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ABSTUDY students experiencing disrupted travel 010-02100240

Useful contacts

ABSTUDY and Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC)

  • Corporate Travel Management (CTM)
  • ABSTUDY Smart Centre Travel Team

Disrupted travel notes for ABSTUDY travel bookings

Paste the following information and relevant responses into the notes of the relevant travel booking in the Travel Management Application (TMA):

Disrupted Travel DD/MM/YY

ABSTUDY Travel were notified by [insert stakeholder], [include phone number] on DD/MM/YY @ [insert time] advising that a disruption has occurred.

Travel Date:

Travelling from:

Travelling to:

Current location of traveller:

Reason for the travel disruption: [Include all details]

Travel arrangements rebooked: Yes/No/NA

Overnight accommodation required: Yes/No/NA

Emergency contact contacted: Yes/No. (If no, explain why)

Was the Safe Travel Plan (STP) enacted: Yes/No (if no, explain why)

Mandatory Supervision required: Yes/No

Police contacted: Yes/No

Escalation template completed and sent to TL: Yes/No/NA

Additional Comments:

ABSTUDY Policy Manual: Chapters 88.1, Approved Travellers & 88.4 Supervisor Travellers

Service Officer: [Name] / [Logon ID] / (ABSTUDY Travel or ABSTUDY Away from Base) / DD/MM/YYYY

Disrupted travel email template

The Geelong 24/7 team is to provide the following information (as a minimum) via email to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Travel Team the day following a disruption where amended travel arrangements are required to be recorded in the TMA.

Description of travel disruption:

Travel date:

Travelling from:

Travelling to:

Reason for travel disruption: that is, weather/delayed flight/cancelled flight

Travel arrangements rebooked: Yes/No. If yes, provide details

Overnight accommodation required: Yes/No. If yes, provide details

New travel itinerary issued: Yes/No

Additional comments:

ABSTUDY Travel Disruption Notification

This template must be completed when handing-off a disruption.

What time did the disruption occur: HH:MM AEST/AWST/ACST

What time were you notified of the disruption: HH:MM AEST/AWST/ACST

Reason for disruption/escalation:

Name of the education institution or parent/guardian assisting and their contact number:

Travelling from:

Travelling to:

Traveller type:




Phone Number:

Where is the traveller now:

Are they with a supervisor: YES/NO

Actions taken:

Additional comments:

Locations where students are more likely to experience travel disruptions

High risk of travel disruption

Moderate risk of travel disruption

Low risk of travel disruption

Alice Springs (NT)

Gove (NT)

Sydney (NSW)

Darwin (NT)

Rockhampton (QLD)

Dubbo (NSW)

Brisbane (QLD)

Melbourne (VIC)

Adelaide (SA)

Cairns (QLD)

Esperance (WA)

Hobart (TAS)

Horn Island (QLD)

Newman (WA)

Launceston (TAS)

Townsville (QLD)

Kalgoorlie (WA)

Broome (WA)

Perth (WA)

Kununurra (WA)

User Guides

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\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.pngHow to contact CTM for an ABSTUDY travel booking or enquiry during a travel disruption

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.pngGuidelines for completing the Escalation Template for an ABSTUDY travel incident