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Eligibility for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Distance Education Allowance (DED) 010-03040020

Home-based study percentages - study by days per week

Table 1

Full days per week studying from home

Pro-rata amount of DED (as percentage)


N/A - full DED rate payable


N/A - full DED rate payable







Less than 1 day

No entitlement

Home-based study percentages - study by hours per week

Table 2

Note: always determine the full-time hours based on that school's standard hours.

Hours of home study as a percentage of full-time school hours

Pro-rata amount of DED (as percentage)

75 to 100 or school advises the student is enrolled full-time in home-based study

N/A - full DED rate payable

20 to 74.9

Rate based on actual study load percentage (hours)

1 to 19.9

No entitlement

School advises that student is enrolled and attending the school face-to-face on a full-time basis

No entitlement

Home-based study percentages - study by subjects or lessons

Table 3

Always determine as per that school's lesson offering or the standard number of subjects/lessons needed for that child for that year of study. For example, in New South Wales, full-time secondary study may be 6 subjects/lessons, but full-time senior secondary study may be 5 subjects/lessons.

Subjects or lessons undertaken at home as a percentage of full-time subject/lesson requirement

Pro-rata amount of DED (as percentage)

School/education authority says the student is enrolled in:

  • 75% to 100% of subjects, or
  • lessons in distance education/home-based study

N/A- full DED rate payable

20% to 74.9%

Rate based on actual study load percentage (hours)

1% to 19.9%

No entitlement

School says student is:

  • enrolled and attending the face-to-face school full-time, or
  • is not enrolled in distance education

No entitlement

Examples - pro-rata calculation of Distance Education Allowance (DED)

Table 4




Consistent rate of study across a term instalment and study by days

In 2019, Joshua is studying 3 days per week by distance education in Terms 1 and 2, and the remainder of the time is by face-to-face schooling.

As per the Home-based study percentages - study days per week table, the AIC DED entitlement is 60% of the distance education rate.

  • For Term 1 in 2019, DED of $623.00 is payable ($4211/365 x 90 days x 0.6)
  • For Term 2 in 2019, DED of $629.92 is payable ($4211/365 x 91 days x 0.6)


Consistent rate of study across a term instalment and study by lessons

In 2019, Louisa is studying a combination of distance education and face-to-face schooling due to illness.

Louisa's school confirms they are sending lessons home for Louisa to complete.

For Term 3 in 2019, Louisa will be doing 20 out of 35 lessons by home study.

Louisa is studying 0.571% workload by distance education (20/35) as per the Home-based study percentages - study by subjects or lessons table.

For Term 3 in 2019, DED of $606.06 is payable ($4211/365 x 92 days x 0.571).


Not consistent rate of study across a term instalment and study by subjects

In 2019, Annabelle was studying full-time by distance education. Partway through Term 2 Annabelle is also doing some subjects at the local New South Wales school as part of a re-integration program.

The local school confirms that Annabelle:

  • started on 22 May 2019
  • is studying 3 subjects out of 8 by face-to-face studies, and
  • is expected to continue the subjects for the rest of this year

Annabelle's parent confirms Annabelle is still studying the rest of the subjects through the approved distance education provider.

Annabelle is therefore studying 37.5% workload by face-to-face and 62.5% workload by distance education. The Term 2 instalment period has 91 days and runs from 1 April to 30 June 2019.

In the Term 2 instalment period the full distance education allowance was payable from 1 April to 21 May 2019 (51 days). The pro-rata rate takes effect from 22 May to 30 June 2019 (40 days):

  • For Term 2 the DED entitlement for Annabelle is: $588.39 ($4211/365 x 51) + $288.42 ($4211/365 x 40 x 0.625) which is a total of $876.81
  • For Terms 3 and 4 the rates would be calculated as per Examples 1 or 2 above


Not consistent rate of study across year

Charlie has been studying face-to-face at the local Queensland school. Due to health issues, the school recommended Charlie only attend during the mornings and study from home in the afternoons. Charlie is enrolled in a distance education school for the study undertaken at home.

Charlie's health issues have had varying impacts on Charlie's ability to attend the local school. As a result, Charlie's hours at school and home have varied over the last 2 terms.

