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Customer Overview 111-20091834

This document outlines Customer Overview and helps staff identify the reason for the customer's contact. Customer Overview is a snapshot of recent information from the customer's record, in one spot, in chronological order. Icons and meaningful descriptions give Service Officers a clear description of the customer's overall experience.

Smart Centres

This page contains information on Customer Overview for Smart Centre staff.

How to access Customer Overview

Table 1




Customer Overview location

Service Officers can access Customer Overview through Services Australia Workspace. Customer Overview requires the latest version of Services Australia Workspace to display.

Customer Overview is configurable and must be:

  • in the collapsed mode
  • pinned to display


Access to Customer Overview

For Customer Overview access, Service Officer logons must be included in the Genesys Access Group.

A Service Officer can ask their Team Leader for access.


Customer information on Customer Overview

Customer Overview requires a Customer Reference Number (CRN), or Customer Access Number (CAN) to be entered in the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) during an active call.

Service Officers can also enter the customer's CRN/CAN in Customer First to fill the customer’s information while on an active call.

When the CRN/CAN is changed in Customer First, the Customer Overview screen will show the new customer's details.

If no recent contacts exist, Customer Overview displays 'No recent customer history.'

Customer Overview icon descriptions

Table 2



Letter - Online letter icon

Blue means an event was outbound to the customer.

Self Service app icon - Grey

Grey means that the outcome is unknown.

Online - Green icon

Green means customer has successfully self-served.

Inbound call icon

Maroon means that the event or activity originated from the customer.

Alert Icon - Amber

Amber means something needs Service Officer action. - This is usually something that happened in the IVR.

Red cross icon

Red means that the desired outcome was not achieved.

Profile Header information

Table 3. The Profile Header gives Service Officers indicators relating to the customer. These indicators help them tailor the discussions they have with customers.

The Profile header shows if the customer:

  • lives in a remote area
  • has a preferred language (other than English)
  • currently has a nominee
  • is registered for self service (and which service)
  • has any issues blocking their ability to self service





    Profile - Remote icon Remote

    Remote icon only displays if a remote indicator is present on the customers record. Hover text shows ‘town and state’.


    Profile - Language icon Language

    Language icon only displays if a preferred Language is present on the customers record. Hover text shows ‘preferred language’ (if not English).


    Profile - Nominee icon Nominee

    Nominee icon displays if the customer is or has a nominee. Hover text shows nominee type: ‘Payment’, ‘Correspondence’ or ‘Payment and Correspondence’.


    Profile - Voice print icon Voiceprint

    Voiceprint icon displays when the customer has an active Voiceprint. Hover text shows ‘Active’ or ‘Locked’ and last login date.


    Profile - Online icon Online

    Online icon displays when a customer is registered for a Centrelink Online Account. Hover text shows ‘Active’ and last log on date or ‘Locked’ and the reason for the ‘Locked’ status.


    Profile - App icon App

    App icon displays when a customer is registered for the Express Plus Centrelink App. Hover text shows ‘Active’ and last log on date or ‘Locked’ and the reason for the ‘Locked’ status.

    Locked status

    Alert Icon - Amber

    Amber icon replaces Voiceprint, Online or App icons when account is locked.

Banner information

Table 4. Banners alert Service Officers to important information about the customer, for example:

  • the customer has a special circumstance such as a Display on Access (DOA) DOC that must be viewed before interacting with the customer
  • any agency priority, such as COVID 19 Stimulus payments




    DOA Banner

    DOA notice banner

    Warning displays in the Banner display format if one or more DOA DOCs are on file. DOA banners do not provide specific details about the DOA.

    Restricted Access Banner

    Restricted access banner

    No information displays on Customer Overview, including staff with Restricted Access to the record.

    Managed Service Plan (MSP) Banner

    Mangaged service plan banner

    MSP Banner displays when an active MSP is in place. MSP banners do not replicate information displayed in Customer First.

    Special Banner

    Special banner

    Special banners are used to alert Service Officers or provide direct access to resources. Special banners are only displayed when required. Time frames will vary.

Alerts information

Table 5. Alerts show the Service Officer what is affecting the customer to enable a better interaction with them.

