ABSTUDY eligibility and requirements 010-02000000
Allowances payable under specific ABSTUDY Awards
Table 1
ABSTUDY Allowance and Benefits |
Schooling A Award |
Schooling B Award |
Tertiary Award |
Part-time Award |
Testing and Assessment Award |
Masters and Doctorate Award |
Lawful Custody Award |
Additional Assistance |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Additional Incidentals Allowance |
Yes |
Yes |
Assistance to pay student contributions (formerly HECS) or tuition fees |
Yes |
Away From Base assistance |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Energy Supplement |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Fares Allowance |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Incidentals Allowance |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Lawful Custody Allowance |
Yes |
Living Allowance |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Pensioner Education Supplement |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Pharmaceutical Allowance |
Yes |
Yes |
Relocation Allowance |
Yes |
Relocation Scholarship |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Remote Area Allowance |
Yes |
Yes |
Rent Assistance |
Yes |
Yes |
School Fees Allowance |
Yes |
Yes |
School Term Allowance |
Yes |
Student Start-up Loan |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Thesis Allowance |
Yes |
Note: Relocation Scholarship and Student Start-up Loan are only available to eligible students under Schooling B Award for undertaking an approved scholarship course.
Overview of Allowances available to Australian Apprentices
Table 2
ABSTUDY Allowance |
Tertiary Award |
Lawful Custody Award |
Additional Assistance |
Yes |
Energy Supplement |
Yes |
Incidentals Allowance |
Yes |
Lawful Custody Allowance |
Yes |
Living Allowance |
Yes |
Rent Assistance |
Yes |
Note: only the Allowances specified attract eligibility.
Table 3
Award |
Type of study |
Age Requirement |
Allowances and Benefits Payable |
Schooling A (primary study) |
Full-time Primary |
14 or more years of age on 1 January in the year of study and living 'at home' |
Schooling A (secondary study) |
Full-time Secondary |
15 years of age or younger and 'at home' or not approved for the Away from Home rate or independent rates. |
Schooling B (primary study) |
Full-time Primary |
Schooling B (secondary study or secondary non-school study) |
Full-time Secondary School or Secondary Non-school |
For secondary school students:
For secondary non-school students:
Tertiary |
Full-time Tertiary Student, or Australian Apprentice (apprentice or trainee) |
Minimum school leaving age or have an exemption to enter Tertiary study or Australian Apprenticeship |
Part-Time (secondary study) |
Part-time Secondary |
18 years of age or older on 1 January in the year of study |
Part-time (post-secondary study) |
Part-time post-secondary |
No minimum age requirements |
Testing and Assessment |
Tertiary Institutions |
No age restrictions |
Masters and Doctorate |
Masters and/or Doctorate level study |
Minimum school leaving age or have an exemption to attend TAFE/Tertiary institution. |
Students in Lawful Custody |
Secondary, post-secondary, tertiary studies or full-time Australian Apprentices (apprentices or trainees) |
No minimum age requirements. |
Institution exempt from testing and assessment duration limit
Table 4
Institution |
Course |
National Aboriginal and Islander Skills Development Association (NAISDA) |
Department of Social Services has advised all NAISDA courses are exempt from the time limit of testing and assessment programs. |
Examples - showing the determination of eligibility for assistance to undertake the testing and assessment programme
Table 5
Example |
Scenario |
1 |
Studying a Diploma course Barbara is enrolled and successfully undertaking the Diploma in Community Management and Development at Curtin University. Barbara wants to apply to enter the University of Western Australia's (UWA) Law programme. UWA conduct an approved testing and assessment programme each January for an intake into the Law programme. Barbara is eligible for assistance to undertake the testing programme. Even though currently studying a tertiary level course, a Diploma course does not indicate the academic ability to undertake a Bachelor of Law programme. |
2 |
Studying a Bachelor course Isaac has successfully completed one year of a Bachelor of Arts degree at Monash University. Isaac hopes to commence a Bachelor of Medicine degree at the same university. Isaac must first undertake a testing and assessment programme to determine academic ability to undertake the course. Isaac is eligible for assistance to undertake the testing programme for the medicine course. Although already successfully completing one year of study at the Bachelor level, the content of the Bachelor of Arts studies does not necessarily indicate an ability to successfully undertake the science and maths-based curriculum of the Medicine degree. |
3 |
Changing course of study Anna has completed one year of a Bachelor of Science degree at University of Queensland, studying mainly maths and physics-based units. After spending the summer break doing work experience for a construction company, Anna decides to instead study a Bachelor of Engineering programme at the University of Sydney. The University of Sydney requires Anna to undertake a testing activity before admission to the Engineering course is approved. It is unclear why this testing activity would be necessary to determine Anna's academic suitability to undertake the course, as Anna has already studied in a similar field at a Bachelor level. The University of Sydney provides a letter confirming Anna's academic ability to undertake the Engineering degree cannot be assessed from the previous study because Anna gained only pass-grades in units while doing the Bachelor of Science degree. The letter explains Anna needs to be tested to ensure the more rigorous demands of the Engineering program can be met. Anna is therefore assessed as eligible to undertake the testing programme for entry to the Bachelor of Engineering at the University of Sydney. |