Customer requests Centrepay account statement 103-09030010
This document outlines how to view and print Centrepay account statements.
Centrepay statements
There are 2 types of statements available for Centrepay deductions:
- Account statement - Centrepay deductions listed by business, service reason and payment, for a period of up to 3 years' history (per statement)
- Deduction statement - snapshot of all deduction details, including non-Centrepay deductions
Customers can use their online account or Express Plus Centrelink mobile app to view their deduction history for up to the last 15 months (the current search limit online).
If the customer requires a written statement, they can receive deduction details for the previous periods by requesting a Centrepay account statement from a Service Centre or Smart Centre. The period the statement covers is determined by the date range entered. The maximum period per statement is 3 years. If the customer requires details greater than 3 years, they must request a separate Centrepay account statement for a different period.
If the customer requires further years of information, see the Process page for instructions.
Note: Centrepay does not handle government housing and Child Support deductions. The customer needs to request these statements directly from the appropriate state or territory housing authority or the Child Support Agency.
Account statement
The account statement will show payments made to a particular Centrepay business for up to 3 years, including the total amount of deductions sent. Each statement contains details of deductions to a business from one payment type for one service reason.
The customer will need to request multiple statements if they are making deductions from multiple payment types, or for periods greater than 3 years.
The account statement is available through the customer's Centrelink online letters when requested through the smart centre or service centre and can be obtained directly from a service centre, or mailed to the customer if they contact the smart centre.
Customers can obtain an Account statement by:
- attending a service centre, or
- calling a smart centre
If a customer attends a service centre, the account statement can be printed locally and provided to the customer. Alternatively, smart centre or service centre officers can select to print the account statement centrally, which will issue by mail or deliver the statement to Centrelink online letters (if the customer is subscribed).
Deduction statement
A deduction statement is available for customers to track all their deductions (including Centrepay deductions). It provides details of the customer's next regular payment/s they are due to receive, the amounts being deducted from the payment/s, and the balance remaining.
Customers can obtain a Deduction statement by:
using their
online account
using the
Express Plus Centrelink mobile app
- using phone self service
- attending a Service Centre, or
- calling a Smart Centre
The Resources page contains links to Centrepay information on the Services Australia website.