Youth Allowance (YA) or ABSTUDY customer becomes partnered 102-05010040
Youth Allowance
Social Security Guide, 1.1.M.130, Member of a YA couple (YA)
Social Security Guide, 1.1.M.120, Member of a couple
Social Security Guide, 2.2.5, Verifying membership of a couple
Social Security Guide,, De facto relationships (YA & DSP)
Links to the ABSTUDY Policy Manual go to pdf and docx documents. Select the document and go to the reference(s) below.
- 39.1, Student or Australian Apprentice has a De Facto Partner
- 37.2.2, Reviewable independent status
-, Discretion to treat a person as not being a member of a couple for a special reason
- Glossary, Partner
- Glossary, Partnered
Links to the Federal Register of Legislation site go to a 'Series' page. Select the 'Latest' version.
- section 1067C, Member of a YA couple
- Note: open the Act and scroll/go down to 'if, at the time the relationship became a de facto relationship, the person and the partner were living in Australia...'(subsection (1)(b)(v) to access age of consent rules for Youth Allowance (YA).
- section 4, Family relationships definitions - couples
- subsection 2, Member of a couple - general
- subsection 3, Member of a couple - criteria for forming opinion about relationship
- subsection 6A, A person who has claimed youth allowance and is not independent
- section 24, Person may be treated as not being a member of a couple