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Assessing limited local school facilities for ABSTUDY Away from Home rate 010-02060090

This document outlines the ABSTUDY Away from Home rate paid to dependent students due to limited local school programs or facilities.


The Away from Home rate may be approved if all the following apply:

  • Government schools within reasonable travelling time or distance are unable to provide an appropriate level of schooling for a secondary student
  • Appropriate schooling is not available due to limited local school program or facilities confirmed by the relevant State/Territory education authority
  • Student is required to bypass government school/s and attend another institution offering an appropriate program

A local government secondary school that is listed as limited program school by the State/Territory education authority does not offer a full program at the year or grade in which the student is qualified to enrol, see Resources for the current limited local program school list. Each State/Territory education authority provides Services Australia with a list of secondary schools which:

  • do not offer a full range of years or grades
  • do not provide adequate facilities or programs to enable a student to gain a Year 12 certificate or tertiary entrance score

Living Allowance at the Away from Home rate will be automatically paid to enable dependent students to bypass a South Australian Special Rural School and Tribal Aboriginal/Anangu School in order to attend a larger secondary school.

Eligibility when no local government school available

Some students in rural or remote areas may automatically qualify for the Away from Home rate due to travel time and access or limited local school facilities as they have no access to a government school offering the appropriate year of study. Many of these students may have access to a non-government school but cannot afford to enrol, as the fees are extremely high.

In these cases, ABSTUDY may approve the Group 2 School Fee Allowance (SFA) so they can attend the non-government school whilst continuing to live at home. See ABSTUDY School Fees Allowance (SFA) (Group 2).


Away from Home rate can be claimed:

  • for new customers, via the ABSTUDY Claim Form (SY019)
  • for existing customers, via a statement (verbal or written) indicating the criteria under which they are seeking approval

Unfavourable decisions

When making an unfavourable decision, speak to the customer:

  • explain the decision
  • give them a chance to provide more information, and
  • advise their review and appeal rights

The Resources page contains lists of schools that offer a limited program.

Away from home rate for ABSTUDY

Cessation of the ABSTUDY Away from Home rate

Assessing continuity of study for ABSTUDY away from home rate

Assessing ABSTUDY travel time and access for the away from home rate