Child Miscellaneous Circumstances (CHM) screen 102-05050110
This document outlines how to update, correct or delete miscellaneous circumstances on a child's Centrelink record.
Updating the CHM screen
Step |
Action |
1 |
Updating the Child Miscellaneous Circumstances (CHM) screen + Read more ... Use the CHM screen to record details for a dependent child for family assistance and Parenting Payment (PP) purposes.
When valid values are entered for an event date, the value will display on that line as unprotected data and can be corrected or deleted. As new details are entered for new event dates, previous details will display on the new lines and will be protected. This means that all applicable details will display on the line with the most recent event date. Data can only be corrected or deleted on the line where it is unprotected (the line that has the relevant event date). |
2 |
Adopted child + Read more ... This field indicates whether a customer is eligible for family assistance or Paid Parental Leave scheme payments for a child entrusted into care as part of the adoption process. A new child record should be created for an adopted child if the child was not previously known to the customer or linked on the customer's record, even if a record exists for the child. This is for privacy reasons. For information about this and other privacy measures that must be followed, for example, renaming the current child record, see Pre-processing checks for standalone and combined claims for family assistance and/or Paid Parental Leave payments and/or Claiming payments for children entrusted to care as part of the process of adoption or surrogacy.
If a Double Orphan Pension (DOP) child is keyed as adopted, check that the Child Double Orphan Pension (CHDP) screen also reflects this. |
3 |
Foster Child FAO + Read more ... This field indicates whether the child is a foster child and therefore may qualify for a Health Care Card (HCC) to be issued in the child's name to the foster carers who receive FTB, but do not qualify for an automatic HCC through their FTB. See Foster Child Health Care Card (FST). Key 'Y'es for family assistance and HCC purposes if the child is considered a foster child of the customer. |
4 |
Principal Carer Type + Read more ... Use this field to record and display the relationship between the child and the principal carer for PP, JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (YA) and Special Benefit (SpB). Key the correct option from the list below. For example, if 'FOS' is keyed, this may automatically create a non-biological parent exemption for child support.
An exemption from mutual obligation requirements may be granted where a principal carer is a registered and active foster carer. For further information, see: |
5 |
DOP Savings Provision + Read more ... This field indicates that the customer may be entitled to the Double Orphan Pension (DOP) savings provision. Note: this field was also previously used to record entitlement to the Child Disability Allowance (CDA) savings provision. |
6 |
DOP Student Savings Provision + Read more ... This field will indicate that Double Orphan Pension (DOP) can be paid for a student who receives Youth Allowance (YA). DOP can be paid for a student who receives YA, and before 1 July 1998:
If the student qualifies in this category, DOP is payable until the student turns 22, is no longer entitled to YA, or ceases full-time study, whichever occurs first. |