Charlie's guardian has supplied details from the school to say that for:

  • Term 1 Charlie was at school in weeks:
    • 1-6 for 4 hours per day and the remainder in home study
    • 7-10 for an average of 3.5 hours per day and the remainder in home study
  • Term 2, Charlie's condition worsened and Charlie was at school in weeks:
    • 1-3 for a total of 18 hours per week
    • 4-7 for a total of 11 hours per week
    • 8-11 for 6 hours per week

The school confirmed their students have:

  • 6 study hours per day, and
  • a total of 30 study hours per week

In Queensland 2019:

  • Term 1 weeks:
    • 1-6 ran from 29 January to 8 March 2019, and
    • 7-10 from 11 March to 5 April 2019
  • Term 2 weeks:
    • 1-3 run from 23 April to 10 May 2019
    • 4-7 run from 13 May to 7 June 2019, and
    • 8-11 from 10 June to 5 July 2019

Term 1 instalment period:

  • In the period from 1 January to 8 March 2019 Charlie was studying 0.666% workload by face-to face and 33.4% by distance education. The pro-rata DED rate payable was $258.17 ($4211/365 x 67 days x 0.334)
  • In the period 9-31 March 2019 Charlie was studying 58.3% workload by face-to-face and 41.7% by distance education. The pro-rata DED rate payable was $110.65 ($4211/365 x 23 days x 0.417)
  • Total payable: $368.82

Term 2 instalment period:

  • In the period from 1 April to 10 May 2019 Charlie was studying 60% workload by face-to face and 40% by distance education. The pro-rata DED rate payable was $184.59 ($4211/365 x 40 days x 0.4)
  • In the period 11 May to 7 June 2019 Charlie was studying 36.7% workload by face-to-face and 63.3% by distance education. The pro-rata DED rate payable was $204.48 ($4211/365 x 28 days x 0.633)
  • In the period 8-30 June 2019 Charlie was studying 20% workload by face-to-face and 80% by distance education. As this is considered full-time distance education, the full rate of DED was payable, that is, $265.35 ($4211/365 x 23 days x 1.0)
  • Total payable: $654.42

Terms 3 and 4

DED should not be paid until verification has been supplied of the actual face-to-face and distance education percentages undertaken.

As this is a complex case, Service Officers should collect all the evidence and make their calculations. Service Officers may need to:

Examples - Distance Education Allowance (DED) - Parental work requires frequent moves

Table 5




Sam and Stardust work for the circus

  • Their circus tours Australia and Papua New Guinea (PNG) every year, and has done so since 2010
  • Each year they spend 3 months in PNG and 9 months in Australia
  • In 2020 they relocated 4 times in Australia and 3 times in PNG

Their children qualify for AIC:

  • The parents have relocated more than 5 times for work, and
  • The children have not been overseas for a period of 12 months or more


Joe and Sibyl are journalists, who cover the Pacific region

Joe and Sibyl:

  • are based in Sydney
  • travel overseas throughout the year taking their children with them
  • travel overseas around 7 times during the year
  • move to 2 or 3 separate locations while working overseas
  • return to Sydney during the year in between work commitments
  • have done this for the past 5 years

Their children are eligible for AIC:

  • They are not away from Australia for more than 12 months on any one trip
  • They meet the criteria of relocating more than 5 times a year


Megan and Johannes are diplomats. They are posted to Hanoi for a continuous period of 3 years

  • They return to Australia every Christmas
  • They are not overseas for any period that is equal to or exceeds 12 months

Their children do not qualify for AIC:

  • The parents have not relocated at least 5 times in a year

State/Territory Department of Education approval

Table 6


Does state/territory education authority agree with, or not object to, dual face-to-face school and distance education study?

Does state/territory education authority agree with, or not object to, dual face-to-face school and home schooling/education study?


Yes, permitted.

Yes, permitted.


Yes, permitted.

A student cannot hold simultaneous enrolment at a school and be registered for home education.

However, homeschooled students may apply for a Board Endorsed Alternative Education Program. Students would need to apply through NESA and provide approval of the alternative education to Services Australia.

The alternative education may include TAFE, Employment or other training options.


Yes, permitted.

Part-time school enrolment and part-time home education is only available to senior secondary students enrolled in subjects with the NT School of Distance Education.

To be enrolled as a part-time student, they must:

  • be studying in years 10, 11 or 12
  • have completed a minimum of 2 years approved home education directly before their application to enrol
  • have a teaching and learning program plan detailing the distance education school subject/s to be studied, and
  • have a current Home Education Approval Notice


Yes, permitted where student has a Flexible Arrangement Assessment.

A student cannot hold simultaneous enrolment at a school and be registered for home education.

