Error codes |
Error definition |
Processing tip |
L02 Critical
Mailing address keyed incorrectly or not keyed – Critical
It is a critical error when a postal address:
Is different to the practice site address that was provided:
was not keyed, or
incorrect information was entered/keyed, and:
this affected the site receiving the letter
provided critical information regarding eligibility, or
an incorrect letter template was used
L03 Non-critical
Mailing address keyed incorrectly – Non-critical
It is a non-critical error where a minor keying error was made which:
did not prevent the LSPN receiving the letter, and
presented little/no risk to the reputation of Services Australia
Minor keying errors:
details were abbreviated when there was sufficient space to key the complete address
building/property name
incorrect field for shop/suite/unit type
the Rapid Address Entry Tool (RAET) address was overridden incorrectly, or
a minor spelling mistake in the address
L04 Critical
Registration details critical
keyed or selected incorrectly
not keyed or selected
keyed when insufficient information provided
It is a critical error when the following fields have not been updated, or have been keyed incorrectly:
Practice site/Base for mobile equipment
Practice site or mobile facility trading name
Registered business name
ABN (if applicable)
Nature of proprietorship
Individual details (if applicable)
Partnership details (if applicable)
Company details (if applicable)
Government agency or public body details (if applicable)
Practice site details
L05 Non-critical
Notes not keyed in PaNDA or PDS, where needed, (except where this relates to a critical error) - Non-critical
It is a non-critical error when:
notes have not been keyed in PaNDA, or PDS where needed, (except where this relates to a critical error)
no PaNDA note referencing Case ID of closure application for relocation/takeover applications
no note left in PaNDA when application escalated for MRI processing
ABN not keyed in PDS comments when provided for Government agency or public body
L06 Critical
Practice location address keyed incorrectly or not keyed - Critical
It is a critical error when the following field has been keyed incorrectly:
L07 Non-critical
Practice location address keyed incorrectly or not keyed - Non-critical
It is a non-critical error where the following fields have been keyed incorrectly, or not keyed:
shop/suite/unit type
address is abbreviated when the full address can be entered
the Rapid Address Entry Tool (RAET) address has been overridden incorrectly
a minor keying error that would not have a critical impact on the LSPN’s ability to access Medicare benefits
L08 Critical
Location created in error - Critical
It is a critical error when:
A new LSPN was created against processing rules
A new LSPN was created where
insufficient information was provided
the application was incomplete
L09 Critical
Letter incorrectly keyed or selected - Critical
It is a critical error where:
the postal address was not keyed or was keyed incorrectly
incorrect registration start or end-dates were keyed
the incorrect letter template was used
the incorrect LSPN was entered
L10 Non-critical
Letter incorrectly keyed - Non-critical
It is a non-critical error where:
the address is abbreviated when the full address can be entered
there is a minor keying error that is not a security risk to the site or would not stop the site from getting mail
L11 Critical
Delegate approval not evident - Critical
It is a critical error where:
Delegate approval at the appropriate level has not been applied
Delegate approval is not evident (PaNDA comments)
L12 Critical
Update made against incorrect LSPN - Critical
It is a critical error where:
An update/amendment has been made to the incorrect LSPN
L13 Critical
Request actioned when appropriate Declaration/s not signed by authorised representative or proprietor - Critical
It is a critical error where:
a request has been actioned when a declaration, or request in a letter, has not been signed by an authorised person
L14 Critical
Location not created when sufficient Information provided - Critical
It is a critical error where:
a location has not been created when enough information was given
L15 Critical
Associate link to HPOS not keyed/ as needed - Critical
It is a critical error where:
an Associate has not been linked to HPOS when correct details were provided
L16 Non-critical
Subsequent Associate link to HPOS as Staff not keyed/updated as needed - Non-critical
It is a non-critical error where:
there is already an Associate linked to HPOS as an Administrator and a subsequent request to add a further Associate as Staff is not keyed/updated
L17 Critical
Incorrect Associate linked to HPOS - Critical
It is a critical error where:
an incorrect Associate was linked to HPOS for the LSPN as either Administrator or Staff
L18 Critical
MRI equipment request not escalated to National Office - Critical
It is a critical error where
an MRI equipment request was not escalated to National Office via Local Peer Support (LPS)
L19 Critical
MRI provider not added or incorrectly added - Critical
It is a critical error where an:
MRI provider was not linked to an LSPN
MRI provider was linked to an LSPN in error
incorrect start or end date was keyed
end date was keyed in error or not keyed when appropriate
L20 Critical
Contact details not added/updated or incorrectly added/updated - Critical
It is a critical error where:
first given name or family name of either primary or secondary representative were not added or updated, or incorrect names were keyed
L21 Non-critical
Contact details not added/updated or incorrectly added/updated – Non-Critical
It is a non-critical error where the following fields were not keyed or keyed incorrectly:
Daytime phone number
Fax number
Position held, or
there is a minor spelling in the name fields
L22 Critical |
Equipment or equipment details not added/updated or incorrectly added/updated - Critical
It is a critical error where equipment details were:
not added/updated when there was sufficient information provided, or
incorrectly added or updated
This includes the following fields:
Doppler/Non-Doppler or with/without echocardiography – Ultrasound Only
Equipment type
Serial number
Model/ type number
Manufacturer/ company
Date manufactured
Date installed in Australia
Upgrade indicator
Date operational
Date removed
L23 Non-critical
Equipment or equipment details incorrectly added/updated – Non-Critical
It is a non-critical error when:
the date is updated or keyed incorrectly
a small keying error is made in serial number, model or manufacture
Note: It is not an error if both date manufactured and date installed in Australia were provided and only the earlier of these dates was keyed
L24 Critical
PET provider codes not added or added incorrectly - Critical
It is a critical error where:
PET provider codes were not added when sufficient and accurate information was provided on a HW064 form and the provider has pre-requisite speciality code/s
PET provider codes were added when insufficient or inaccurate information was provided on a HW064 form and/or the provider did not have pre-requisite speciality codes
L25 Critical
Mobile proprietor details keyed incorrectly - Critical
It is a critical error where the following field has been incorrectly keyed:
L26 Non-critical
Mobile proprietor details keyed incorrectly - Non-critical
It is a non-critical error where the following have been keyed incorrectly, or not keyed:
building/property name
shop/suite/unit type
address is abbreviated when the full address can be entered
the Rapid Address Entry Tool (RAET) address has been overridden incorrectly, or
a minor spelling mistake in the address
L27 Critical
LSPN closed where insufficient information provided - Critical
It is a critical error when an LSPN was closed where:
the application did not indicate that LSPN was closing and removing all equipment
a closure date was not provided
the closure request was not signed by the authorised representative/proprietor
L28 Critical
Existing LSPN not closed where requested - Critical
It is a critical error when an existing LSPN was not closed, where all the following apply:
It was shown on the application that the LSPN was closing and removing all equipment
A closure date was provided
The closure request was signed by an authorised representative/proprietor
L29 Critical
Incorrect start date keyed for Initial/New LSPN - Critical
It is a critical error where:
an incorrect start date was keyed for a new LSPN registration
L30 Critical
Site not extended or extended incorrectly - critical
It is a critical error when a site is not extended or extended incorrectly, following receipt of a:
Declaration, or
Amendment request within 3 months of LSPN expiry