
    • activities awaiting a payment strip
  • leaving (cancelling) the transfer screen flow after being shown the edits, adjusting the customer record to clear the edits, then starting a new transfer for the customer. This option should only be used if it is essential for the transfer to complete on the same day


A listing of the number of edits + Read more ...

In Process Direct, edits will display during transfer process on the Inter Environment Transfer (ICOA) screen.

In Customer First when monitoring a transfer, the ICOA Log Information (ITLG) screen will display the number of edits present for the transfer.

  • the Edit List (ITED) screen displays the edits and is viewed from both the transfer screen flow and when monitoring a transfer
  • when edits are displayed on the ITED screen the user can select edit message help to display information about what action, if any, needs to be taken. (Not all edits need user action. Some edits will clear without user action)


Types of edits categories + Read more ...

Edits fall into three categories:

  • edits that require some user action external to the ICoA process and do not prevent transfer, for example, a third party withholding
  • edits which require no user action (or which the user can do nothing about), but indicate that the transfer will be delayed, for example, for a payment strip
  • edits which require user intervention on the customer record before a transfer will be completed, for example, the customer or partner or child has outstanding activities


Common edits requiring user intervention + Read more ...

The most common edits that require user intervention are those where there are outstanding activities.

Outstanding activities can be found on the Activity List (AL) screen. Activities on this screen will need to be completed or deleted in the losing environment for the transfer to complete.

Note: any DOC recorded on a customer's record is an activity and must be completed/deleted and processed by Batch 2 before the transfer will occur.


Failed Inter-environment transfer + Read more ...

An Inter-environment transfer fails, with error code 'EO761T, Appeals Incomplete ODM Reconsideration exists', where the review officer reconsideration is bypassed at the customer's request.

Has the customer requested that the review officer reconsideration be bypassed?


Transferring a customer record to the gaining environment + Read more ...

Transfer the customer record to the gaining environment.

In Process Direct:

  • Key 'ICOA' in Super Key, select Enter
  • Select Request transfer
  • Select Gaining environment
  • Select Customer's new office code & gaining region
  • Edit children if required
  • Select Transfer
  • Go to Step 6

In Customer First:

  • Go to the APL system, 'S'elect the relevant record from the Case List (ACL) screen, and print its Modify Reconsideration (MR) screen
  • Change the Recons. Outcome: field from 'BYPASSED AT CUS REQ' to 'AFFIRMED', then complete the New Info Received: and Date Recons. Finalised: fields
  • Go to the ICOA/File Transfer system and complete the inter-environment transfer
  • Go to the APL system in the gaining environment and update the MR screen to reflect the information on the screen you printed at the first dot point above

See Step 1 in the Clearing edits within the ICoA activity table.

Clearing edits within the ICoA activity

Table 2:




How to clear edits + Read more ...

The following are common edits:

Note: #### is being used to represent either customer/partner/child the first time it is mentioned in the example messages below. It also represents activity or edit the second time it is mentioned in the example messages.

  • E041IT - #### has Outstanding ####, go to Step 2
  • E061IT - Customer single in losing Environment but married in gaining Environment, go to Step 3
  • E008DB - #### has a DMN recovery arrangement. This must be ceased, go to Step 4
  • E069IT - #### has a current #### benefit, go to Step 5


Outstanding activities + Read more ...

E041IT - #### has Outstanding ####:

  • the transfer will not occur while there are any outstanding activities for customer/partner/child in either the gaining or losing environment. Either complete or delete these activities in both environments.
  • these activities, once completed or deleted, will still need to be processed by Batch 2. The transfer could therefore take a further two or three days to complete
  • Hint - if the Debt Management System (DMN) activity showing on the XPDC screen in Customer First is more than a few days old and the withholdings have been credited to the debt. See Inter-environment Change of Address (ICoA) facility problem escalation process


Differing marital status in multiple environments + Read more ...

E061IT - Customer single in losing Environment but married in gaining Environment

  • if a customer has a previous (cancelled) record in the gaining environment and is linked to a partner, but has a current record in the losing environment as a single person, and is not reconciling, unlink the records in the gaining Environment before scheduling the transfer:
    • code the correct relationship status (single/separated) on the Marital Status (MS) screen
    • unlink partner via the Link Person (LP) screen
  • if the customer is reconciling with their previous partner, who also has a current record as a single person in the same losing environment, link the customers' records in the losing environment before scheduling the transfer:
    • code the correct relationship status (married) on the Marital Status (MS) screen
    • code PPE: field to 'N' unless verbal permission has been given
    • link partner via the Link Person (LP) screen
  • Hint: when a record with this edit is selected, the edit will disappear but will still be preventing the transfer. That is, when monitoring outstanding transfers with this edit, remember that as soon as the record is selected from the Display Scheduled Transfers (ITSC) screen, the edit will no longer be displayed. Therefore, there may be some transfers that appear to have no edits but will not transfer. See Inter-environment Change of Address (ICoA) facility problem escalation process


Recovery arrangements in DMIS + Read more ...

E008DB - #### has a DMN recovery arrangement. This must be ceased:

  • this edit occurs when there is already a current recovery arrangement in DMIS, for either the customer and/or partner, in the gaining environment. This arrangement must be ceased before the transfer can be completed. The arrangement that is transferred in from the losing environment will become the current recovery arrangement
  • this edit often occurs when the record has already transferred successfully but the user reschedules the transfer in error
  • check that the record has transferred in successfully for both customer and partner and then cancel the transfer


Existing benefit for customer + Read more ...

069IT - #### has a current #### benefit:

  • this edit occurs when either the customer or the partner has a current benefit
  • it usually occurs when a claim has been registered and payment has been made in the gaining environment before the record has transferred in from the losing environment
    • in these cases the user will need to cancel the payment in the gaining environment so that the record will transfer
    • however, record details in the gaining environment will be overwritten with the losing environment details once the record transfers - that is, any payment details made in the gaining environment, before the record transfers, will need to be recorded on a DOC after the record has transferred
  • Hint: do not register any new claims until the record has transferred otherwise data will be lost
  • this edit also occurs when the transfer has been scheduled twice in error and the record has already transferred successfully via the first scheduled transfer