However, on occasions, an agreement may be formed between the school, parent, and student allowing the student to access some activities or facilities at school:

  • Such an agreement is at the discretion of the school's principal
  • The school may need the parent to pay a fee for any access
  • Any participation at a school can only be minimal
  • If the parent considers their child needs to attend a school for more than a few hours per week they should discuss an enrolment or flexible enrolment with the school and surrender their home education registration

Non-school forms of education such as TAFE may be accessed part-time without affecting registration. To access a TAFE component the student needs to be eligible under the institution's enrolment conditions. For more details, the parent should contact their local TAFE.


Yes, permitted.

Yes, a part time attendance/exemption or modified attendance plan is negotiated with the school principal. It does not constitute a part-time school/part-time home education arrangement through the SA Home Education unit.

This approval is granted through the school and exemption office. If approved, the parent will receive an exemption letter to confirm exemption and period of exemption.


Yes, permitted.

Yes, permitted.

Part-time enrolment of home educated students is only permitted for up to 2 days a week at one school to support their existing home education program.


Yes, permitted.

Yes, permitted.


No. Not permitted.

No. Not permitted.

Home schooling age and registration rules

Table 7




All states/territories

Period payable

The period DED is payable is from the start of the approved (formal or provisional as required by the state) registration until the registration stops.

Evidence of the approved registration is needed in the initial AIC claim. Evidence of registration is not needed in subsequent years unless there has been a break in registration/study.

Where home schooling registration approval lapses solely because the student has reached the age that the state or territory government education authority is no longer responsible for home schooling or education, AIC will only be paid up to when the home schooling registration stops.

Students whose home schooling registration has stopped for this reason, who need to study from home, have to be enrolled in approved distance education to continue being eligible for AIC.

ACT 19999


A current or provisional certificate or statement from the state or territory education authority confirming the student’s home school registration.

Registration Ages

No Limits

The ACT Education Directorate that is the education authority for home education states: They do not have any stated limits to how young or old a student can be before registration is no longer permitted. This is treated on a case-by-case basis.

Such cases may be:

  • The student:
    • was enrolled in an ACT public pre-school (the student must be 4 years of age by 1 May in the year starting preschool - unless approved for early entry),
    • has an ACT Student ID number, and
    • parent now wants to home educate
  • The student came from another jurisdiction that allows earlier home education
  • The young person is engaged in an Australian School Based Apprenticeship as part of the home education program past their 17th birthday

Out of State


  • If the family is not residing in the ACT the child cannot be registered for home education in the ACT

Relocation to another state or overseas

  • Registration stops once the family has permanently left the ACT



A current certificate or statement from the state or territory education authority confirming the student’s home school registration.

Registration Ages


  • Start of year in which student is 5 years of age on or before 31 July


  • A student may be registered for a period continuing beyond the student turning 18 years of age for a time
  • It cannot exceed 2 years
  • This allows the child to complete the planned education based on NESA syllabuses

Out of State


  • Home schooling is not approved for families who are travelling
  • The home address, that is, where the home schooling is 'taking place' needs to be in NSW.
  • The family should consider enrolling for distance education instead

Relocation to another state or overseas

  • Registration stops as of the date of the move


Home schooling registration is only for students residing in NSW.



A current or provisional registration certificate or statement can be accepted:

  • Check each case before paying
  • Phone the home education contact on the letter, and
  • Discuss whether the registration approval delay is out of the parent's control

Distance and remoteness may delay a home visit evaluation if needed.

Registration Ages


From 1 January of the year where the student has turned 6 years of age on or by 30 June of that year.

Home Education have 2 intakes in a school year. They no longer accept rolling applications throughout the year unless it is an exceptional circumstance. Exceptional circumstances are determined on a case-by-case basis.

  • A student enrolled in Semester 1 who will turn 6 years of age during that period will be enrolled
  • An application submitted for a student turning 6 years of age in Semester 2 will not be accepted until the start of the following year


If a student has turned 17 years of age but is continuing with secondary studies, they can continue to be registered until they have completed their studies.

Out of State


Home education is not approved for families who:

  • travel for less than 1 semester. They should discuss how they can meet the educational needs of their child with their local school
  • travel 1 semester or more: They can apply to enrol their child in a distance education school

Relocation to another state or overseas

  • Registration stops as of the date of the move
  • The usual place of residence of the child must be in the NT


The NT education authority for home education is the NT Department of Education.



Only formal registration certificates or statements can be accepted.

The Home Education Unit (HEU) tells parents that AIC needs evidence of full registration before starting payments.

