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Assessing racial discrimination for ABSTUDY away from home 010-02060140

This document outlines when an ABSTUDY student may be eligible for a higher rate of assistance due to racial discrimination at the local government schools.

Assessing racial discrimination for ABSTUDY Away from Home




Proof or documentation required + Read more ...

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Approval of the Away from Home (AFH) rate due to racial discrimination will require substantiation that everything possible has been tried to reconcile the situation at the local level and has proved unsuccessful.

Approval may be given if the following are provided:

  • specific required documentation in the form of:
  • a written statement from the applicant, or
  • a statement of circumstances obtained from the interview of the student or applicant by an authorised officer, and
  • one or more supporting statements from the local:
  • Education Consultative Body (IECB)
  • Parental and Community Engagement Program (PaCE)
  • school authority, or
  • an incorporated Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisation
  • detailing the circumstances of the claim and that everything possible has been undertaken locally to resolve the situation, but has proved unsuccessful

Note: approval should not be made without consultation with a relevant Indigenous education authority or organisation.


Advice to customer + Read more ...

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When granting or rejecting a claim for Living Allowance at the Away from Home rate, the customer should be advised to notify Services Australia, within 14 days, if there are any changes to their circumstances.


Coding required + Read more ...

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Complete the following fields on the Independent/Homeless/Away From Home Details (NIH) screen to record the approval of Away from Home rate based on the student being subjected to racial discrimination. If there is a previous entry on the NIH screen, the NIHS screen will display. If there is a current entry, this will need to be end-dated before a new line can be entered. Once end-dated, press [Enter] for a new NIH screen.

  • Action: field type 'AFH'
  • Start/Reject Reason: field, type 'ARD' (Serious racial discrimination at local school)
  • Start Date: field, type the date away from which the Away from Home rate has been granted

No need to code the End Date, End Reason: and Consent to Contact: fields.

See Coding away from home rate for ABSTUDY for procedures on fully coding a student qualified for Away from Home rate.