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Reissuing annual Financial Supplement Loan (FSL) statements 102-15010070

The Student Financial Supplement Scheme (SFSS) closed from 1 January 2004. Since December 2005 all outstanding Financial Supplement Loans (FSL) have been transferred to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for recovery.

This page contains information in relation to reissuing Financial Supplement Loan statements to customers.

Reissuing annual FSL statements




Customer contacts + Read more ...

Customer contacts about a Financial Supplement Loan (FSL) statement

Advise the customer of the following:

  • No statements have been issued by Services Australia since the end of the contract period in December 2005
  • If the FSL had already been repaid in full no further Supplement Statements would have be sent to them. The customer should have received a statement showing a zero balance in the June following when they had fully the repaid the loan. In following years they would not have received a statement

If the customer requests more information about the details of their FSL loan, the Service Officer can contact the Student Programs Team.

The Student Programs Team can arrange to have copies of the original loan contract and transaction history sent to the customer.

Note: the Student Programs Team is for internal use only and contact details must not be given to customers.


Information about an outstanding loan + Read more ...

If the customer is requesting information about an outstanding loan they should be referred to the ATO. Advise the customer to visit the ATO website.

Note: the final balance on all outstanding loans will show as zero on the Centrelink system. This does not mean that the loan has been zeroed off, just that the balance has now been transferred to the ATO for recovery through the taxation system.


Recording details of advice given + Read more ...

Record details of advice given and any action taken, on a DOC.