Alerts assist by showing:

  • if the customer has any issues present on their issues screen
  • if the customer's payment is currently suspended or recently cancelled
  • the date of an upcoming or missed appointment
  • the status of a customer claim and when it was submitted
  • if the customer is due to report or has missed their reporting day
  • if the customer has a debt and if any debt arrangements are due to expire




    Reporting due today

    Alert Icon - Blue Reporting due today

    Displays on the day reporting is due only.

    Reporting overdue

    Alert Icon - Blue Reporting overdue - 11 Feb

    Displays until overdue report is submitted.

    Missed Appointments

    Alert Icon - Blue Missed provider appointment 24 Feb

    Displays for 14 days after the event or until re-engaged appointment is booked. Alert shows the date and type of appointment, for example, ServAU or Provider.

    Upcoming Appointment

    Alert Icon - Blue Upcoming Serv AU appointment 24 Feb 10:30am

    Displays for 7 days prior to the event. Alert shows the date, time and type of appointment, for example ServAU or Provider.

    Active Debt

    Alert Icon - Blue Active debt

    If there is an active debt, one of three debt alerts show. Only one debt alert displays, even for multiple debts.

    Active Debt - alert shows if there is an active debt/s and the other two debt alerts are not appropriate.

    Active Debt - repayment arrangement ending

    Alert Icon - Blue Active debt - repayment arrangement ending soon

    Alert shows if a debt arrangement plan is due to end within 14 days.

    Active Debt - repayment arrangement ended

    Alert Icon - Blue Active debt - repayment arrangement ended

    Alert shows if debt repayment plan has ended and not rearranged in the last 28 days.

    Claim Submitted

    Alert Icon - Blue New PPS claim submitted 02 Feb - on hold

    Claim alerts display from when a claim is submitted until it is finalised. Claims older than 12 months will show with the year on the alert.

    Combined claims (for example. CP - Carers payment and CDA - Carers Allowance) show in a single alert with:

    • a single claim ID display, and
    • a comma separating the types of claim

    If one claim is finalised before the other, only the current outstanding claim displays.

    Rejected Claim

    Alert Icon - Blue New PPS claim submitted 02 Feb - Rejected

    Alert displays for 28 days after the event.

    Suspended Benefit

    Alert Icon - Blue YAL Suspended - YBS 02 Feb

    Suspended benefit status displays for 28 days. Alert shows the payment type, reason and date of suspension.

    Cancelled Benefit

    Alert Icon - Blue YAL Cancelled - ATR 12 Feb

    Cancelled benefit status displays for 28 days. Alert shows the payment type, reason and date of cancellation.


    Alert Icon - Amber Issues on file

    Only displays when Issues are present on file.

    If no issues are present on the Issues page, this alert will not show.

Smart IVR Cards information

Table 6. Smart IVR cards show Service officers what happened before the customer reached them, that is:

  • personalised messages given to the customer, or
  • tasks they were asked to action

This saves the Service Officer:

  • repeating messages to the customer, or
  • asking them about activities they have already done, for example:
    • Update Phone number
    • Confirm Family Assistance Income estimate

This also help the Service Officer decide if any more checks are needed.




Update Phone Number

UNP icon - Amber UNP icon - Red cross UNP icon - Green tick

Update Phone Number cards display for the current call only. There are 3 different icons that display with descriptions of the outcome or process to follow. Cards are grey in colour.

Smart IVR Reminder Messages

Smart IVR icon - Amber Smart IVR icon - Red cross Smart IVR icon - Green tick

IVR Reminder Messages display only:

  • for the current call, and
  • if the customer has been played IVR messages

There are 2 different icons that show with details of the outcome or process to follow. Cards are grey in colour.

Confirmed Families Income estimate

Smart IVR icon - AmberSmart IVR icon - Red crossSmart IVR icon - Green tick

Families income estimate cards display for the current call only. There are 3 different icons that show with details of the outcome or action to be taken. Cards are grey in colour.

Cards information

Table 7. Most information on Customer Overview displays as cards. Cards show the interactions between a customer and the agency in date order for the last 28 days. (With the exception of SMS and push notifications which display for only 7 days.) Cards aggregate for the same activity type done on the same day.

