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Recording an end date or target amount on a Centrepay deduction 103-09030060

This page contains instructions for how to add, change or remove an end date, and how to record target amounts on Centrepay deductions.

On this page:

Add, change or remove an end date for a Centrepay deduction

Recording target amounts on Centrepay deductions

Add, change or remove an end date for a Centrepay deduction

Table 1: This table describes how to manually add, change or remove an end date for a Centrepay deduction. Note: manual processing should only be used if the Centrepay Guided Procedure or Centrepay workflow are unavailable.




Add, change or remove an end date on a Centrepay deduction + Read more ...

A customer advises they wish to add, change or remove an end date on a Centrepay deduction. Customers can advise via their online account, using their Express Plus mobile app, over the phone, in person, or by requesting the Centrepay business make the deduction update on their behalf.

Note: an end date cannot be added if there is a target amount already in place.

Check nominee status

  • In Customer First, navigate to Workspace and select Nominee Information from the Personal heading, or in Customer Record, go to the Nominee Link Summary (NOLS) screen
  • Select the nominee. If an involuntary nominee arrangement exists, the Basis for Arrangement field will display as involuntary in the nominee’s record on the Nominee Task Selector (NOTS) screen
  • If the basis field is blank, select Nominee Relationship Summary (NORS)
  • If an involuntary court appointed nominee arrangement is in place, the Reason field will display as either court (CRT) or Power of Attorney Involuntary (PAI)

Does the customer have an involuntary nominee arrangement?


Involuntary nominee arrangement exists + Read more ...

If the customer has an involuntary nominee arrangement, an end date can only be added, changed or removed with the nominee's permission.

Has the nominee approved the end date?

Contact the nominee

Contact the nominee (by phone) to obtain approval to commence updating the end date. Contact details can be found in the nominee’s record:

  • If the nominee is an individual, navigate to Workspace>Contacts, Accommodation & Rent and select Telecommunication Details
  • If the nominee is an organisation, navigate to the Organisation Contact Summary (OSCS) screen. Select the radio button on the listed contact person and open the Contact Phone heading to display the phone number

Contact with nominee successful

Does the nominee approve the end date?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No,
    • advise the customer the request has not been approved by the nominee
    • record details of the contact on a DOC. Include the name of the officer from the nominee's organisation with whom contact was made. Procedure ends here

Contact with nominee unsuccessful

  • Advise the customer contact was not able to be made with the nominee and the end date is unable to be coded without nominee approval. Advise the customer they must follow up directly with their nominee
  • Record details of the contact on a DOC. Include the name of the officer from the nominee's organisation with whom contact was made or attempted

Procedure ends here.


Is the end date within the next 12 months? + Read more ...

  • No, advise the customer the end date must be within the next 12 months
  • Yes,
    • run the Centrepay Guided Procedure or Centrepay workflow, then select ‘Vary Details’ to add, change or remove the end date. Procedure ends here
    • if unavailable, proceed to manual processing. Go to Step 4

To cancel the deduction immediately see Starting, changing and cancelling a Centrepay deduction at the request of a customer. Procedure ends here.


Check if the deduction already has an end date via PINS screen + Read more ...

To identify if an existing deduction has an end date, go to the Payment Instruction Summary (PINS) screen. The PINS screen lists all current and future deductions for the customer. If the customer has future deductions these will appear under the heading ‘Future’

To identify a future change to a current deduction:

  • Check the FUT ACT column. It will have a 'Y' displayed to indicate a future change to the current deduction
  • 'S'elect the current or future deduction as required. Press [Enter]

The Payment Instruction Direct Deduction (PIDD) screen will be presented.

Does the Centrepay deduction already have an end date?


Add a new end date to a current Centrepay deduction + Read more ...

To end a current Centrepay deduction at a date in the future, an end date must be added to the deduction. Select the current deduction from the Payment Instruction Summary (PINS) screen and key the following fields:

  • Start Date: key today's date
  • End Date: key the future date from which the cancellation is to take effect
  • Instruction Amount $: leave as current amount
  • Change reason: key 'CIR' (customer request CSC) or 'CWR' (Customer request Call Centre)'
  • key Source:, DOR: and Action: key ‘I’ for Insert
  • press [Enter]

Go to Step 8.


Add a new end date for a future Centrepay deduction + Read more ...

Select the future deduction from the PINS screen under the ‘Future’ heading and key the following fields:

  • End Date: insert the requested end date
  • Source: and DOR:
  • Action: key 'C' to change

Press [Enter].

Go to step 8.


Change or remove an end date + Read more ...

Customer wishes to change a deduction with a future end date, or remove the end date so the deduction continues to pay.

