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Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) student becomes incapacitated 102-07020120

This document outlines the effect on a customer's entitlement to Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) payment if they become incapacitated.

PES student advises they are incapacitated




Advice of incapacity + Read more ...

A student, in receipt of a current Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) advises they are incapacitated.


Enrolment in a course + Read more ...

Has the student advised they are not enrolled in a course they were intending to commence in the next available study period?


Enrolment in course of study + Read more ...

Is the student still enrolled in their course of study?


Enrolled in at 75% of study load + Read more ...

Is the student currently enrolled in at least 75% of the normal amount of full-time study?


Currently enrolled in at least 75% of the normal amount of full-time study + Read more ...

The student can qualify for PES as long as they remain enrolled and will finish their course within the allowable time for that course.

If there is any doubt as to whether the student is still enrolled or is making satisfactory progress, the student may be asked to provide proof of their enrolment and/or a letter from their educational institution. The letter must state the incapacity does not have any impact on the student’s ability to complete the course within the allowable time (that is, the student can make up any course work missed).

Note: a student can remain enrolled and be making satisfactory progress whilst incapacitated. For example, the student may be unable to attend classes for a short period of time but can make up the course work missed upon their return.

Advise the student to notify Services Australia within 14 days if their circumstances change.

Record details of decision and discussion with the student on a DOC.

Procedure ends here.


Check whether the student qualifies for a 25% study load concession + Read more ...

The student may continue to receive PES if they qualify under the 25% study load concession.


Student is not qualified for PES + Read more ...

As the student is no longer enrolled in a course of study, they are not qualified for PES.

Update the education details for the PES student.

Code 'ISS' in the Sys: field and 'SVPES' (PES) in the Nxt: field.

Update the record as follows:

  • ensure the Enrolment Verification: field on the Education Course (EDC) screen is displaying as 'VER' (verification provided)
  • end the course of study on the EDC screen and Education Course History (EDCH) screen if this has not already been done

Did the customer contact within 14 days from the date they were no longer enrolled in the course?

  • Yes, go to Step 8
  • No, navigate to the Assessment Results (AR) screen as the payments will cancel from the correct date based on the coding undertaking on the EDCH screen. Go to Step 12


Customer contacted within 14 days of the event date + Read more ...

(the date their enrolment ceased in the course) and the date the Service Officer is actioning the:

  • record is in the same entitlement period in which the customer's enrolment ceased, go to Step 9
  • change of circumstances is in the entitlement period following the entitlement period in which the customer's enrolment ceased, go to Step 10
  • change in circumstances is not in the entitlement period following the entitlement period in which the customer's enrolment ceased, go to Step 11


The record is actioned in the same entitlement period in which the event occurred + Read more ...

The customer has notified within 14 days from the date of event and the date the Service Officer is actioning the record is in the same entitlement period in which the date of event is.

Navigate to the Assessment Results (AR) screen as the payments will cancel from the correct date based on the coding undertaken on the EDCH screen.

Go to Step 12.


The record is actioned in the entitlement period following the one in which the event occurred + Read more ...

The customer has notified within 14 days from the date of event and the date the Service Officer is actioning the change of circumstances is in the entitlement period following the entitlement period in which the date of event was.

Cancel payment on the Benefit Action (BA) screen using code 'NAS' - not a student with a date of effect as the Entitlement Period End Date (EPED) + 1 of the entitlement period in which the date of event occurred.

Also, navigate back to the EDCH screen and change the Student End Date: field to the same date as the EPED of the entitlement period that the customer ceased study in.

The Entitlement period or any other comments must not be recorded in the Comments field. Information recorded in the Comments field will be displayed to customers when using the My Details > Manage study details menu option in online service. Any additional comments must be recorded in a DOC.

Go to Step 12.


The record is actioned in or after the second entitlement period following the date of event + Read more ...

The customer has notified within 14 days from the date of event but the date the Service Officer is actioning the change in circumstances is not in the entitlement period following the entitlement period in which the date of event was.

Payment is to be cancelled on the day after the end of the 14 day notification period.

Access the PES screens by typing 'SVPES', or the AIC screen by typing 'SVAIC' in the Nxt: field in the ISS system and pressing [Enter].

Go to the Benefits Action (BA) screen.

Complete the relevant fields:

  • Code 'EPF' for PES, 'EPA' for ABSTUDY PES or 'EIC' for AIC PES in the Svc Rsn field
  • Code 'CAN' in the Action field
  • Use 'NAS' - not a student field help via the arrow drop down box in the Reason field.
    Note: for ABSTUDY PES customers cancelling payments to transfer to PES to access Education Entry Payment (EdEP), code 'OTH'
  • Enter the date of effect as the day after the 14 day notification period in the Effect Date field
  • Enter the reason for the cancellation in the Notes field
  • Navigate to the EDCH screen and change the Student End Date: field to the last day of the 14 day notification period
  • Complete the Source: and DOR fields and press [Enter]

Record details in a DOC.


Document decision + Read more ...

Document in the Notes: field that the student has ceased enrolment in the course and is no longer eligible for PES.

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.pngService Centre staff: Determine if the customer has incurred a debt for failing to notify of ceasing their enrolment, see:

Record details of the decision to cancel and any other action taken on a DOC.