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Employer withholding (linking) Cuba Process Help 277-30010680

This document outlines the processes for Services Officers and Employer Services Officers (ESO) to:

  • request and process linking referrals, and
  • delink customers from employer withholding

On this page:

Steps for a Service Officer to create a link referral

Steps for ESOs to process a linking referral

Steps to establish EWA for a linked customer

Steps for ESOs to delink a customer from an employer

Steps for a Service Officer to create a link referral

Table 1: this table describes how to create a link referral on a customer for action by an Employer Service Officer (ESO).




Start point: - Record a linking referral request + Read more ...

Start point: Employer Relationship window


Create a new linking referral request + Read more ...

Note: ensure no employer relationship exists in the Employer Relationship window. If so, see Employer Withholding (linking) for Child Support customers for steps to resolve this issue.

Select the Link Referral button, this will open the Link Referral Form dialogue box.


Record the employer details + Read more ...

In the Employer Details group box, select the appropriate radio button to indicate if the organisation exists in Cuba.

Does the organisation exist in Cuba?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, the remaining Employer Details group box fields will be enabled. Select Tab on the keyboard, and continue with this Step

Note: select the Tab button on the keyboard after each of the following entries to go to the next required field.

  • Key the employer’s legal name in the Employer Name field
  • Key the Australian Business Number (ABN) in the Employer ABN field
  • Key the address in the Address Line 1 and 2 fields
  • Key the suburb of the employer in the Suburb field
  • Select the state from the State dropdown list
  • Key the postcode in the Postcode field
  • Key the phone number in the Phone Number field
  • Go to Step 5


Find the organisation in Cuba + Read more ...

Select Triangle adjacent to Employer CSID. This opens the Organisation Find dialogue box of the Organisation List window.

In the Organisation Find dialogue box:

  • in the Primary Search group box, key the employer's Tax File Number (TFN), Australian Business Number (ABN), or Child Support Id into the relevant field. When a valid number is entered, select Find button to open the Organisation List window
  • select the employer in the list box, and select Select to return to the Link Referral Form dialogue box, where the Employer Details group box fields will be populated with the employer details


Record customer confirmation of employment details + Read more ...

In the Employer Confirmation group box, select the appropriate radio button to indicate if the customer has confirmed, either verbally or in writing (online) that they are employed by the organisation.


  • yes, to indicate the customer confirmed the current employment
  • no, to indicate the customer has not confirmed the current employment


Source of Employment Information + Read more ...

The source of employment information defaults to ‘Customer’. If this is not the correct source of information, use the dropdown list to select the correct source.

This ensures the right action is taken with employers to establish the link.

Select the appropriate source of employment from the dropdown list:

  • STP (Single Touch Payroll information)
  • Customer (customer provided information)
  • ATO
  • s120
  • Other (other party or third party information)


Request Employer Withholding with Arrears (EWA) + Read more ...

If a customer does not have an ongoing liability, an EWA amount must be recorded in the linking referral form when requesting deductions to repay:

  • child support debt
  • child support related debt, or
  • carer debt

In the EWA Request group box, select the appropriate radio button to indicate if deductions to repay a debt is being requested with this linking referral.

Have additional deductions been requested?

  • Yes, the remaining EWA Request group box fields will be enabled. Select Tab on the keyboard, and continue to:
    • Key the requested additional amount to be deducted in the EWA Amount field
    • Select Tab
    • Select the frequency of additional deduction requested from the EWA Frequency dropdown list. This must match the Pay Frequency
  • No, go to Step 8


Record payroll information (optional) + Read more ...

With information received from the source of employment, complete the following details (if applicable):

Note: select the Tab button on the keyboard after each of the following entries, to go to the next required field, or to skip a field if the employer has not provided the information.

  • Key the customer’s payroll number (if known) in the Payroll Number field
  • Key the date the customer is next paid in the Next Paydate field
  • Select how often the customer is paid from the Pay Frequency dropdown list
  • Key the customer’s hourly rate in the Hourly Rate field
  • Key the number of hours the customer works in the pay cycle in the Hours Worked field
  • Select the customer’s employment status from the Employment Status dropdown list
  • Key any other relevant information not already captured in the Other Information text box
  • Select the OK button to return to the Linking Referral Form dialogue box


Finalise the Employer Withholding request + Read more ...