Select the deduction from the PINS screen and key the following fields:

  • Start Date: key today's date (if it is a future deduction leave the start date or update as requested)
  • End Date: overtype with the new end date or remove if no end date is required so the deduction continues to pay until a change in circumstances
  • Change reason: key 'CIR' (Customer request CSC) or 'CCR' (Customer request Call Centre), if it is a future deduction ‘SFD’ (Start on a Future Date) will default
  • Source: and DOR:

Press [Enter].


Finalise the activity + Read more ...

The Payment Instruction Summary (PINS) screen will be presented.

  • Insert a 'Y' in the Finished?: field
  • Press [Enter] to be taken to the Assessment Results (AR) screen to be finalised. The Activity List (AL) screen will then display
  • Record details on a DOC

Recording target amounts on Centrepay deductions

Table 2: This table describes the process for manually adding a target amount to a Centrepay deduction.

Note: manual processing should only be used if the Centrepay Guided Procedure or Centrepay workflow are unavailable.




Centrepay deduction target amount is to be added, changed or removed + Read more ...

Target amounts are displayed in the Deduction Details section of the Centrepay Guided Procedure when the deduction is highlighted, as well as recorded on the Payment Instruction Direct Deduction (PIDD) screen. When a target amount has been input, the system will start a tally of payments made from that date.

  • A new target amount is to be added to an existing deduction, go to Step 2
  • The current target amount is to be changed, go to Step 4
  • The target amount is to be removed but the deduction is to continue. In this case the deduction must be cancelled and restarted as new deduction without a target amount

See Starting, changing and cancelling a Centrepay deduction at the request of a customer. Procedure ends here


Target amount to be added for existing deduction + Read more ...

  • To add a new target amount to an existing deduction, run the Centrepay Guided Procedure or Centrepay workflow
  • Select ‘Add/Vary Target’ from the Change Action menu and update the Target Amount field with the requested target amount and Finalise. Procedure ends here
  • If the Centrepay Guided Procedure or Centrepay workflow are unavailable, proceed to manual processing. Go to Step 3

Note: a target amount cannot be added if the deduction has an end date recorded


Update the PIDD screen + Read more ...

Complete details on the PIDD screen with the following details:

  • Start Date: key today's date (if it is a future deduction leave the start date or update as requested)
  • End Date: must be left blank when entering a target amount
  • Instruction Amount $: do not change unless the customer requests a different amount
  • Target Amount $: update with requested target amount
  • Change reason: key 'TAV', if it is a future deduction ‘SFD’ (Start on a Future Date) will default
  • key Source:, DOR: and Action: key ‘I’ for insert
  • press [Enter]

At the PINS screen:

  • Key 'Y' in the Finished?: field
  • Press [Enter] to be taken to the Assessment Results (AR) screen to be finalised. The Activity List (AL) screen will then display

Go to Step 5.


Target amount is to be changed + Read more ...

To change a target amount on an existing deduction, run the Centrepay Guided Procedure or Centrepay workflow.

Select ‘Add/Vary Target’ from the Change Action menu and update the Target Amount field with the requested target amount and Finalise. Procedure ends here.

If the Centrepay Guided Procedure or Centrepay workflow are unavailable, proceed with manual processing below.

Access the Payment Instruction Summary (PINS) screen, select the deduction and press [Enter] to go to the PIDD screen.

On the PIDD screen:

  • To change the target amount:
    • in the Target Amount $: field, overstrike with the new target amount (this must be greater than the total amount paid to date that shows in the Total Dedns to date $: field)

Note: if the target amount is less than Total Dedns to date $: field, cancel the current deduction and input a new deduction with a new target amount

  • always use today's date as the start date unless the deduction starts in the future
  • update the Change Reason: field with a valid reason code using field help ('?') as required. If it is a future deduction ‘SFD’ (Start on a Future Date) will automatically default
  • Complete footer details and press [Enter]

At the PINS screen:

  • Key 'Y' in the Finished?: field
  • Press [Enter] to be taken to the Assessment Results (AR) screen to be finalised. The Activity List (AL) screen will then display


Document the activity + Read more ...

Record details on a DOC with full details of the new or changed target amount.


Information about target amounts + Read more ...

Deductions with target amounts can be identified on the Centrepay Deductions list within the Centrepay Guided Procedure by highlighting the deduction to view the Deduction Details, as well as on the PIDD screen by an amount in the Target Amount $: field.

The amount paid towards the target will show in the Target Paid To Date field and the balance will show under Target Balance Outstanding. Whilst on the PIDD screen the amount paid will show in the Target Dedns to date $: field on the PIDD screen while the balance is shown in the Balance Outstanding $: field.

To view the deductions that have been made towards a target amount:

  • on the PIDD screen, key 'Y' in the View Deduction History: field and press [Enter]
  • the Payment Instruction Deduction History (PIDH) screen will show the history of deductions by date and amount