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Create today's action pending list
copy today's Load Payment file (columns A to S) from Albury’s site drive>CSA>Payment Services>workload>Load Payment Files>year>month, into a new work book
delete rows 1 & 2 (close the original Payments file spreadsheet)
delete column S
expand column N to show all numbers
select and highlight all the columns
custom sort by column N, select OK
select radio button –Sort numbers and numbers stored as text separately, select OK
delete the rows with all 0’s in the N column
select and highlight all the columns and custom sort by column P (HOR column), select OK
select radio button –Sort numbers and numbers stored as text separately, select OK
filter column P to locate HOR 90
delete all rows with HOR 90, remove filter
select and highlight all the columns and custom sort by column O, then add a level to also sort by column P select OK
select radio button –Sort numbers and numbers stored as text separately
delete all double 00s, in both columns
insert a column between columns N & O, highlight column N
from the menu, select DATA, then text to column, select ‘fixed width’ radio button. Select Next
insert a break prior to the last 2 digits. Select Next
highlight both columns [Ctrl+Shift] and select ‘Column data format’ Text radio button. Select Finish
select and highlight all the columns and custom sort by column O (new column) A-Z order, select OK and OK to Sort numbers and numbers stored as text separately
delete rows with 0 and 00 in column O
delete rows with all zeroes in column N, this will leave payments with a valid CSRN (numbers ending in 01 to 09)
add numbers from column O 01 to 09 (data in column O) back to the end of the number in column N
delete column O
copy the data from these rows and paste into the Action Pending worksheet
save the new ‘Action Pending’ worksheet, to be actioned tomorrow
close the workbook you created the ‘Action Pending’ list for tomorrow. Do not save