Additional costs associated with travel for ABSTUDY 010-02100230
Examples where additional costs are paid, including calculations
Table 1
Item |
Scenario |
1 |
Overnight accommodation In-transit stopover Michael's home is in the remote community of Oombulgurri and Michael lives away from home to study in Perth. Michael is approved for end of term travel. Michael must take a flight from Perth to Broome and then catch a connecting flight from Broome to Kununurra. Michael then takes a charter from Kununurra to Oombulgurri. The flight from Broome to Kununurra is delayed due to mechanical problems and arrives in Kununurra at 7 pm. The charter plane company does not land at Oombulgurri after 6 pm so Michael has to stay overnight in Kununurra and catch the charter plane to Oombulgurri at 10 am the next morning. Michael is entitled to overnight accommodation and meals in Kununurra due to the unforeseen in-transit stopover. Michael submits an ABSTUDY Fares Allowance Claim (SY032) for the overnight accommodation and meals, including the following receipts:
Total costs paid = $353.20. To calculate Michael's claim for additional costs, the Service Officer compares the amount Michael paid with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) travel allowance rates. The 2023-2024 rates are:
Total allowable ATO travel allowance = $297.60. As accommodation was arranged by the student traveller, Michael is entitled to the ATO travel allowance rate of $297.60 plus the $3.60 credit card fee. |
2 |
Overnight accommodation Secondary school student boarding away from home for the first time Jedda is currently in year 6 at Muludja Remote Community School. There is no local high school so Jedda will be moving away from home to attend a boarding school in Perth next year for high school. Jedda has already attended an orientation day and enrolled at the school in Perth. The school offer a transition program in Term 4 for students entering year 7 in the coming year. The transition program requires Jedda and their parent/guardian to stay for one week near the college to undertake transition activities, including viewing the schools, boarding house and meeting staff. The school have submitted details of the transition program to the agency and this has been approved. Jedda and their parent (non-student traveller) have been approved for ABSTUDY FAA under orientation travel. Additional travel costs for accommodation and meals can also be approved for the duration of the transition program for both Jedda and their parent. |
3 |
Travel schedule Example 1 Sarah's home is at the remote central desert community of Docker River. Sarah has an entry interview at 9 am at a school in Alice Springs. Sarah travels with a parent by plane to Alice Springs the day before the interview, leaving home at 2 pm and arrives home at 3.00 pm after the interview. They are both entitled to overnight accommodation and meals for the night before the interview as week as breakfast and lunch on the day of the interview. This is because it is not possible for them to travel to Alice Springs on the morning of the interview and the interview cannot be rescheduled to a different time for same day travel to occur. Sarah's parent submits an ABSTUDY Fares Allowance Claim (SY032) for the overnight accommodation and meals, including the following receipts:
Total costs paid = $164.20. To calculate the claim for additional costs, the Service Officer checks the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) travel allowance rates for Alice Springs as well as the when Sarah and their parent started and ended their travel. The 2023-2024 rates are:
Total allowable ATO travel allowance = $465.40. Although the total of the receipts is lower, Sarah's parent is entitled to the total allowable ATO travel allowance rate and will be reimbursed $465.40. The $4.20 Afterpay fee is not an approved additional cost so will not be reimbursed. Example 2 John is travelling to attend a residential block, but due to a medical condition, he cannot travel by plane. Services Australia have arranged transport for John by rail, but due to transport schedules, John will arrive 3 days before the residential block starts. As this is unavoidable, John is eligible to the 3 extra night's accommodation, including meals. As John has requested this travel be authorised in advance, the agency arranges the additional 3 night's accommodation and meals as part of John's claim. The additional nights' accommodation are not included in the limits on Away from Base assistance. |
4 |
Private accommodation and/or meals provider Example 1 Leonie submits a completed ABSTUDY Fares Allowance Claim (SY032) stating an overnight stay in a private residence. Leonie submitted a signed statement from a private residence including the date, address and cost of the room. The statement shows dinner and breakfast were included and details the cost of each meal. The statement is accepted with a completed SY032 to assess and pay Leonie the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) travel allowance rate. Example 2 Samara submits a completed SY032 stating Samara's sister, Freda, provided accommodation and meals on the journey to a compulsory residential activity. Samara submits a signed handwritten statement by Freda advising the date Samara stayed and the address. Freda states Samara was given accommodation and meals. The meals itemised include afternoon tea, dinner, supper, snacks, breakfast and a take away package for morning tea. Statement is accepted with a completed SY032 to assess and pay Samara the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) travel allowance rate. |
5 |
Compassionate travel for family member Fred is living away from home to study at boarding school in Brisbane, becomes ill, and is hospitalised. Fred's parent travels from their home on Thursday Island to visit Fred as an approved traveller under compassionate travel entitlements. Fred's parent stays for 3 days to provide support while at the peak of the illness. Fred's parent is entitled to accommodation and meals costs for the period they support Fred in Brisbane. |
ATO travel allowance information
Table 2. This table describes the only aspects of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website applicable for the purposes of ABSTUDY Away from Base and Fares Allowance (FAA). All other tables and information on the ATO website should be ignored, as it is not applicable for ABSTUDY purposes.
These travel allowance rates are not published in the ABSTUDY Policy Manual or on the Department of Social Services (DSS) website. If an institution or individual wishes to view the travel allowance rates, refer them to the ATO website below.
ATO Table |
Description |
Table 1 |
Employee's annual salary The figures listed in the:
Where a location is not listed in Tables 1, 4 or 5, the figures in Table 1 'other country centres' are to be used when determining accommodation allowance except where travel allowance has been approved for a high-cost location not listed by the ATO as a 'High cost country centre'. These figures apply in respect of all entitled FAA beneficiaries, regardless of their income. |
Table 4 |
High cost country centres - accommodation expenses The figures listed in Table 4 are to be used when calculating the amount payable for accommodation allowance for locations identified as high cost country centres. These figures apply to all entitled FAA beneficiaries, regardless of their income. |
Table 5 |
Tier 2 country centres When calculating the amount payable for accommodation allowance for locations identified in Table 5, the figures listed for accommodation or food and drink in Table 1 for Tier 2 country centres are to be used. These figures apply to all entitled FAA beneficiaries, regardless of their income. |
Private accommodation providers
Table 3. This table describes the evidence requirements for students staying in private overnight accommodation