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Home schooling arrangements for ABSTUDY 010-02080030

This document outlines under what conditions ABSTUDY can be paid for students being taught at home. Some families choose to teach their children themselves at home rather than have them undertake formal study. Formal study is undertaken when attending a school or enrolling for distance education.

Home schooling arrangements for ABSTUDY




Undertaking home based schooling + Read more ...

For information on home schooling eligibility, use the National Course Approvals sub site.

Is the customer undertaking or intending to undertake approved home based schooling?


Evidence required + Read more ...

Evidence is required to be considered a full-time home schooling student for ABSTUDY purposes. The evidence must include a statement from the relevant State/Territory Government education authority indicating:

  • specific, individual approval has been given by the education authority to the student to undertake home study
  • confirmation that the study is full-time
  • that the study conforms with the secondary qualification accredited by that authority, and
  • will be accredited towards the secondary qualification accredited by that authority

Has the customer provided evidence from the relevant State/Territory Government education authority indicating the above?


Request evidence + Read more ...

The customer does not satisfy the requirements to be considered a full-time home schooling student for ABSTUDY purposes until the required evidence is provided.

Tell the customer to provide the evidence. If required, send a request for the documentation, see Requesting information (CLK).

Record details on a DOC of decision.

Procedure ends here.


Customer satisfies the ABSTUDY requirements + Read more ...

The customer satisfies the ABSTUDY requirements for a full-time home schooling student.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Explain to the customer:
    • the ABSTUDY requirements and
    • the obligation to notify Centrelink of any changes (e.g. commencing a different course, decreasing study load etc.)
  • Code the education details on the system
  • Record details on a DOC of any discussions with the customer

Procedure ends here.