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ABSTUDY School Term Allowance 010-02050020

Services Australia website

For School Term Allowance Dates use Education Institutions eService.

Note: attendance can be coded as satisfactory prior to the dates however, payment will not be issued prior to the prescribed date of the particular term. If attendance is not coded as satisfactory until after the particular term's delivery date, the School Term Allowance will be delivered 2 working days after the reassessment has been completed.

Payment rates

School Term Allowance rate

Current payment rates for other ABSTUDY related payments are on the Rates and thresholds page.

Frequently Asked Questions - Customers

Table 1




Q. How do I prove my child went to school for 85% each term?

A. Centrelink will ask the school to provide attendance information directly to Centrelink at the end of each term.


Q. The school says my child attended school for 82% in term 3, but I know my child went to school for 85% of that term, can Centrelink talk to the school for me?

A. You will need to talk to the school to resolve this issue. Centrelink will not get involved in attendance disputes between parents and schools. If the school changes the attendance information, they will give the parent new evidence to provide to Centrelink.


Q. In term 1, my child went to school for 83% of the term. In term 2 they attended school for 88% of the term. Can these be averaged over 2 terms so I get 2 payments?

A. No, your child needs to achieve 85% in each term to receive payment for that term.


Q. If my child attended 80% for a term, can I get a pro-rata amount?

A. No, your child must attend at least 85% in that term to receive the amount. If your child turns 16 during a particular term, you will receive a pro-rata amount based on the period your child was under 16.


Q. My child didn’t attend 85% in term 1 2020, but our school was open during term 2 and my child did attend 85% for the term. Am I eligible for the term 3 STA payment based on term 2 attendance?

A. No. The attendance requirement of 85% for qualification for Term 3 STA is based on attendance in term 1 2020.


Q. What do I need to do to receive my School Term Allowance?

A. Evidence of attendance is required and Centrelink will receive this information directly from the schools.


Q. It is the start of the term and I have not been paid School Term Allowance yet. When will this be paid?

A. At the beginning of the year you will receive the payment for the first term automatically. From now on, we will need evidence to show that your child's attendance at school has been 85% or higher before we can make the following payments. Once the information is received from schools directly, we will assess your child's attendance and make a payment if attendance has been satisfactory. It may take several weeks for this information on attendance to be received and processed.


Q. Does this new initiative take into consideration ‘approved’ absences by the school i.e. medical certificates?

A. The initiative only takes into account unapproved absences, i.e, truancy or wagging school.


Q. How are ‘approved’ and unapproved’ absences defined?

A. Schools define an unapproved absence as an absence that was not covered by a note from a parent or guardian. So an approved absence is one which was accompanied by a note.


Q. How does part day attendance affect the overall attendance?

A. They don't, unless they are unapproved. For example, a student is absent from school after lunch and a note is not produced explaining why.


Q. Can the parents provide the evidence from the school if there is a delay in processing the payment? If so, what evidence is accepted?

A. They certainly can. A letter or note from the school - that is, on a school letterhead - signed by a teacher and stating that attendance percentage will suffice.


Q. Will an overpayment be raised for term 1 if my child does not attend 85% of the term?

A. No. Overpayments cannot be raised as payments are made on advice. Payment one is automatic and has nothing to do with attendance. It's made to help parents with up-front costs in sending kids to school. The second payment will depend on satisfactory attendance during term one; the third payment depends on satisfactory attendance during term two; and the fourth payment will depend on satisfactory attendance during term three.


Q. Previously Centrelink has allowed up to 10 days absence for children moving location, will this rule remain in place thus enabling customers to be eligible for School Term Allowance even if the 10 days absence will reduce the child’s attendance to less than 85%?

A. Yes, the important thing is that the school record shows satisfactory attendance for this period of time.

Frequently Asked Questions - Service Officers

Table 2




Q. How does Centrelink find out about a student percentage?

A. Centrelink will receive, directly from schools, details of unapproved absences for each child currently on School Term Allowance. This information will either be received electronically for participating schools or through a written Payment on Advice request.


Q. How long will it take for schools to provide information?

A. It is expected that Centrelink will receive the information needed and most eligible customer should be paid within 5 weeks after the commencement of term. However, depending on how quickly schools respond to Centrelink’s request, some customers may start to be paid in week one of term.


Q. How is the 85% calculated?

A. As the number of days per term varies between states and even schools within states, Centrelink and DEST have decided to use the standard school days calendar to work out what constitutes satisfactory attendance.

In all States and Territories the number of unapproved absences that constitutes 85% attendance is less than 7 days. If a student had 7 days or less unapproved absences per term, they meet the 85% attendance requirements for School Term Allowance. If a student has 8 or more days of unapproved absences per term, they do not meet the 85% attendance requirement for School Term Allowance.

Payment on Advice

Schools will be asked on the Payment on Advice report to indicate whether the student has a SAT or UNS result.

Electronic Report

A formula will be applied to the electronic data to convert the number of unapproved absences to a SAT or UNS result.


Q. How many unapproved absences has the school advised Centrelink for last term?

A. Centrelink only records if the attendance was satisfactory or unsatisfactory for the payment. This is on the Education Payments School Attendance (EYSA) screen.

Parents need to discuss with the school details of unapproved absences, and any disputes. If the school revises the number of unapproved absences then the parent can provide new evidence from the school and be reassessed for School Term Allowance.

Centrelink only records this information because any discussions around the number of unapproved absences should be between the parent/student and the school.