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Authorising and coding pre-booked Fares Allowance (FAA) entitlements for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) 010-02100070

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Processing Services details for: ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES

ABSTUDY Travel Booking Status values and use

Table 1: This table describes ABSTUDY Booking Status values, their use, and the team authority to update them.


Booking Status Use



Default for individual and bulk requests created by ABSTUDY Travel and Away from Base Service Officers. Bookings in this status cannot be exported.


Pending Approval

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-phone.png

Status for new bookings, amendments and cancellation requests received via ABSTUDY Smart Centre Call. Bookings in this status cannot be exported.



Assign based on eligibility assessment.

Note: once assigned, this Booking Status cannot be altered. However, other booking details can be amended, such as travel date.



Assign once itinerary is received from Corporate Travel Management (CTM).



Assign to travel request that have been exported and sent to CTM.



Assign when a travel variation is received and the travel booking request is still in a status of Requested or Booked. Rescheduled bookings indicate that travel booking has been amended and new details sent to CTM.



Assign when a travel cancellation is approved. Cancelled bookings will not be re-booked.

Note: once assigned, this Booking Status, or other travel details within the booking cannot be altered.


No Show - Penalty

Assign when an approved traveller does not undertake travel without a valid reason.


No Show - No Penalty

Assign when an approved traveller does not undertake travel due to circumstances beyond their control.



Assign when a reimbursement has occurred for fares and/or additional costs after travel has been undertaken. Bookings in this status cannot be exported.

Note: once assigned, this Booking Status can only be altered to a Cancelled status. Other booking details can be amended, such as travel dates.

ABSTUDY Travel Authorisation - Booking Form Sheets

Table 2:




Booking Form - Booking Information

The Booking Information sheet contains the booking action, travel reason and institution details and is separated into three sections:

  • Corporate Travel Management (CTM) Booking Information, consisting of:
    • Action - options are Booking, Amendment, Cancellation or Reimbursement
    • Travel Reason - allows selection of the various travel reasons, for example, Start of Study
    • Restricted Booking - pre-filled with Yes for Secondary Institutions, and No for Tertiary Institutions
    • Student Authorised to Call - pre-filled with No for Secondary Institutions, and Yes for Tertiary Institutions
    • Unrestricted Booking - pre-filled with No for Secondary Institutions, and Yes for Tertiary Institutions
  • Institution Contact Information, completed by the institution, and consists of:
    • Education Institution Name
    • Education Institution Customer Reference Number (CRN)
    • Business Hours (B/H) Contact Name
    • B/H Contact Ph
    • After Hours (A/H) Contact Name #1
    • A/H Contact Ph #1
    • A/H Contact Name #2
    • A/H Contact Ph #2
    • Email address/addresses - CTM can issue itineraries to up to 5 email addresses. Where there is more than one, separate each email address with a comma
  • ABSTUDY Smart Centre Travel Team Contact Information, pre-filled with contact details


Booking Form - Travel Arrangements

The Travel Arrangements sheet contains all travel information for individual travellers. It must be completed for each student and any associated travellers.

  • Title
  • Surname
  • First Name
  • DOB - must be entered in DD/MM/YYYY format
  • Traveller CRN - must be provided for all travellers including non-student travellers
  • Traveller Type - allows selection of the applicable traveller type, such as student, supervisor, education representative. Approved non-student dependents require their traveller type to be coded as supervisor
  • Emergency Name #1
  • Emergency Phone #1
  • Emergency Name #2
  • Emergency Phone #2
  • Travel Date - must be entered in DD/MM/YYYY format
  • Return Date - must be entered in DD/MM/YYYY format
  • From State/Territory - prefilled drop-down options
  • Travel From - prefilled drop-down options based on the State/Territory selected
  • To State/Territory - prefilled drop-down options
  • Travel To - prefilled drop-down options based on the State/Territory selected
  • Safe Travel Plan (STP) - a Yes or No option
  • Linked Travellers Reqd - a Yes or No option. Selecting Yes will allow the booking to be linked on the Linked Travellers sheet
  • Travel Mode - Air, Bus, Charter, Motor Vehicle, Rail or Sea
  • Comments - any requirements for the travel, for example, accommodation or transfer requirements or address details for private boarders


Booking Form - Linked Travellers

The Linked Travellers sheet is used to advise of travellers who will be travelling together. It can be used to pre-link travellers so that this is completed by the TMA when the Booking Form is uploaded.

Traveller 1 and Traveller 2, drop down options, contain a summary of the booking information entered on the Travel Arrangements sheet. Booking information will only display for bookings that have Yes selected in the Linked Travellers Reqd column on the Travel Arrangements sheet.


