Assessing and coding claims for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) 010-03020040
Letter - AIC free text for Q679
Use the Q679 to advise of the rejection and request any further information/evidence as necessary.
Letter Option:
- Reject claim = 1
- REJGE1 = 4 for free text as below
'We cannot pay your AIC claim for [year] for this child as we cannot accept a claim more than 13 weeks before you qualify. To reclaim, please return the enclosed claim after 1 Oct [year].'
Optional sentence
'Also, further information will be required to assess this claim. Please supply the forms/evidence requested below with your reclaim.'
External websites
Unique study and living arrangements for AIC
This is a list of schools that have special coding requirements. Not all special schools are listed.
Institution or situation |
Description |
Aspect Hunter School, NSW |
Aspect Hunter School (27146) specifically caters for children with autism who would benefit from studying from home under a Distance Education Program. This school meets the definition of a 'special institution' for AIC purposes. No medical evidence is required, as per AIC Policy 4.4.1. |
Autism Therapy and Education Centre, Queensland (QLD) |
Autism Therapy and Education Centre (Autism Queensland) are an accredited Non-State Secondary School Special Education provider. This institution has multiple campuses (Brighton, Brightwater, Cairns and Sunnybank) however, students should be coded against the main Institution Code: 45893. Most students are enrolled with and attending a local campus. Autism Queensland (AQ) have limited availability for Distance Education, which is prioritised for remote and regional students. |
Barkly College, Northern Territory (NT) |
Part of the Barkley Group School. See Tennant Creek High School. |
Bypass / Limited Program Schools |
See the Resources page of Isolation Conditions for Assistance for Isolated Children - Limited program schools list. |
Christian Education Ministries (CEM), QLD or Western Australia (WA) |
CEM provide non-accredited studies that do not count towards the QLD or WA Certificate of Education. They are not approved for AIC. See National Course Approvals sub-site - Secondary - QLD or WA, to check that no changes have occurred and CEM does not appear. |
Claremont College, Tasmania (TAS) (70119) |
If the student is studying at Claremont College and residing at Tasmanian Housing/Anglicare, go to the EILA screen > Living Arrangement field > key SHA - Second Home Allowance. This is because the family:
See the Resources page of Eligibility for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Boarding Allowance (BA/ABA). |
Closed schools |
A school may be closed if the following cannot be found via the:
See National Course Approvals sub-site - Secondary - select relevant state and identify 'Schools in Recess'. |
Cobar Distance Education Centre (DEC) |
Use institution code: 28356 for Cobar High School, New South Wales (NSW). |
Distance Education |
See Eligibility for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Distance Education Allowance (DED) for eligibility rules and age limits. Note: the Victorian Department of Education will only allow students who live in Victoria to be enrolled with the DEC of Victoria (38505) or via Victorian Home Education/Schooling VRQA (30076). Distance education enrolment via schools/institutions in other states is not accepted. |
Don College, TAS |
For students residing at this school, go to the EILA screen > Living Arrangement field > key SHA - Second Home Allowance. See the Resources page of Eligibility for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Boarding Allowance (BA/ABA). |
Dookie Campus Secondary School, Victoria (VIC) |
Use institution code: 39643 for Mansfield Autism Statewide Services. |
Dunlea Centre, NSW |
Use institution code: 26012. This is a special institution for AIC purposes and applicants are not required to supply an AIC SY099 Medical Certificate as per AIC Policy 4.4.1. |
Ed Connect, NSW |
New payment system used by the NSW Department of Education for some NSW Government schools. Schools are paid from Centrelink (or from the parent) into the EDConnect system. For example, parents of students who attend Yanko must pay via EDConnect. The NSW Department of Education:
In these cases, key the following account details on the PIPI screen. Do not link the student record to the payee organisation:
If a parent reports an issue with these accounts, first check their account details on the PIPI screen. If these are correct, tell the parent to contact the NSW Department of Education to fix the issue. |
Elizabeth College, TAS |
For students studying at this school and residing at Springvale Hostel, go to the EILA screen > Living Arrangement field > key HOS - Boarding Allowance. See the Resources page of Eligibility for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Boarding Allowance (BA/ABA). |
Etheridge Shire Council Student Hostel, QLD |
For Payment Destination links (PIPI), search ON screen for this organisation under 'Georgetown Student Hostel'. |
FLO Program, South Australia (SA) |
See National Course Approvals sub-site - Secondary - SA. Student may be eligible for AIC depending on their study mode and living arrangements. |
Hellyer College, TAS |
For students studying at this school and residing at:
See the Resources page of Eligibility for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Boarding Allowance (BA/ABA). |
Homeland Learning Centres (HLC), NT |
See Eligibility for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Distance Education Allowance (DED) for assessment details for these schools. |
Home Schooling/ Home Education |
See Eligibility for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Distance Education Allowance (DED) for eligibility rules and age limits. |
Homestead for Youth, WA |
This school meets the definition of a 'special institution' for AIC purposes. No medical evidence is required, as per AIC Policy 4.4.1. |
Kangaroo Island Community Education (KICE), SA |
Use institution code: 51882. This school has 3 campuses at:
An inter-campus bus between Kingscote and Parndana (40kms away) operates to connect students to more face to face subject options. In such cases of 'split/dual campus' arrangement, to be eligible for AIC, students must be isolated from their nearest campus (at their level of study). |
Kaziw Meta, QLD (49000) |
Kaziw Meta is a boarding hostel only and not an education provider. |
Kumbari Special School, QLD |
Use new name of Southport Special School (43026). |