Cards highlight the customer journey to date by showing:

  • letters and other correspondence the customer has received from the agency. Letters can be viewed as the customer sees them (PDFs)
  • the interactions the customer has had in the Smart IVR before reaching a Service Officer. This saves the Service Officer from repeating messages or completing activities the customer has already done or attempted to self-serve
  • the previous interactions the customer has had with the agency, such as:
    • Service Centre visit
    • online and app activities
    • phone calls and push notifications




      Correspondence Cards

      Online letter

      (28 day display)

      Letter - Online letter icon

      Letter cards display the issue date shown on the letter. Letter titles can be clicked to produce a PDF version of the letter and titles have been modified to display a meaningful title.

      Paper letter

      (28 day display)

      Letter - Posted letter icon

      Letter cards display the issue date shown on the letter. Letter titles can be clicked to produce a PDF version of the letter and titles have been modified to display a meaningful title.


      (28 day display)

      Email icon

      Email titles can be clicked to produce a PDF version the customer has received.


      (7 day display)

      SMS icon

      SMS titles can be clicked to view a PDF version the customer received.

      Push Notifications

      (7 day display)

      Push notification icon

      Displays as the title on the card the activity the customer has been reminded to complete.

      Telephony Cards

      Inbound call

      (28 day display)

      Inbound call icon

      Only previous calls are shown, not the current active call.

      Scheduled call-backs and place in queue

      (28 day display)

      Scheduled call icon

      Place in Queue (PIQ) calls and Scheduled callback calls (SCIQ) display on the current call to provide Service Officers the reason for the call.

      Self Service Applications and Microservices

      (28 day display)

      Self Service app icon - Green Self Service app icon - Grey Self Service app icon - Red

      Self Service Application and Microservices cards show when the customer has entered the App or Microservice within the IVR.

      • Green - means the transaction was successful
      • Grey - means the outcome is unknown
      • Red -means an unsuccessful transaction

      Abandoned and congestion

      (28 day display)

      Congestion icon

      Abandoned calls show when the customer ends the call while in the Queue. Congestion cards show if the customer is played a message in the IVR to 'call back another time as all our Service Officers are busy'. This happens if:

      • the customer is not eligible to be routed to Self Service options based on the reason for their call and/or authentication level, and
      • calls are not being routed to Service Officers

      Online and Mobile Applications


      (28 day display)

      Online - Green icon Online - Grey icon Online - Red icon

      Details of the activity undertaken are shown in the card title for single transaction and ‘multiple activities’ if more than one activity on the same day.

      • Red - means activities did not complete
      • Grey - means mixed outcomes from activities
      • Green - means completed activities

      Card expands to show time and title of activities with an indicator of the outcome.

      Mobile Application

      (28 day display)

      App - Green icon App - Gray icon App - Red icon

      Details of the activity undertaken are displayed in the card title for single transaction and ‘multiple activities’ if more than one activity on the same day:

      • Red -means activities did not complete
      • Grey - means mixed outcomes from activities
      • Green - means completed activities

      Card expands to show time and title of activities with an indicator of the outcome.

      Service Centre visit

      Service Centre visit

      (28 day display)

      Service Centre icon

      Title shows location of visit. Clicking on the title gives an expanded view with further details:

      • timestamp in local time
      • the queue name, and
      • the contact type of an adhoc Service Centre visit

Table 8. Knowledge links provide Service Officers with a direct link to the most relevant Operational Message or Operational Blueprint.

Knowledge Links assist Service Officers to quickly get the help they need to complete a customer enquiry




Operational Blueprint links

Operational Blueprint content banner

Links are selected for specific items only and provide a direct link to corresponding reference material to aid Service Officers.

Service Centres

This page contains information on Customer Overview for Service Centre staff.

How to access Customer Overview

Table 1




Customer Overview location

Service Officers must have access to the Front of House (FOH) app to view Customer Overview. The FOH app is simple to use on multiple devices such as desktop computers, Surface Pros and iPads.

Staff access the app via the Front of House desktop icon on their device.


Access to Customer Overview

Service Officers can ask their Team Leader for access to Customer Overview.


Customer information on Customer Overview

Customer Overview needs a Customer Reference Number (CRN) or Customer Access Number (CAN) to populate customer information.

Note: Medicare numbers will not show on the Customer Overview screen.

Customer Overview icon descriptions

Table 2



Letter - Online letter icon

Blue: means an event was outbound to the customer.

Self Service app icon - Grey

Grey: means the outcome is unknown.

Online - Green icon

Green: means the customer has successfully self-served.

Inbound call icon

Maroon: means the event or activity originated from the customer.

