Effect on Income Management when payment is suspended, on zero rate, cancelled, or an Unemployment Non-Payment Period applied 103-01050080
Social Security Guide, 11.3, Child Protection Measure
Social Security Guide, 11.4, Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipients Measure
Social Security Guide, 11.5, Disengaged Youth Measure
Social Security Guide, 11.6, Long-term Welfare payment Recipients Measure
Social Security Guide, 11.7, Voluntary Income Management
Links to the Federal Register of Legislation site go to a 'Series' page. Select the 'Latest' version.
Social Security (Administration) Act 1999
- section 123UA, Persons subject to the income management regime
- Subdivision D - Voluntary income management agreements
For the Family Responsibilities Commission (FRC) Act used by the FRC for the Cape York Initiative, see Family Responsibilities Commission Act 2008