Interstate travel for ABSTUDY 010-02100220
Interstate Cost Effectiveness Assessments
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Interstate Cost Effectiveness Assessments spreadsheet
Most costly intrastate travel locations
To ensure fair and consistent assessments, the most costly locations in the home State/Territory, are identified below.
Note: Intrastate travel is assessed from the student's closest travel hub to their home/community.
If the student lives:
- north of Rockhampton, intrastate travel is assessed to Toowoomba
- south of Rockhampton, intrastate travel is assessed to Thursday Island
Western Australia
If the student lives:
- north of Carnarvon, intrastate travel is assessed to Esperance
- south of Carnarvon, intrastate travel is assessed to Kununurra
Northern Territory
If the student lives:
- north of Tennant Creek, intrastate travel is assessed to Tennant Creek
- south of Tennant Creek, intrastate travel is assessed to Tiwi Island
New South Wales
If the student lives:
- north of Sydney, intrastate travel is assessed to Albury
- south of Sydney, intrastate travel is assessed to Armidale
South Australia
If the student lives:
- north of Adelaide, intrastate travel is assessed to Marion (Adelaide)
- south of Adelaide, intrastate travel is assessed to Port Pirie
If the student lives:
- east of Bendigo, intrastate travel is assessed to Hamilton
- west of Bendigo, intrastate travel is assessed to Cranbourne
If the student lives:
- north of Miena, intrastate travel is assessed to Hobart
- south of Miena, intrastate travel is assessed to Launceston
Scenarios to assist assessing FAA claims for interstate travel
Example |
Scenario |
1 |
FAA interstate travel approved for boarding school - cost effective Allira's permanent home is Minjilang, in the Northern Territory (NT). Allira has been granted the Away from Home rate of Living Allowance in March and will be enrolling in a boarding school in Perth from the start of term 2. As Minjilang is north of Tennant Creek, intrastate travel is assessed to Tennant Creek. At the time of assessment, no average fare costs have been determined for these intrastate and interstate locations. Allira must travel from Minjilang to Darwin, before travelling from there to either Tennant Creek or Perth. The cost of travel between Minjilang and Darwin would be the same for both an intrastate or interstate journey. It can be disregarded, as it has no impact on the cost effectiveness comparison. The Service Officer assesses cost effectiveness using the average fare costs method:
2 |
FAA interstate travel approved for boarding school - cost effective Durahn lives at Maningrida, in the Northern Territory (NT) and wants to board at a school in Cairns, because related cousins are already boarding there. The most expensive journey from Maningrida to a location within NT, which has a boarding school/hostel, is in, Tennant Creek. Durahn must travel from Maningrida to Darwin, before travelling from there to either Tennant Creek or Cairns. The cost of travel between Maningrida and Darwin would be the same for both an intrastate or interstate journey and can be disregarded, as it has no impact on the cost effectiveness comparison. The average fare cost of a flight from Darwin to Cairns is cheaper than the average fare cost of a flight from Darwin to Tennant Creek. Therefore, interstate travel can be approved, as it is more cost effective. |
3 |
FAA interstate travel approved for boarding school - sibling already approved for interstate travel as cost effective Stan lives in Alyangula, Groote Eylandt in the Northern Territory (NT) and wants to board at a school in Brisbane because an older sibling studies there. Stan's older sibling had already been approved for interstate travel on the basis that it was more cost effective. Therefore, Stan would also be approved for FAA to Brisbane. |
4 |
FAA interstate travel approved for boarding school - cousin under same carer already approved for interstate travel as cost effective Jada and Nikkaya are siblings, both boarding at a school in Perth, and are approved for interstate Fares Allowance, based on cost effectiveness. Jada finishes Year 12 and leaves school. Nikkaya remains enrolled and is attending Year 8. Neve is Jada and Nikkaya's cousin and is in the care of their guardian. Even though Jada is no longer at the school in Perth, Nikkaya is still attending and the initial approval for interstate fares for Jada was based on cost effectiveness. As such, Neve is approved for interstate travel to attend the school in Perth. The intent of the policy is to support siblings and family members with the same carer to attend the same school by approving interstate fares once one family member has been approved for interstate fares on the basis of cost effectiveness. This stops the need to undertake an assessment for cost effectiveness for each subsequent sibling or family member. |
