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Suspension of payments of Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme 102-10030040

This document outlines whether AIC Scheme payments should be suspended, and the processes for manually coding a suspension.

Look up local Processing Service details for: Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC).

On this page:

First check if suspension action can be taken

Suspending AIC

Actions after manual suspension - in all cases/for all payments

First check if suspension action can be taken

Table 1




Letters returned + Read more ...

Have letters been returned 'return to sender - no longer at this address'?


Customer contacts after suspension of payment + Read more ...

Has the customer contacted about a payment that has already been suspended?


Reason for suspension + Read more ...

Payments may be suspended if a customer is temporarily not qualified for payment or the payment is not payable as a result of:

  • changes in their circumstances
  • failure to comply with the requirements for payment, or
  • information is required to ensure that payments are directed correctly (such as a valid address or bank account details)

Is it appropriate to consider suspending payment?


Customer contact + Read more ...

Payments must not be suspended if:

  • it is merely suspected that a customer is no longer eligible for payment
  • they have unverified information (for example, a tip-off) which suggests a customer may not be eligible

Regardless of how significant the evidence that may be available, the customer must be asked to provide information, because a definitive outcome cannot be determined without giving individuals the opportunity to address adverse information.

Have the customer and correspondence nominee been issued with an appropriate request for information/action?


Request information + Read more ...

Issue a written request for the required information. See Requesting information (CLK).

Procedure ends here until the information has been provided and or the review for the return of information has matured.


Response/non-response to request for information + Read more ...

Has the customer responded to the request for information/action within the reasonable timeframe allowed?


Customer has not responded to request + Read more ...

If a manual review activity falls due and the customer has not responded to the request for information, determine if special circumstances (such as vulnerability indicators) exist to warrant an extension of time to respond.

Do special circumstances exist?

  • Yes, resubmit the request for information. DOC reason for extension including special circumstances. Set a new review date. Procedure ends here until response is received or new review date is reached
  • No, the customer has failed to reply to correspondence, see Step 1 in Table


Customer responds to request for information, update record + Read more ...

Update the customer's record with the information provided. If the customer's circumstances preclude payment, payment will be automatically suspended or cancelled. If income affects payments, rate of payment or Working Credit balance may change.

Record a DOC on the customer's record as per Getting it Right (GIR) DOC Minimum Standards.

Procedure ends here.

Suspending AIC

Table 2




Decision to suspend payment + Read more ...

Payments must only be suspended when:

  • there is sufficient evidence that the customer is not qualified for the payment or the payment is not payable
  • the period of ineligibility is expected to be for a short time or where there is reason to believe non-compliance with any legislative issues will be resolved
  • all required actions before considering suspension (information requested, genuine attempts have been made to contact the customer) have been completed

Is the decision to suspend the payment correct?


Suspend payment + Read more ...

Update the customer record with relevant information to enable to system to make an automatic determination where possible. See Codes for AIC Scheme cancellation, suspension and rejection reasons. If a manual suspension is required:

In the customer's record:

  • Go to the BA screen and code the following fields:
    • Enter the type of benefit in the Svc Rsn: field
    • Enter the action to be taken in the Action: field
    • Enter the suspension reason in the Reason: field. For the appropriate code see Cancellation, suspension and rejection reason codes (CLK) or use field help ('?') for valid codes
    • Enter the date of effect will default or enter the date of effect of the suspension in the Effect Date: field. See Suspension of payments (CLK)
    • Complete footer details, Source: field and date of receipt in the DOR: field
  • Include the following details in a DOC (where relevant):
    • Decision made, payment type and Act/Guide reference upon which decision was based, see Online Document Recording (ODR)
    • Date of effect of decision
    • Reasons for decision, including why the person was not qualified or why the payment is not payable
    • Follow up action required on contact:
    • If contact with the assessing Service Officer is required before restoration can take place or whether Smart Centre Telephony staff may restore the payment
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen:
    • If the suspension code of Other ('OTH') was used, inhibit the automatic suspension letter in the Actions section prior to finalising the activity
    • Finalise the activity

Note: check if the applicant has any other students to whom this suspension reason would apply, and follow these procedures for those students as well.

See Step 1 in Table 3.

Actions after manual suspension - in all cases/for all payments

Table 3




Send manual advice + Read more ...

Where a manual Q134 letter is required following the suspension activity, a Manual Follow Up (MFU) activity will be generated, usually overnight, and allocated by Workload Manager (WLM) for action.

Has a manual suspension letter already been issued to the customer at the time of suspension?

  • Yes, finalise the MFU and go to Step 2
  • No, send a manual letter. Select the MFU from the Activity List (AL) screen and manually issue a Q134 letter to the customer. The letter must include the following information:
    • payment type
    • decision
    • date of effect of the decision
    • a clear explanation of the reason for the decision
    • a clear explanation of what they must do to have their payment restored and the consequences for not doing this (for example payment will be cancelled)
    • a reasonable timeframe to take required action to avoid cancellation
    • their review and appeal rights
    • the relevant section of the legislation under which the decision was made


Set up review + Read more ...

If the payment is suspended manually, in Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason: EIS
  • Review Reason: REV (Manual Review)
  • Due Date: 13 weeks after date of suspension
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today's date
  • Notes: 'AIC suspended xx/xx/xxxx. Check if customer qualifies for the payment and the payment is payable. Return to OB 102-10030040 for action.'
  • Keywords: REVAIC
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer to Region: leave blank

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

Update the DOC on the customer record with the date the review falls due.

Procedure ends here.


Person contacts due to suspension, or review date is reached + Read more ...

Reviews will allocate to skilled staff upon expiry.

If the review due date has been reached, or if a customer contacts regarding their suspension, check the DOC recorded with suspension and ascertain if the customer:

  • has already complied with the action required or whether they can do so now
  • is not required to supply documentation and/or
  • does not need to attend the service centre and that the payment is one which is able to be restored

Does the customer meet all of the above criteria and is eligible for payment?

  • Yes, and there is no note on a DOC to prevent restoration, restore payment. If the Service Officer is unable to restore the payment, create a Fast Note - select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY and Apprentices > AIC > AIC update action required
  • No, create a Fast Note - select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY and Apprentices > AIC > AIC update action required