Public Eligibility quality checking processing 111-22090030
Status code categories
Table 1
Category |
Displayed in QCS as… |
Error-free |
OK |
Document status codes |
Processing status codes |
Error-free status code
Table 2
Error-free status code |
Definition |
Processing tip |
001 |
Error-free |
Quality check did not detect errors. |
Document error status codes
Table 3
Error status codes |
Definition |
Processing tip |
E06 |
Address details omitted. |
It is an error when the address details were omitted from an enrolment form (or written correspondence) and there is no verification present. |
E10 |
Reason for copy or transfer application omitted. |
It is an error when the reason for a copy or transfer has not been notated/tickbox on the form. |
E11 |
Name/s incomplete or omitted. |
It is an error when a member of the public's:
was incomplete or omitted from the form and no verification is present. Note: this error does not apply to the name stated in the declaration. |
E12 |
Gender omitted. |
It is an error when a member of the public's gender was omitted from the Medicare Enrolment Application form and no verification is present. |
E13 |
Insufficient documentation to support enrolment action taken for child in state/foster care. |
It is an error if there is inappropriate or insufficient documentation to support any enrolment action taken for a child under the age of 15 in state/foster care. |
E16 |
Signature/declaration omitted or incomplete. |
It is an error when an Enrolment was not signed/declaration not completed and there is no verification present (if applicable). Note: signatures may be required for all applicants over the age of 14 for EFT collection, 15 for all other forms. |
E19 |
Insufficient, inappropriate or no documentation to support enrolment action taken. |
It is an error if the following is not in the batch or not uploaded in PaNDA to support the enrolment amendment taken:
E20 |
Insufficient or incorrect identification to support enrolment amendment action taken. |
It is an error when there is:
E22 |
DIAC/Applicant for permanent residency. Insufficient, inappropriate or no documentation to support enrolment action taken. |
It is an error when a member of the public has been enrolled and:
Note: this may require referral to the Compliance Operations area, Program Review Division. |
E23 |
Returning residents/citizens and New Zealand citizens residing permanently in Australia. Insufficient, inappropriate or no documentation to support enrolment action taken. |
It is an error when a member of the public has been enrolled and:
E24 |
New enrolment Reciprocal Health Care Agreement. Insufficient, inappropriate or no documentation to support enrolment action taken. |
It is an error when a member of the public has been enrolled and:
E39 |
More than four document errors. |
If 4 document errors are detected, key all 4 error codes in the status value available. If more than 4 errors detected, key the first 3 errors with applicable code and key E39 as the fourth error. When more than 4 errors are made and there is a combination of document and processing errors, use E89 as the fourth error. |
Processing error status codes
Table 4
Error status codes |
Definition |
Processing tip |
E40 |
Incorrect Medicare card number or duplicate record created. |
It is an error when an enrolment transaction has been processed under the incorrect card number. It is an error if a duplicate pin/ consumer ID was created when completing an enrolment activity. If a customer record already exists in CDMS, it must be used to associate the Medicare enrolment. |
E41 |
Group contact first name or family name incorrect or not changed. |
It is an error when the group contact:
E42 |
Long name details incorrect/not required. |
It is an error when the:
It is an error to create a 'Long name record' when the name is not long. or long name process has not been completed. Note:
E43 |
Address details keyed incorrectly or not updated when appropriate. |
It is an error when the address was:
E44 Note: non-critical error. This must not be recorded on QBBI, only on the online Error Explanation Sheet. |
Comments field not completed when appropriate or completed inappropriately. |
It is an error when the comments:
Note: see E73 for comments related to LHC letters. |
E45 |
Ineligible member/s of the public enrolled. |
It is an error when a member of the public was enrolled when the supporting documentation indicated that they were not eligible. |
E46 |
Entitlement type incorrect or not changed when appropriate. |
It is an error when the entitlement type has:
E47 |
Country of relevance/Reciprocal Health Care Agreement (RHCA) country selected incorrectly. |
It is an error when the Country of Relevance/RHCA country selected does not match supporting documentation. |
E48 |
Power of attorney (POA) details incorrect or not completed when appropriate. |
It is an error when the POA details have been:
E49 |
Entitlement start date incorrect or not changed when appropriate. |
It is an error when the entitlement start date has:
Note: it is not an error when the dates have been updated as per Department of Home Affairs link. |
E50 |
Entitlement end date or entitlement end reason incorrect or not changed when appropriate. |
It is an error when the:
E51 |
Return mail indicator selected incorrectly or not selected or type of return mail incorrect. |
It is an error when the:
E52 |
Medicare Copy/Transfer not actioned or actioned incorrectly. |
It is an error when an applicant/person has:
Note: when both parents are shown on a family card, children under the age of 15 years should not be transferred without the authority of both parents as per the business rules. |
E53 |
Replacement card not issued or issued incorrectly. |
It is an error when:
Note: when processing a notification of death for a multiple person enrolment, a replacement card is not to be issued unless requested. |
E54 Note: non-critical error. This must not be recorded on QBBI, only on the online Error Explanation Sheet. |
Title and/or suffix selected incorrectly. |
It is an error when a title and/or suffix is incorrectly selected and has not been updated at Personal and/or Group. |
E55 Note: non-critical error. This must not be recorded on QBBI, only on the online Error Explanation Sheet. |
Personal contact details not keyed or keyed incorrectly. |