Leinster Primary School, WA |
New name of Leinster Community School. This school caters for primary school students. Secondary students may attend there but only to use the facilities while they do their study by Distance Education via SIDES (64141). Go to the EILA screen > Living Arrangement field > key DEO - Distance Education Other. |
Lord Howe Island, NSW |
This school caters for primary school students. Secondary students may attend there but only to use the facilities while they do their study by Distance Education. Go to the EILA screen > Living Arrangement field > key DEO - Distance Education Other. |
Mansfield Autism Statewide Services, VIC |
This is a special school for AIC purposes so no Medical form is required. Students must still be geographically isolated and meet a living arrangement - see AIC Policy |
Mater Dei, Camden NSW |
Since 1 January 2017, there is no AIC entitlement for this school as Mater Dei stopped providing a live-in (boarding) program from this date. |
National School for Travelling Show Children (NSTSC), NSW |
See National Course Approvals sub-site - Secondary - NSW. For payments to NSTSC, key the PIPI as follows:
Newstead student residence Newstead College, TAS (7SS02), or Launceston College, TAS (72515) |
For students studying years 11,12 or 13 (aged 16-19) at Newstead College or Launceston College and residing:
See the Resources page of Eligibility for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Boarding Allowance (BA/ABA). |
Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges |
For the purposes of AIC:
This is secondary study. AIC would normally be paid for the full year and Boarding Allowance would be payable (as students have to live there for the Agriculture certificate components) if the other normal AIC criteria have been met. |
Rosny College |
Students studying at this school and residing at:
See the Resources page of Eligibility for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Boarding Allowance (BA/ABA). |
Sydney Church of England Grammar School / Sydney Church of England Girls Grammar |
Abbreviated to SCEGS and SCEGGS in NSW. |
Scotch College, WA (61171) |
The college has an early enrolment policy for Year 11 students, enrolling in Term 4 of the preceding year. This is not within the scope of AIC and not approved. |
Scotch - Oakburn College, TAS (72401) |
This college has 2 Customer Reference Numbers (CRNs) starting with 555 and 407. Only use the CRN starting with 555 for AIC payments. Search 'Scotch-Oakburn'. Do not use the 407 CRN. |
SEDA College |
The campuses below may be approved to offer sports focussed Years 11 and 12:
See National Course Approvals sub-site. |
Shark Bay School, WA (65418) |
Shark Bay School:
Go to the EILA screen > Living Arrangement field > key DEO - Distance Education Other. Use institution code 64141. |
Sir Eric Woodward Memorial (25675) |
A Special School that only sends out Distance Education work. There is no face-to-face delivery. |
South East Home Education (SEHE), QLD |
Not an accredited institution. Provides CEM and ACE programs not approved for AIC payments. Families may also study via home schooling using a SEHE curriculum. If so, they will only be payable where they are also registered for home schooling with QLD Department of Education. It may state it is a 'department of Southern Cross Educational Enterprises (SCEE)'. |
Southern Downs Flexible Learning Hub |
Although not an accredited school, provided accredited distance education via Groves Christian College until 2013. Now a campus of Warwick Christian College who are no longer an approved Distance Education Provider. Students are enrolled full-time for face-to-face study only. For claims received for distance education for attendance at this school, request proof of enrolment that confirms the study method and workload via this method. Check if the student is studying full-time by distance education. See National Course Approvals sub-site - Secondary - QLD - Alternative Education. |
Student Accommodation Southern Region or Northern Region TAS |
Students residing here:
Student Housing Australia (SHA) |
Students studying at SEDA College and staying at Student Housing Australia in Melbourne, Victoria may claim boarding allowance. The website shows that the students sign a furnished lease/tenancy agreement, must supply their own linen and do their own cooking and cleaning. For AIC purposes, this is not a boarding arrangement. It may be assessed for Second Home Allowance. See the Resources page of Eligibility for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Boarding Allowance (BA/ABA). |
Sydney Rudolf Steiner School |
Use institution code: 3P019 for Melbourne Rudolph Steiner. |
Tagai State College |
Tagai State College has multiple campuses on various islands. All are P-6 except the secondary campus on Thursday Island. |
The Armidale School (TAS), NSW |
Also known as TAS. |
Tasmanian E-School (70003) |
Tennant Creek High School, NT (86016) |
If contact from applicants/parents is received stating that Tennant Creek High School is known as Barkly and is on bypass list, explain that:
Tasmanian Home Education Advisory Council (THEAC), TAS |
The Villas, TAS |
For students residing here, go to the EILA screen > Living Arrangement field > key SHA - Second Home Allowance. See the Resources page of Eligibility for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Boarding Allowance (BA/ABA). |
Umina Park |
For students residing here, go to the EILA screen > Living Arrangement field > key SHA - Second Home Allowance. See the Resources page of Eligibility for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Boarding Allowance (BA/ABA). |
Unity College, SA |
Students from Narrinyeri, who are attending Unity College in SA, are to be paid fortnightly as a private board situation. Go to the EILA screen > Living Arrangement field > key PRI - Boarding Allowance. |
WA Colleges of Agriculture |
The WA Colleges of Agriculture are specialist schools for AIC purposes. They are not usually counted as the 'nearest appropriate government school' for isolation calculations. However, as per AIC policy 4.1.2, if a student is attending one of these Colleges then they need to be isolated from the nearest suitable government school and the College. Many of these Colleges have early start times that do not match the usual school bus runs so the student may be eligible. For guidance, contact AIC Perth or SSO. Campuses:
Education or board provider bank details - ABSTUDY/Assistance for Isolated Children form (SY116)