Disability Support Pension (DSP) customer fails to reply to correspondence 008-03090080
This procedure does not apply to:
- Customers undergoing a risk-based medical review of eligibility, see Medical Risk Based reviews of current Disability Support Pension (DSP) recipients
- DSP new claimants required to provide medical evidence to support their claim, see Streaming a new claim for Disability Support Pension (DSP)
This document explains action when a customer receiving DSP fails to reply to correspondence.
DSP customer fails to reply to correspondence
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer has not responded to correspondence within the timeframe specified on the letter + Read more ... Check to confirm that the written request the customer has not responded to includes:
Has the customer been fully advised in writing about the information/action required and the consequences of not responding?
2 |
Confirm the correspondence has not been provided to Services Australia + Read more ... Check the Document List (DL) screen for any DOC indicating the customer may have contacted about the correspondence. Check Document Tools for all information scanned to the customer's record since the notification was sent to make sure the requested document has not been scanned under an incorrect identifier. Have all requested documents been lodged?
3 |
Attempt to contact the customer by telephone + Read more ... When attempting to contact the customer:
Is contact with the customer successful?
4 |
Discuss with the customer their reasons for failing to reply to correspondence + Read more ... Consider if the failure to reply to correspondence is caused by the customer's medical condition or other circumstances, for example, an acute psychiatric condition, Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), hospitalisation, or remoteness. Advise the customer that failure to reply to correspondence may result in suspension of payment. Make sure they understand the reason for suspending the payment, information is required to verify their continuing eligibility and therefore payment cannot continue until the information is provided and their eligibility is confirmed. Consider if other arrangements can be made taking into account the customer's circumstances and medical condition:
5 |
New arrangements to be made + Read more ... Have new arrangements been made? For example, the customer will provide the requested information within 14 days.
6 |
Code suspension + Read more ... Where possible the customer should be advised of the decision to suspend payment, see Making an unfavourable decision. Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen and code the following:
Record details on a DOC. Include:
Unless action is taken to restore DSP within 13 weeks of the suspension date, DSP will automatically cancel at the end of that period. |
7 |
Manual advice required + Read more ... A Manual Follow Up (MFU) activity is created on the Activity List (AL) screen after the suspension activity has been finalised. This activity may not appear until the next day. Complete the free text (Q999) letter. The letter should tell the customer of: