Accessing Health Professional Online Services 133-02050020
This document provides details on how to access Health Professional Online Services (HPOS).
HPOS access and requirements
Users must access HPOS via PRODA (Provider Digital Access). A user can access HPOS as an individual, or as a member of an organisation that has been registered in PRODA.
Individual access
To access HPOS as an individual, the user must:
- create an individual PRODA account
- add HPOS as a linked service in PRODA, and
- (if applicable) link their healthcare identifiers
Note: health professionals are required to link their healthcare identifiers to ensure they can access the programs and services in HPOS that are required for their role. If a user does not have any healthcare identifiers to add, for example an administration staff member, they will only receive basic administration access to HPOS.
Organisation access
To access HPOS on behalf of a PRODA organisation, the user must:
- have a registered individual PRODA account
- be added as a member of the PRODA organisation, and
- be assigned the HPOS-Access attribute within their PRODA organisation membership
See Provider Digital Access (PRODA) organisations for more information, or the Health Professional Education (HPE) Resources website.
The Resources page contains links to the HPE website, intranet links and Services Australia website links relating to HPOS.
Related links
Managing a Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account
Escalating organisation Provider Linking System incidents, complaints and feedback
Escalating Health Professional Online Services (HPOS) issues