Third Party Corporate Travel Management (CTM), educational provider or parent contacts to advise a student did not undertake travel due to behavioural issues
CTM contacted Services Australia to advise that 2 secondary students, aged 13 and 15, travelling from Cairns to Brisbane were removed from the aircraft by airport security before the flight departed. The students were removed because of their behaviour, which included fighting and swearing.
Airport security staff contacted the students' parent and requested the students be collected. The parents have since contacted the agency and advised the students are in their care and have had alternative arrangements made to transport them home.
Both students missed their flights because of their own actions/behaviour.
The agency contacted the education provider to advise of the no show occurrence and that the education provider/parent/guardian will have to seek reimbursement for the travel to bring the students home. Travel staff contact CTM and advise there are charges of $505.00 per student to the agency for penalty processing.
In this case:
update the original Booking Status to No Show - Penalty
include a status reason of Travel Costs
record a penalty amount of a maximum $100
include detailed notes about the no show circumstance
The debt will need to be raised and advice sent to the correct debtor, in this case, the parent/guardian of the students.