Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP) customer and/or child going overseas 102-11200000
Contact details
Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for staff
Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for customers (dept.local)
Services Australia website
Payments while outside Australia
How to manage your PBS medicine overseas
PPP customer going overseas scenarios
Example |
Description |
1 |
PPP and Disability Support Pension (DSP) couple going overseas temporarily + Read more ... Jack and Diane are travelling to Honduras temporarily. Diane receives PPP and is not subject to a Job Plan. Diane also receives Rent Assistance (RA), Pharmaceutical Allowance (PhA), and Telephone Allowance (TAL). Jack receives RA and Pension Supplement. They will continue to pay rent on the flat while outside Australia. Diane's PPP is portable for 6 weeks. RA, PhA and TAL will be paid for 6 weeks until the PPP cancels. Unless other DSP portability provisions apply, Jack's DSP is portable for 4 weeks after which payment (including add-on payments) will cease. |
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Departure to live overseas + Read more ... Dave and Grace are departing to live in Africa and receive Age Pension and PPP. Age Pension can be paid indefinitely. Add-ons cease on departure, except the Pension Supplement Basic Amount. Grace's PPP will cancel on departure. |
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Age Pension and PPP couple had returned from being overseas for 7 months and depart within 6 weeks + Read more ... Howard and Marion, who receive Age Pension and PPP respectively, have been in Canada temporarily for 7 months. Marion’s PPP suspended after 6 weeks absence and cancelled after a further 13 weeks. Marion returned to Australia on 3 February and re-applied for payment, which was granted. They then decided to spend a further 6 months outside Australia and left on 14 March. As Marion departed within 6 weeks of returning to Australia, after having lost payability for portability reasons for her previous departure, PPP is not portable at all. Therefore, the payment will cancel on departure. Howard's Age Pension will continue as there are no 'return' rules for Age Pension. |
4 |
PPS customer cancelled for portability reasons claims PPP and departs within 6 weeks + Read more ... Katie was receiving Parenting Payment Single (PPS) and travelled to the United Kingdom (UK) temporarily for 3 months. PPS suspended after 6 weeks absence and cancelled 13 weeks later. Katie returned to Australia on 15 October, married Fred, an Age pensioner, then claimed and was granted PPP. On 15 November, they travelled to the UK for 3 months. Although Katie has changed payment type from PPS to PPP, the payment remains affected by Parenting Payment return rules. As Katie departed less than 6 weeks after returning to Australia, after having lost parenting payment payability for portability reasons for her previous departure, PPP is not portable at all and payment will cancel on departure. |
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PPP customer advises attendance at a Defence Force training camp outside Australia + Read more ... Bridget is in the Australian Army Reserves and advises she is going outside Australia to attend a training camp for the Reserves. Bridget provides a copy of a letter advising details about the camp from the camp commandant. Bridget will be absent outside Australia for 8 weeks. If a customer’s reason for travel outside Australia meets the initial criteria for an approved reason, refer the case to Centrelink International Services (CIS) for further coding and confirmation. PPP is payable for the full period even though Bridget will be outside Australia for more than 6 weeks. |
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PP child going overseas for greater than 6 weeks + Read more ... Lisa, a PPP customer has 1 dependent child Jason. Jason is leaving Australia temporarily, on 8 December to visit family in Scotland. Lisa is remaining in Australia. Lisa's PPP can be paid for the maximum portability period of up to 6 weeks from Jason's date of departure from Australia, then PPP will stop. Lisa later contacts the agency advising of plans to travel to Scotland to join Jason. Lisa plans to leave Australia on 30 December. As Lisa still qualifies for PPP on the date of departure and will continue to be the child’s principal carer by joining Jason overseas, PPP can continue to be paid for a maximum portability period of up to 6 weeks from the date of departure from Australia. If Lisa and Jason do not return to Australia by the end of the maximum portability period, PPP will stop. |
7 |
Previous child absence from Australia results in return rules being applied + Read more ... Kelly, a PPP customer, travelled outside Australia with only child Sophie for 8 weeks. PPP was paid for the maximum portability period of 6 weeks and then suspended. PPP was restored when they returned to Australia on December 3. Kelly contacted the agency advising Sophie was travelling to New Zealand for 2 weeks with another family member to visit family for Christmas from December 20. Kelly is remaining in Australia. As Sophie's departure from Australia is less than 6 weeks since the last return to Australia and the previous absence was greater than 6 weeks, Kelly's PPP will suspend from the date Sophie departs Australia again for reason 'OAC' (Child returned overseas again). |