Select the OK button, to finalise the request. The following intrays will be generated:

  • If the link is requested for a new employer, a New Org Link intray will generate on the customer record and will automatically route to the ES None Position for allocation to an ESO
  • If the link is requested for an existing employer, a Linking Referral intray will generate on both the organisation and the customer. The employer’s intray will automatically route to the ESO locked to the employer

Note: do not delete the customer's Linking Referral intray, as this can affect the ESO’s intray. This intray should not be routed to Employer Services.

Steps for ESOs to process a linking referral

Table 2: this table describes how to process a linking referral and establish employer withholding for a customer. Only staff in Employer Services are authorised to establish withholding.




Process a linking referral + Read more ...

If the link request is for a new organisation, see Maintain Employer/Organisation Record Cuba Process Help, prior to commencing from Step 3.

Start point: - Process a linking referral request

Start point: Employer Relationship window


Obtain the employer CSID + Read more ...

  • Select the Link Referral button. This opens the Linking Referral Form dialogue box
  • Copy the Employer CSID from the Employer Details group box
  • Select the Cancel button to return to the Employer Relationship window


Add the employer CSID to the linking referral + Read more ...

In the Employer Relationship window:

  • select the Arrow button in the Employer group box. This opens the Organisation Find dialogue box of the Organisation List window
  • key (or paste) the employer CSID in the Child Support ID field of the Primary Search group box
  • select the employer and then Select. This will return you to the Employer Relationship window, where the Employer group box will populate with the employer details
  • select Save


Activate the notepad + Read more ...

In the Employment group box:

  • select Unconfirmed from the Employment Status dropdown list
  • select Save

This action ensures that the notepad in the Employer Relationship window is available for documentation purposes while the link request is being actioned.


Issue an EF1 + Read more ...

If an EF1 is required to be issued to the employer:

  • and the employer is identified as registered for an online service, select the Issued Electronically tick box to generate, or
  • select the Issue Questionnaire tick box to generate a paper copy


Employment information received + Read more ...

When the EF1 information has been received from the employer, update the Employer Contact group box to indicate how the information was received, by:

  • ticking the Phone Contact tick box if this was how the information was received, then go to the next Step, or
  • if the information was provided in writing or prior from a returned S120, just continue to the next Step


Record employment details + Read more ...

In the Employment group box, select the appropriate status for the customer in the Employment Status dropdown list. If the selection is to indicate:

  • that the customer is not, never, or no longer employed, or that EW is not appropriate, go to Step 9
  • otherwise, continue with this Step

In the Type group box within the Employment group box:

  • select the appropriate radio button to indicate the type of employment the customer is undertaking
  • key the date the employment status is to take effect in the Status Date
  • select the appropriate option in the Funds Paid To dropdown list to indicate where the customer is paid
  • select the appropriate option in the Payment By group box to indicate how the payment is made to the customer

The Seasonal group box’s dropdown lists will be enabled if Seasonal was selected from the Employment Status dropdown list. If the customer works seasonally:

  • select the month that the season commences in the From Month dropdown list
  • select the month that the season finishes from the To Month dropdown list


Record the employee information + Read more ...

In the Employee Information group box:

  • key the customer’s payroll identification number in the Payroll ID field
  • select Arrow adjacent to Pay Cycle. This opens the Employer Pay Cycles dialogue box
  • select the appropriate pay cycle to link the customer to based on the employer information. If the correct pay cycle is not available, see Maintain Employer/Organisation Record Cuba Process Help
  • select the OK button to return to the Employer Relationship window
  • select the date that the deductions are to commence from the First Pay Date dropdown list. Note: this date must be at least 10 days from the current date
  • key the customers average hours per pay in the Avg Hours per Pay field
  • key the average earnings per pay in the Avg Earnings per Pay field
  • go to Step 10


Update the questionnaire status + Read more ...

In the Employer Contact group box, select Actioned in the Questionnaire Status dropdown list.


Save the updated details + Read more ...

Select Save.


Document the results of the linking request + Read more ...

Select Notepad to open the Notes window and create a note using the Employer withholding (linking) macro. Ensure that the documentation required is made in reference to Documenting Child Support information.

If the link request:

  • results in a link and EWA is not required, check the letters generated to ensure accuracy. No further action is required
  • results in a link, and EWA is requested, go to Table 3
  • does not result in a link:


EW not appropriate + Read more ...

In the Employment group box, change the status from EW not Appropriate to Ceased Employment in the Employment Status dropdown list.