5 |
FAA interstate travel assessment where the nearest major travel hub is interstate Cedric lives in Pukatja (Ernabella), South Australia (SA). Cedric wants to attend a school in Perth. As Cedric lives north of Adelaide, the most expensive intrastate trip should be assessed toMarion (a suburb of Adelaide). The nearest major travel hub to Pukatja is Alice Springs. Cedric must travel from Pukatja to Alice Springs, before travelling from Alice Springs to either Adelaide or Perth. The cost of travel between Pukatja and Alice Springs would be the same for both an intrastate or interstate journey and can be disregarded, as it has no impact on the cost effectiveness comparison. Although Cedric will be not travelling from a travel hub located in SA, the most expensive intrastate cost for Cedric should be assessed as the trip from Alice Springs to Adelaide. Similarly, the interstate cost should be assessed as the trip from Alice Springs to Perth. The required information can still be located in the Interstate Cost Effectiveness Assessments spreadsheet, as the Alice Springs tab displays the average fare costs for travel between Alice Springs to Adelaide and Alice Springs to Perth, for various schools. By comparing these costs, it is not considered cost effective for Cedric to travel to Perth. |
6 |
FAA interstate travel not approved as cost effective - decision is appealed Brenton lives at Halls Creek in Western Australia and wants to study in Melbourne. A cost effectiveness assessment showed interstate travel was not approved. Brenton's parents paid for the travel in the first term and appealed the decision to reject the interstate travel. They lodged a claim for reimbursement along with the relevant invoices. The evidence provided confirmed that it was more cost effective for Brenton to travel to the interstate location and the rejection for interstate travel was overturned and approved. Note: where an appeal is lodged against a decision not to approve interstate travel due to cost effectiveness, the applicant/student must lodge evidence to show it is more cost effective for the student to travel to the interstate location. This evidence must show a comparison of similar fares structures wherever possible. For example, a comparison of a Fully Flexible Business Class intrastate fare and a Restricted Economy Class interstate fare does not demonstrate cost effectiveness. |
7 |
FAA interstate travel not approved for Certificate level course - not a unique course Bruce's permanent home address is in Queensland (QLD). Bruce has successfully done a testing and assessment activity for entry into the Certificate in Dance delivered in Western Australian (WA). Bruce correctly received FAA to do the Away from Base activity. Bruce has lodged a completed ABSTUDY claim for assistance to study full-time in the course.
8 |
FAA interstate travel not approved for compulsory tertiary work placement in different city to course Brianna's permanent home is in Melbourne and they are enrolled in and doing a Bachelor of Engineering degree at a University in Sydney. Brianna qualifies for interstate travel for commencement and end of study travel to do the course. The Bachelor of Engineering has a compulsory 2-week placement as part of the minimum requirements for successful completion of the course. Brianna applies for interstate travel to do the activity in Melbourne at a relative's electrical engineering firm. Brianna is not eligible for interstate FAA to do the activity in Melbourne, as similar placements are available in Sydney. Interstate travel cannot be approved for an Away from Base activity if the learning experiences are available at the place of study, or within the State/Territory of the education provider, when there are placement locations available in Sydney. |
9 |
FAA interstate travel for Special Assistance School Jacinta's permanent home is in Broome, Western Australia (WA). Jacinta has been granted the Away from Home rate of Living Allowance due to family and domestic violence in the home. Jacinta has been accepted to attend a Special Assistance School in Victoria. Jacinta is not eligible for interstate travel to attend the school in Victoria, as there is a Special Assistance School in WA with boarding places available. |
Unique courses exempt from interstate travel restrictions
If a course is not on the ABSTUDY Unique Course listing for the appropriate year, the Education provider can apply to the Department of Social Services (DSS) for an exemption from the interstate rule.
Advise customers to speak with their education provider if a course is not on the ABSTUDY Unique Course listing about gaining an exemption. Education provider can contact DSS by email.
DSS will advise Services Australia of decisions to update the ABSTUDY Unique Courses listings.
2025 ABSTUDY Unique Courses
2024 ABSTUDY Unique Courses
Historical ABSTUDY Unique Courses