This document explains how to assess a customer’s eligibility to transfer from DSP to DSP (Blind).
On this page:
Transferring to DSP (Blind)
Process Transfer to Disability Support (DSP) Blind in Process Direct
Process Transfer to Disability Support (DSP) Blind in Customer First or Customer Record
Transferring to DSP (Blind)
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Is the customer current on DSP? + Read more
Yes, go to Step 2
No, the customer cannot transfer from their current benefit to DSP (Blind). They must apply for DSP on the basis of permanent blindness. They will be subject to normal eligibility criteria, but without a continuing inability to work (CITW) requirement. Procedure ends here
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Ophthalmologist report or an Association for the Blind report + Read more
Does the customer have a medical report from an:
Optometrist that refers to an Ophthalmologist report, or
an Association for the Blind report that refers to an Ophthalmologist report?
Yes, go to Step 3
No, issue the Request for Ophthalmologist Report (SA013) form. Record a manual follow-up for its return. Procedure ends here
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Assessment of medical papers + Read more ...
On receipt of the medical form or report, does the customer qualify for DSP (Blind)?
For help, see Assessing permanent blindness.
Yes, go to Step 4
No, a Q999 must be issued advising the customer they do not meet the criteria for blind pension and they will continue to receive DSP. Include the Appeal paragraph in the letter. See Resources page for link to Q999 text
Record the assessment details in a DOC. See Resources page for proposed DOC text
Procedure ends here
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Customer qualifies for DSP (Blind) + Read more ...
A customer does not need to disclose their income and assets if they are in receipt of DSP (Blind), except in the following circumstances:
They want to get Rent Assistance (RA)
They have a partner who is on or applying for an income support payment (other than Blind). Details of customer’s income and assets are needed to determine their partner’s eligibility
Action the transfer. To do this in:
Process Transfer to Disability Support (DSP) Blind in Process Direct
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Coding PDI Screen + Read more ...
Access the customers record via Customer Summary
Go to the Pension Disability Information (PDI) screen
Update the following fields:
Continuing inability to work (CITW)
CITW/Blind residence event date. Key the later date out of:
the date the customer requested the transfer to blind
the date of eligibility
Note: this is normally the date the SA013 was lodged
CITW/Blind Residence
AUS - if the permanent blindness occurred while the customer was a resident of Australia
OVE - if the permanent blindness occurred while the customer was a resident of another country (not Australia)
Note: if customers are assessed as BLI, NOT cannot be used. Where an assessment of where the customer’s permanent blindness occurred has not been made (because the customer has at least 10 years Australian Residence or a Qualifying Residence Exemption) - code the CITW/Blind Residence field as: AUS.
Select Save
In the Receipt Date and Channel pop up box, complete the Receipt Date, Channel and Service Reason fields. If the system does not select a default Service Reason, select DSP
Select Save
Pension disability information
Select Add
Event Date. use the same date as recorded in the CITW field
Blind Indicator. Select Y - Yes
Independent Living Code. Select the appropriate option
Blind Income and Assets Exempt. Select:
Y - Yes for income not declared. The pension will be limited to the basic rate plus supplement
N - No for income and asset declared
Note: income and assets details are needed if the customer wishes to claim Rent Assistance or if they have a partner, who is not blind, and receiving or claiming a payment.
Check the Accommodation (AC) screen has current details recorded and get verification of rent details if needed.
Go to Step 2 to code the MC screen, before selecting ‘Assess’.
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Coding MC Screen + Read more ...
Manifest eligibility due to permanent blindness must be coded on the Medical Condition (MC) screen. The Event Date must be the same as PDI.
Note: a new MC entry can not be coded in PD, unless there is a provisional PDI coded first.
Key ‘MC’ in the Super Key field, select Enter
The Medical Assessment screen will display
Select the Add icon
The Create Medical Assessment window will display
Update the following fields:
Event Date: enter the relevant date (the Event Date must be the same as PDI)
Assigning Professional: use the dropdown field to select the relevant option
Specialist Name: enter Specialist details
Select Save
The new Medical Assessment line will appear on the MC screen. Select
to expand the line
Update the Medical Condition section:
Medical Condition Code: use the dropdown field to select condition. Enter the condition listed on the SA013, e.g. Glaucoma, or use Blind both eyes - (BLB)
Incapacity type by code: use the dropdown field to select PRM - PERMANENT
Select Save
Update the Manifest Condition section:
Manifest Condition code: select BLI
The Mnfst Elig Ind field update to Y
Select Save
Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
Select Assess again, then select Finish
Add notes in the Finalisation DOC/Note
Record a separate DOC/Note regarding the DSB grant. See Resources page for the recommended text
If there is an open scan for the SA013/medical evidence, this can be closed
Check the MC coding is appearing correctly as BLI in Customer First/Customer Record. Where previous manifest coding exists, such as NHM, INT, or an old conversion code, such as MNF, this code can be replicated in later MC entries
Attempt to contact the customer to advise of DSB grant. Advise the customer they can choose to receive their letters from Centrelink in an accessible format
Process Transfer to Disability Support (DSP) Blind in Customer First or Customer Record
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Coding PDI Screen + Read more ...
While in the customer's record, go to the Pension Disability Information (PDI) screen to update the Blind status. Code the following fields:
Event Date: (for CITW/Blind Residence) is the date the customer requested the transfer to Blind or the date of eligibility, whichever is later
CITW/Blind Residence:
'AUS' if a continuing inability to work while in Australia
'OVE' if a continuing inability to work while overseas
Note: if customers are assessed as BLI, NOT cannot be used. Where an assessment of where the customer’s permanent blindness occurred has not been made (because the customer has at least 10 years Australian Residence or a Qualifying Residence Exemption) - code the CITW/Blind Residence field as: AUS.
Event Date: (for the other blind status fields) is also the date the customer requested the transfer to Blind or the date of eligibility, whichever is later
Blind Indicator: Yes
Blind - Income & Assets Exempt:
Yes, for income and assets not declared. The pension will be limited to the basic rate plus supplement
No, for income and assets declared. If the customer wishes to claim an additional payment, for example Rent Assistance, or if they have a partner also on a payment or claiming a payment who is not blind, then income and assets need to be declared. Check the Accommodation (AC) screen has current details recorded and get verification of rent details if needed. The customer will receive income and asset reviews just like any other pensioner
Source: and DOR:
Action: 'I'
Severely Disabled Code: Yes
Go to Step 2 to code MC, before finalising the activity.
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Coding MC screen + Read more ...
Manifest eligibility due to permanent blindness must be coded on the Medical Condition (MC) screen. The Event Date must be the same as PDI
Type MCSS into next and select enter
Type MC into next and select enter
Event Date: key enter the relevant date, this must be the same date as the one coded on the PDI screen
Manifest Code: select BLI
Assigning Professional:
Specialist Name:
Manifest Eligibility Indicator field will automatically display as ‘Y’ when the manifest code is entered. '
Medical Conditions: enter the condition as listed on the SA013, e.g. Glaucoma, or use - Blind both eyes - (BLB)
Finalise the activity
The Assessment Results (AR) screen may not indicate the transfer to DSP (Blind) has occurred. When the activity is finalised the Benefit Status Line will show DSB/CUR
Record the assessment outcome in a DOC. See Resources page for DOC text
If there is an open scan for the SA013/medical evidence, this can be closed
Check the MC coding is appearing correctly as BLI. Where previous manifest coding exists, such as NHM, INT, or an old conversion code, such as MNF, this code can be replicated in later MC entries
Attempt to contact the customer to advise of DSB grant. Advise the customer they can choose to receive their letters from Centrelink in an accessible format