Save the updated details + Read more ...

Select Save.


Notify the referring Service Officer if the link was not successful + Read more ...

  • Create a Linking/Attributes intray on the customer
  • Using the Employer withholding (linking) macro document within the intray the reason the link was unsuccessful, and what follow–up (if any) can be undertaken by the Service Officer

Steps to establish EWA for a linked customer

Table 3: this table describes how to establish additional deduction amounts from an employer to address a linked customer's debt.




Start point - Establish Employer Withholding with Arrears (EWA) + Read more ...

Start point: Payment Arrangement - Client window.


Record the instalment details + Read more ...

In the Calculator group box:

  • key the date of the first instalment date in the Instalment Date field
  • key the amount of the EWA requested (based on the customers pay cycle) in the Instalment Amount field


Record the payment options + Read more ...

In the Payment Option group box:

  • select Employer Withholding from the Method dropdown list
  • select the OK button on the Warning Alert dialogue box. The Frequency dropdown list will auto-populate with the established employer withholding pay cycle
  • if the date entered in the First Instalment Date does not match the date now populated in the Effective Date, an Information dialogue box will display to notify of this
  • select the OK button, and update the First Instalment Date field to match the Effective Date

In the Customer Contacted group box, select the appropriate radio button:

  • Yes, if the customer negotiated the amount to be deducted
  • No, if the customer did not negotiate the amount to be deducted

Note: to make sure the correct letters generate, the appropriate reason must be selected.


Calculate and save the payment arrangement + Read more ...

Select the Calculate button in the Calculator group box.

An Information Alert dialogue box will generate to notify of the appropriate delegation to accept the payment arrangement, based on the customer’s level of debt.

  • If this above your delegation, select No to pend the arrangement
  • If this is at or below your delegation, select Yes

Select Save. This will generate a Warning Detail 2195 alert dialogue box advising that the record cannot be saved until a note is added. Select the OK button and the Notes window will automatically open.


Document the details + Read more ...

Create a new note to document the decision, see Documenting Child Support information for more information.

If the EWA was not able to be established go to Step 7.


Check the letters + Read more ...

The following letters will be generated on acceptance of EW/A:


  • PAD7-2-Copy of Schedule to Employer
  • PAD6-2 – Schedule of Child Support deductions
  • CE03-2 - Payer Payment Arrangement-Interim (if EWA is established)


  • PAD6-1 – Employer Withholding introductory letter to commence deductions
  • PAD7-3 - Cover letter to employer to notify change in deductions
  • PAD6-2 – Schedule of Child Support deductions

Check the letters generated for accuracy. No further action is required.


Notify the referring Service Officer if EW/A action is required + Read more ...

Create a Linking/Attributes intray on the customer.

Using the Employer withholding (linking) macro, document within the intray the reason the EWA was pended, and the appropriate delegation for the payment arrangement to be saved.

Steps for ESOs to delink a customer from an employer

Table 4: this table describes how to delink a customer from an employer.

Note: only staff in Employer Services are authorised to delink customers.




Start point: - Delink a customer from an employer + Read more ...

Start point: Employer Relationship window


Document the decision + Read more ...

Select Notepad. Create a new note using the Employer withholding (linking) macro to document the decision to delink the customer, and any additional information that was provided by the employer that is not able to be captured in Cuba (including bank and account details).

Note: this is required to be actioned first as, on processing the delink, the notepad is unavailable from the Employer Relationship window.


Record the customers bank account information + Read more ...

In the Employee Information group box:

  • key the Bank State Branch number of the customer in the BSB field
  • key the customer's account number in the Account Number field


Process the delink + Read more ...

In the Employment group box, select the appropriate option from the Employment Status dropdown list. If Ceased Employ is selected a Payer Delinked intray will create on the customer record on saving.

Select Save.


Check the letters + Read more ...

Letters will be sent to the customer and employer advising them that the deductions are to cease. Check the letters generated to both the employer and customer for accuracy.

Note: if a customer is going to be relinked on the same day, the PAD 16-1 created on the customer record needs to be deleted.


Notify the owning Service Officer/Team of the delink + Read more ...

Create a Linking Response intray (if a Payer Delinked intray has not been generated) and using the Employer withholding (linking) macro document the following:

  • in the Title field, key NEM – Bank details updated
  • add a note, and
  • route the intray to the customer’s case manager or owning team