Keylon is 13 years of age, in Year 7 and is planning to live away from home to complete secondary study.
Keylon's parents, Olivia and Nathan, are separated and have a shared care arrangement. Both live at different addresses in the same town.
Keylon is being assessed for the away from home rate based on the parental home address.
Both parents, are deemed suitable applicants for Keylon as they are both responsible for Keylon's care. It needs to be considered which parent/guardian would be the most beneficial for Keylon to have their Away from Home reason based off.
The first to apply is the 'eligible' applicant. Their home address will be assessed as Keylon's home address for the claim.
Nathan contacts first to apply for ABSTUDY Boarding. This means that Keylon's ABSTUDY will be assessed based on Nathan's living circumstances. If Keylon is not eligible for ABSTUDY based on Nathan’s circumstances, Olivia can claim to test eligibility. |