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Commencement of full-time work for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme students 102-07030030

This page contains the process to follow when a student for whom Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) is being paid starts full-time work.

Reassessing AIC entitlement when a student commences full-time work

Lookup local Processing Service details for: Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC).




Study details + Read more ...

A student for whom Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) is paid is commencing full-time work.

Did they discontinue full-time study before the end of the academic year?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, advise the AIC applicant that entitlement will continue to 31 December. Procedure ends here


Payment ceases + Read more ...

Advise the AIC applicant that their AIC entitlement ceases on the day the student last undertook full-time study.


  • AIC Smart Centre staff, go to Step 3
  • all other, Service Officers send a Fast Note to the AIC Smart Centre. Select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > AIC > AIC update action required with the education end date details and any other relevant information. Procedure ends here


Check Date Paid To + Read more ...

If the customers Date Paid To (DPT) on AIC is:


Cancelling payments + Read more ...

Go to Education Course Details (EDC) screen.

  • Update Student End Date, with last day of study

The system will then automatically cancel the student's payment from the date study ceased. Any arrears of AIC due will be paid to the applicant.

Go to Step 7.


Code the details + Read more ...

Go to Education Course Details (EDC) screen.

  • Update Student End Date, with last day of study

The system will automatically cancel the student's payment from the date study ceased.


Follow up any debt that may have occurred + Read more ...

Note: the applicant record will show if the study update has resulted in a negative adjustment. See Raising debts for students and Australian Apprentices.


DYRSUMM screen + Read more ...

Check the Dependent Youth Rate Summary (!DYRSUMM) screen in Customer First, or DYRSUMM in Process Direct.

The DYRSUMM screen will display both Active Sibling Information (those siblings which are part of the family pool) and Other Sibling Information (those siblings not considered to be in the family pool).

If Additional Boarding Allowance (ABA) was payable, cancellation of AIC ABA will result in the student's removal from the family pool that may have an impact on siblings' rate or entitlement.

Changes made to the student record may affect other sibling's payments if the student has dependent siblings receiving:

  • ABSTUDY Living Allowance and/or School Fees Allowance Group 2 (means tested component), or
  • Youth Allowance (YA)


Recording details + Read more ...

Record details on a DOC with:

  • study end date
  • any other action taken (if payment has been cancelled)