Alert Icon - Amber

Amber: means something needs Service Officer action. This is usually something that happened in the IVR.

Red cross icon

Red: means the desired outcome was not achieved.

Profile Header information

Table 3. the Profile Header shows any indicators relating to the customer. These help Service Officers tailor the conversations they have with customers.

The Profile Header shows:

  • if the customer is located in a remote area, has a preferred language (other than English) or if they currently have a nominee
  • what self service the customer is registered for and if there are any issues blocking their ability to self service





    Profile - Remote icon Remote

    Remote icon only displays if a remote indicator is present on the customers record. Hover text shows ‘town and state’.


    Profile - Language icon Language

    Language icon only displays if a preferred Language is present on the customers record. Hover text shows ‘preferred language’ (if not English).


    Profile - Nominee icon Nominee

    Nominee icon displays if the customer is, or has, a nominee. Hover text shows nominee type: ‘Payment’, ‘Correspondence’ or ‘Payment and Correspondence’.


    Profile - Voice print icon Voiceprint

    Voiceprint icon displays when the customer has an active Voiceprint. Hover text shows ‘Active’ or ‘Locked’ and last login date.


    Profile - Online icon Online

    Online icon displays when a customer is registered for a Centrelink Online Account. Hover text shows ‘Active’ and last log on date or ‘Locked’ and the reason for the ‘Locked’ status.


    Profile - App icon App

    App icon displays when a customer is registered for the Express Plus Centrelink App. Hover text shows ‘Active’ and last log on date or ‘Locked’ and the reason for the ‘Locked’ status.

Banner information

Table 4. Banners alert Service Officers to important details about the customer, for example:

  • any special circumstances such as a Display on Access (DOA) DOC that must be viewed before interacting with the customer
  • any agency priority, such as COVID 19 Stimulus payments




    DOA Banner

    DOA notice banner

    A warning shows in the Banner display format if one (or more) DOA DOCs are on file. DOA banners do not show the DOA specifics.

    Special Banner

    Special banner

    Special banners are:

    • used to alert Service Officers of, or
    • provide direct access to resources.
    • only displayed when required. Time frames will vary

Alerts information

Table 5. Alerts show what is affecting the customer so that Service Officers can have a better interaction with them.

Alerts show:

  • if the customer has any issues present on their Issues screen
  • if the customer's payment is currently suspended
  • the date of an upcoming or missed appointment
  • the status of a customer claim and when it was submitted
  • if the customer is due to report or has missed their reporting day
  • If the customer has a debt and if any debt arrangements are due to expire




    Reporting due today

    Alert Icon - Blue Reporting due today

    Displays on the day reporting is due only.

    Reporting overdue

    Alert Icon - Blue Reporting overdue - 11 Feb

    Displays until overdue report is submitted.

    Missed Appointments

    Alert Icon - Blue Missed provider appointment 24 Feb


    • for 14 days after the event or
    • until re-engagement appointment is booked
    • the date and type of appointment, for example, ServAU or Provider

    Upcoming Appointment

    Alert Icon - Blue Upcoming Serv AU appointment 24 Feb 10:30am


    • for 7 days prior to the event
    • the date, time and type of appointment, for example, ServAU or Provider

    Active Debt

    Alert Icon - Blue Active debt

    If there is an active debt, one of three debt alerts show. Only one debt alert displays, even for multiple debts.

    Active Debt - alert shows if there is an active debt/s and the other two debt alerts are not appropriate.

    Active Debt - repayment arrangement ending

    Alert Icon - Blue Active debt - repayment arrangement ending soon

    Alert shows if a debt arrangement plan is due to end within 14 days.

    Active Debt - repayment arrangement ended

    Alert Icon - Blue Active debt - repayment arrangement ended

    Alert shows if debt repayment plan has ended in the last 28 days and not been renewed.

    Claim Submitted

    Alert Icon - Blue New PPS claim submitted 02 Feb - on hold

    Claim alerts show from when a claim is submitted until it is finalised. Claims older than 12 months show the year on the alert.

    Combined claims, (for example, CP - Carers payment and CDA - Carers Allowance) with a single claim ID, show in the same alert with a comma separating the types of claim.

    If one claim is finalised prior to the other, only the current outstanding claim shows.

