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Change Child (CCH) screen 102-05050090

This document outlines information for Service Officers when updating data for a child (name, sex, date of birth, date of death and whether or not the child’s birth has been registered). Child details exist as a separate record and this record is linked to each customer caring for the child. Customers in different environments to the child record will have a ‘shadow’ child record.

Change Child (CCH) screen

This table describes the Change Child (CCH) screen and how it is updated to reflect the child's circumstances.




Change Child (CCH) screen + Read more ...

Both service centre and Smart Centre call staff may need to code the Change Child (CCH) screen. For example:

  • An incorrect date of birth must be verified before being corrected
  • Updating a child's gender
  • Correcting a child's gender
  • A statement may be needed before changing a child’s surname
  • Death of a Family Tax Benefit (FTB) child must be confirmed
  • A child may be known by another name (AKA) in cases such as shared care, change of care or foster children. For example, child is known as John Jones by one carer and John Smith-Jones by another. Where these names are known to Centrelink they should be recorded on the CCH screen as an AKA name type


Adding or updating details for a child + Read more ...

Before adding a child record, do a thorough search to check that no current record exists for the child.

For more information, see Linking a child to a customer’s record.

On the CCH screen, record name fields, gender and date of birth.

  • To code a child’s name, go to Item 3
  • To correct a child’s sex/gender, go to Item 4
  • To update a child's gender (Personalised Services staff only), go to Item 5

If acceptable proof of birth has been provided, code 'Y' in DOB Verified: field. Otherwise, code 'N'.

Birth registration: For Parents, code 'Y' if the customer has advised they have applied to register the birth or code 'N' if they have advised they have not registered. Code 'NRE' if this is not required, for example, customer and partner are not the child's natural parents, child born overseas, or the child was stillborn. For more information, see Pre-processing checks for standalone and combined claims for family assistance and/or Paid Parental Leave payments.

If the child was stillborn or has died since birth, go to Item 6.


Changing or adding a child’s name + Read more ...

A child aged under 18 years old cannot change their name on their own.

If parents have separated or divorced, the consent of both parents is required, or one parent may obtain a court order in lieu of the other parent's consent.

For ex-nuptial children, if the child's last name is the same as the:

  • mother’s last name, there is no restriction on the mother changing the child's name
  • father’s last name, his written consent or a court order is required for the last name to be changed

If parents adopt a child and wish to change the child's name, different procedures apply. See Changing the Legal name of customers or their children.

An unnamed newborn is recorded with the given name of 'Newborn' until the customer advises the chosen name. The new name can then be updated without verification. 'Newborn' must then be listed as an AKA (also known as) name.

Child with single name - where the child has only one name for example, Sampson, duplicate the name in both first name and surname fields. This makes sure the current system function can pull the appropriate information for letters and online processes for the child.

To code the name type on the system

In Customer First code the name type in the Name Type: field:

  • 'LGL' (Legal). This will be the name displayed and used by Centrelink. Only one legal name can be held on the child's record at any one time, historical names remain on the record. There is no limit on the number of other names types the customer can have, other than a combined limit of ten (current) names per child
  • 'AKA' (Also Known As). An 'also known as' or 'alias' name for the child will be added to the database after 'I'nserting and then confirming details. AKA names will not display on the CHS screen, the latest LGL name will always default and display. Use of the AKA name type should make sure that the one child Customer Reference Number (CRN) will be located when searching various names for the child. This should prevent multiple CRNs being created
  • If the child is known as Junior (Jnr) and this is not their registered legal name, the name can be recorded as an alias/also known as (AKA) on the child's record; example John Person Jnr
  • Complete relevant name fields. Alpha or numeric characters, blanks, hyphens and apostrophes are all valid values. A blank, hyphen or apostrophe cannot be used as the first character in the surname

Complete Source: DOR: and Action: fields.

Event Date will default to today’s date once the activity is finalised.

Finalise Activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen and record details on a DOC.


Correcting a child’s gender + Read more ...

There may be cases where the gender of the child was incorrectly recorded when the child was originally added to the customer’s record. Check the customer’s record for conflicting information. For example, DOCs that confirm the child’s sex.

If it is clear that the gender of the child was coded incorrectly, correct the details in Customer First on the Change Child (CCH) screen:

  • Update the gender in the Gender field
  • Complete Source: and DOR: fields
  • Update Action: to 'I'
  • Finalise and DOC the activity

Note: current system edits may prevent corrections to the Gender field on the CCH screen. If the error E058CH - Action is ‘I’ or ‘C’ and appears when attempting to update this field, apply the following workaround:

  • Update to the child’s Middle Name by adding the letter ‘X’. Progress to the AR screen and DO NOT finalise the activity. Return to the CHS screen and correct the Middle Name by removing the letter ‘X

Procedure ends here.


Updating a child’s gender + Read more ...

For Personalised Services staff

In Customer First, select the child from the CHS screen and go to the Change Child (CCH) screen:

  • Update the gender in the Gender field
  • Complete Source: and DOR: fields
  • Finalise and DOC the activity. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use > Generic > Update > Advice of change to gender – Child

Procedure ends here.


Death of child + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.pngThe child’s death must be confirmed.

For more information, see Death of a family assistance or Paid Parental Leave scheme child.

In Customer First, code the date of death for the child in the Death Date: field

For a stillborn child, code 'STL' in Reason: field. Then code Gestation period: and Weight: fields that will display, per proof of birth from hospital/midwife (if only one of these has been provided and it meets the requirement, there is no need to follow up the extra information - code '0' for the information not provided). See Processing Stillborn Baby Payment (SBP) claims

Code Source: and DOR: fields and press [Enter]

The FTB Child Bereavement Assistance Delivery Option (FBRV) screen will display when [Enter] is pressed (unless STL has been coded)