It is an error when a member of the public's contact details are not keyed or keyed incorrectly. This includes when the:
does not match supporting documentation when legible. |
E56 |
EFT banking details keyed incorrectly. |
It is an error when a member of the public's EFT details were:
E57 |
Name not keyed or keyed incorrectly. |
It is an error when a member of the public’s name or only name has:
Note: a request for a name change at group level only must be notated in the personal comments. This field does not need updating where the second names or initial is already populated but not indicated on supporting documentation. |
E60 |
Gender selected incorrectly or not changed when appropriate. |
It is an error when a member of the public's gender does not match supporting documentation or as per the legal documentation in the MEE portal. Note: gender can only be amended for gender reassignment when relevant documentation requirements have been met. |
E61 |
Date of birth keyed incorrectly. |
It is an error when a member of the public's date of birth does not match supporting documentation or as per the legal documentation in the MEE portal. |
E62 |
Date of death or notification source incorrect. |
It is an error when a member of the public's date of death:
E63 Note: non-critical error. This must not be recorded on QBBI, only on the online Error Explanation Sheet. |
Aboriginal/Torres Strait/South Sea Islander status selected incorrectly or not updated. |
It is an error when the Aboriginal/Torres Strait/South Sea Islander status:
Note: where the Aboriginal/Torres Strait/South Sea Islander status is already populated but not indicated on supporting documentation the selection is not required to be updated. |
E64 |
Eligibility and/or residency documents keyed/selected incorrectly or not entered. |
It is an error when the required eligibility or residency documents sighted or notated were:
It is an error if the reference date or text was omitted or incorrect. |
E71 |
Work item not actioned completely |
It is an error if a work item has not been actioned completely as per the business rules. It is also an error if a work item is closed in PaNDA without being processed and no comments in PaNDA/CDMS to explain the action taken. This also includes where the My Health Record (MHR) error has occurred during an enrolment activity. |
E72 |
Sensitive indicators not selected/selected incorrectly. |
It is an error if the sensitive indicators are not selected/selected incorrectly in CDMS as per the business rules. |
E73 |
LHC request not actioned when appropriate. |
It is an error if a Life Time Health Cover (LHC) letter has not been actioned:
Note: it is also an error if no comments are left on CDMS when an LHC letter is issued. |
E74 |
DVS not actioned/comments keyed when appropriate. |
It is an error when Document Verification Service (DVS) business rules are not followed / comments not included in CDMS when DVS check has been actioned. |
E75 |
Online enrolment not actioned/closed/actioned incorrectly. |
It is an error if the online (includes Digital and Medicare Newborn Enrolment (MAENROL) Digital Medicare Enrolment (DME)) enrolment is not processed as per the business rules. It is also an error if:
E76 |
Contact details recorded or not removed for children under 15 years |
Contact details for children under 15 years must not be displayed in CDMS. It is an error when:
E89 |
More than four processing errors. |
When four processing errors are detected key all four error codes in the status value available. When more than four processing errors detected key the first three errors with applicable code followed by error code E89 in the fourth field. When more than four errors are made and there is a combination of processing and document errors, use E89 as the fourth error. |
Medicare Safety Net document error status codes
Table 5
Error status codes |
Definition |
Processing tip |
E08 |
Insufficient, incomplete or no documentation/comments to support Medicare Safety Net confirmation. |
To support action taken, it is error when:
Medicare Safety Net processing error status codes
Table 6
Error status codes |
Definition |
Processing tip |
E67 |
Medicare Safety Net registration member type keyed incorrectly or not updated. |
It is an error when the member type does not match supporting documentation. |
E68 |
Member omitted from, included in or not removed from a family Safety Net registration when appropriate. |
It is an error when a member of the public was either:
from the family Safety Net registration when appropriate. |
E69 |
Family confirmed incorrectly. |
It is an error when the family composition for confirmation does not match supporting documentation. |
My Health Record processing error status codes
Table 7
Error status codes |
Definition |
Processing tip |
E70 Critical |
Individual registered incorrectly without consent. |
This is an error when the individual or a dependant has been registered and they have not given their authority. The MHR error email template must be completed and sent for action to the Consumer IHI and My Health Record SME team (see 'Consumer enquiries' table). |
Email template
Table 8
Description |
Subject |
My Health Record processing error |
Body |
Complete the following information: Your details Date: Your Name: Your phone number: Self reported or QC? Processing details Source office code: Processing date: Processor P number: Form Type (FA081/MS004/Online/Other): Error details (Registered/not registered incorrectly): Consumer details Name: DOB: IHI: Phone no: Dependent details (if applicable) Name: DOB: IHI: Please attach documents |
Do not share these attachments externally. See Freedom of Information - Information Publication Scheme.
Guide to completing the online Error Explanation Sheet
The Quality Control System (QCS) for Medicare
CDMS Quality Control Quick Reference Guide
Quality checking feedback email templates
Health Service Delivery staff use quality checking feedback templates according to the quality checking Source Office Code (SOC).
Do not share these attachments externally. See Freedom of Information - Information Publication Scheme.
Face to face staff
Contact details
My Health Record Support team
Health Service Delivery Division - Quality, Performance and Technical Support
Medicare National Portfolio- Face to Face