    Rejected Claim

    Alert Icon - Blue New PPS claim submitted 02 Feb - Rejected

    Alert displays for 28 days after the event.

    Suspended Benefit

    Alert Icon - Blue YAL Suspended - YBS 02 Feb

    Suspended benefit status displays for 28 days. Alert shows the payment type, reason and date of suspension.

    Cancelled Benefit

    Alert Icon - Blue YAL Cancelled - ATR 12 Feb

    Cancelled benefit status displays for 28 days. Alert shows the payment type, reason and date of cancellation.


    Alert Icon - Amber Issues on file

    Only displays when Issues are present on file.

Cards information

Table 6. Most information on Customer Overview displays as cards. Cards show the interactions between a customer and the agency in date order for the last 28 days. (With the exception of SMS and push notifications which show for only 7 days.) Cards aggregate for the same activity type on the same day.

Cards help Service Officers by:

  • showing letters and other correspondence the customer has received from the agency and a view of the letter as the customer sees it (PDF)
  • highlighting the journey the customer has already been on with the agency, such as Service Centre visit, online and app activities, phone calls and push notifications




    Correspondence Cards

    Online letter

    (28 day display)

    Letter - Online letter icon

    Letter cards display the issue date shown on the letter. Letter titles can be clicked to produce a PDF version of the letter and titles have been modified to display a meaningful title.

    Paper letter

    (28 day display)

    Letter - Posted letter icon

    Letter cards display the issue date shown on the letter. Letter titles can be clicked to produce a PDF version of the letter and titles have been modified to display a meaningful title.


    (28 day display)

    Email icon

    Email titles can be clicked to produce a PDF version the customer has received.


    (7 day display)

    SMS icon

    SMS titles can be clicked to view a PDF version of what the customer received.

    Push Notifications

    (7 day display)

    Push notification icon

    Displays the activity title on the card that the customer was reminded to complete.

    Telephony Cards

    Inbound call

    (28 day display)

    Inbound call icon

    Only previous calls are shown, not the current active call.

    Scheduled call-backs and place in queue

    (28 day display)

    Scheduled call icon

    Place in Queue (PIQ) calls and Scheduled callback calls (SCIQ) display on the current call to show Service Officers the reason for call.

    Self Service Applications and Microservices

    (28 day display)

    Self Service app icon - Green Self Service app icon - Grey Self Service app icon - Red

    Self Service Application and Microservices cards display when the customer has entered the App or Microservice within the IVR.

    • Green - means the transaction was successful
    • Grey - means the outcome is unknown
    • Red - means an unsuccessful transaction

    Abandoned and congestion

    (28 day display)

    Congestion icon

    Abandoned calls display when the customer ends the call while in the Queue. Congestion cards display if the customer is played a message in the IVR to call back another time as all our Service Officers are busy. This happens if:

    • the customer is not eligible to be routed to Self Service options based on:
      • the reason for their call and/or
      • their authentication level, and
    • calls are not being routed to Service Officers

    Online and Mobile Applications


    (28 day display)

    Online - Green icon Online - Grey icon Online - Red icon

    Details of the activity undertaken are displayed in the card title for single transaction and ‘multiple activities’ if more than one activity on the same day.

    • Red - means activities did not complete.
    • Grey - means mixed outcomes from activities
    • Green - means completed activities

    Card expands to show time and title of activities with an indicator of the outcome.

    Mobile Application

    (28 day display)

    App - Green icon App - Gray icon App - Red icon

    Details of the activity undertaken are displayed in the card title for single transaction and ‘multiple activities’ if more than one activity on the same day.

    • Red - activities did not complete
    • Grey - mixed outcomes from activities
    • Green - completed activities

    Card expands to show time and title of activities with an indicator of the outcome.

    Service Centre visit

    Service Centre visit

    (28 day display)

    Service Centre icon

    Title shows location of visit. Clicking on the title gives:

    • an expanded view with more details
    • timestamp in local time
    • the queue name, and
    • the contact type of an adhoc Service Centre visit

Knowledge Links information

Table 7. knowledge links give Service Officers a direct link to the most relevant Operational Message or Operational Blueprint.

Knowledge Links help Service Officers by giving quick access to help needed to complete the customer's enquiry.




Operational Blueprint links

Operational Blueprint content banner

Links are selected for specific items only and provide a direct link to corresponding reference material to aid Service Officers.