Approved codes

Table 3: this table outlines approved codes to be included in the email subject heading when sending a request to CTM.

Approved Code



Initial school vacation and end/start of year travel requests from education/board providers.


Requests for 10 or more passengers travelling for the same event regardless of dates, sent to CTM 7 days before the travel date. This includes:

  • Special Purpose Visit
  • Orientation Visit


Travel requests sent to CTM within 7 days of the travel date. This does not include:

  • Away from Base
  • Bulk


New travel requests sent to CTM 7 days before the travel date. This includes:

  • Additional school vacation and end/start of year bookings actioned after the initial bulk travel request has been sent to CTM (including requests for 10 or more passengers)
  • Special Purpose Visit
  • Orientation Visit
  • compassionate
  • mid-year, and
  • Away from Base


Amendments to all travel types.


Cancellation of all travel types.

ABSTUDY FAA change of non - student traveller

Table 4: this table describes a scenario to assist Service Officers when exporting a travel request to Corporate Travel Management (CTM) where a non-student traveller booking is cancelled, and a new traveller is required.




Change to non-student traveller

Non-student traveller is requested/booked, and a request is received to cancel the original non-student traveller and add a new non-student traveller.

Martha from the education/board provider contacts to request a change to their student Luke's supervisor. Luke's Mum is the booked supervisor, Martha confirms that Mum can no longer travel due to work commitments and Dad will now need to supervise. Martha has contacted more than 24 hours before travel date to request a change in supervisor.

Change of supervisors can be approved, however will need to be assessed/coded separately in the Travel Management Application (TMA).

  • Cancellation of original supervisor can be completed as Martha has notified more than 24 hours from scheduled travel date/time
  • New supervisor is eligible for FAA and will need to be assessed/coded separately
  • The cancelled travel line in the TMA is to be exported
  • On the exported authorisation form, the Service Officer must change the Action on the booking information tab from 'Cancellation' to 'Amendment', then manually add an additional line on the travel arrangements tab to include the new traveller details
  • Change of traveller information must be documented in the Comments field. Refer to the ABSTUDY Travel Minimum DOC Standards 'Travel Authorisation Booking Form - Comments Template'

Mandatory supervision requirement scenarios

Table 5




No mandatory supervision in exceptional circumstance

Jahli is an 11-year-old boarding student. Jahli is currently in year 7 and boarding away from home for the first time.

Jahli's education provider has lodged a request for compassionate travel request for Jahli to return to their home community in Doomadgee, as Jahli is unwell and at risk of self-harm.

Within the travel request, the education provider has advised that Jahli's Aunt is travelling on the same flight, however this travel was not arranged with Services Australia.

The travel can be approved and prebooked without mandatory supervision for Jahli in this scenario, provided the boarding school/provider understands their responsibility to manage risks and implement the Safe Travel Plan.


No mandatory supervision for direct flight in exceptional circumstance

Isaia is an 11-year-old boarding student in Rockhampton. Isaia will be returning home for the school holidays. Isaia's home address is in Mount Isa.

Isaia's education provider has requested school vacation travel and have advised that there is no appropriate supervisor for Isaia. The education provider has advised that Isaia will be escorted to the Rockhampton airport by a staff member to ensure Isaia boards the flight safely. Isaia will be met at the airport in Mount Isa by their parent. The flight from Rockhampton to Mount Isa is a direct flight.

The travel can be approved and prebooked without mandatory supervision for Isaia in this scenario, provided the boarding school/provider understands their responsibility to manage risks and implement the Safe Travel Plan.


No mandatory supervision for flight with older experienced traveller in exceptional circumstance

Kirra is an 11-year-old boarding student in Rockhampton. Kirra is from Bwgcolman Community (Palm Island).

The education provider has lodged a request for compassionate travel for Kirra and another 17-year-old boarding student, Flossie, to travel back to Palm Island for Sorry Business.

The education provider has advised there is no appropriate supervisor available, however as Flossie is 17 and an experienced traveller both the school and the parents are comfortable for Kirra to travel with Flossie.

The travel can be approved and prebooked without mandatory supervision for Kirra in this scenario, provided the boarding school/provider understands their responsibility to manage risks and implement the Safe Travel Plan.

ABSTUDY Travel Authorisation - Booking Form User Guide

ABSTUDY Travel Authorisation - Booking Form (Secondary)

ABSTUDY Travel Authorisation - Booking Form (Secondary non-schooling and tertiary)

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ABSTUDY Travel Minimum DOC Standards

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Quickstep Guide

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