Registration Ages


  • Start of year in which child is 5 years of age on or before 30 June


  • Stops on 31 December of the year the child turns 17 years of age

Out of State


  • Registration can continue when a family is travelling interstate or moving around the state

Relocation to another state

  • Registration continues until the family permanently relocates to another State
  • Registration in QLD is unlikely to fully satisfy compulsory schooling obligations in other States or Territories

Relocation overseas

  • When a family is moving and living overseas, the child is generally no longer eligible for home education registration

Registration stops as of the date of the move.


The Queensland education authority for home education is the HEU of the Queensland Department of Education.

SA 58888


A current certificate or statement from the state or territory education authority confirming the student’s home school registration.

Registration Ages

Minimum -

  • From when student turns 6 years of age

Maximum -

  • To when student turns 17 years of age

Out of State


  • where a family retains a South Australian residential address, registration can continue

Relocation to another state or overseas

  • Registration stops as of the date of the move


  • The SA education authority for home schooling is the Home Education Unit of the SA Department for Education
  • The home schooling certificate must show that the student is enrolled with a school but exempted from attending it

TAS 77777


A current or provisional certificate or statement from the state or territory education authority confirming the student’s home school registration.

Registration Ages


  • Start of year in which child is 5 years of age on or before 1 January


  • End of the year in which the child turns 18 years of age
  • This may be extended to the end of the year in which the child turns 19 years of age in certain circumstances. Ask for a copy of the home schooling certificate to confirm eligibility before paying to this date

Out of State


  • Registration can continue when a family retains a Tasmanian residential address, providing they continue to meet the requirements of:
    • having a face-to-face assessment visit in Tasmania every second year and
    • a skype session in the alternate year

Relocation to another state or overseas

  • If the family has moved interstate, registration continues until the expiry date and then is not renewed


The Tasmanian education authority for home education is the Office of the Education Registrar.

It administers home education on behalf of the Tasmanian Home Education Advisory Council (THEAC).

VIC 30076


A current certificate or statement from the state or territory education authority confirming the student’s home school registration.

Registration Ages


  • Start of the year in which the child turns 6 years of age


  • End of the year in which the child turns 18 years of age

Out of State


  • VRQA allows families to remain registered with them when they travel interstate or overseas, if they:
    • retain a Victorian residential home address
    • do not move permanently to another state or overseas
    • intend to return to Victoria

Family relocates to another state or overseas

  • Registration stops if they permanently relocate to another state or overseas


The Victorian education authority for home schooling is the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA). VRQA sends renewals by email direct to parent.

The enrolment renewal email gives formal verification of home schooling enrolment.



A current certificate or statement from the state or territory education authority confirming the student’s home school registration.

Registration Ages


  • Start of year in which child is 5 years of age on or before 30 June


  • The end of the year the child turns 17 and 6 months of age or reaches 18 years of age, whichever happens first

Out of State


  • If the family continues to meet their 'meeting requirements' their registration continues. Meeting requirements are in person in WA:
    • at end of the first 3 months, and then
    • every 12 months
    • If the family does not attend a meeting, then registration stops as of that date

Relocation to another state or overseas

  • Registration stops on the date of the move


The WA education authority for home education is the WA Department of Education. It is administered by its 8 regional offices.

Code as per the regional office the certificate comes from:

  • 6AIC1 North Metro
  • 6AIC2 South Metro
  • 6AIC3 Southwest
  • 6AIC4 Wheatbelt
  • 6AIC5 Goldfields
  • 6AIC6 Kimberley
  • 6AIC7 Midwest
  • 6AIC8 Pilbara

Homeland Learning Centre (HLC) coding

Table 8

Remote Community School (hub school) OR Administrative School



The individual HLCs may open/close without notice depending on weather, number of students attending, presence of a teacher. They may also close if there are no families with school age students living in that community.

Institution Codes for the Hub School or HLC can be found using the:

  • 'Web Link' provided next to the Institution field on the Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First
  • 'Search for Institution' link provided on Updating study details screen within the Staff Process Claim workflow
  • Via the Education Institution Summary (EIS) screen

Note: search via the hub school name.

When in doubt, check with the Hub School or your Service Support Officer before paying AIC.

Arlparra School (Utopia)

  • Hub school code is 86040
  • HLCs are all coded as 83934:
    • Apungalindum
    • Clinic
    • Irrultja
    • Iyngiynyala (Soapy Bore)

Gapuwiyak School

  • Hub school code is 81003
  • HLCs are coded as 81903:
    • Gurrumala
    • Ramingirr (Raymangirr)

Gunbalanya School

  • Hub school code is 85019
  • HLCs are coded as 85919:
    • Manmoyi
    • Marmadawerre

Imanpa School

  • Hub school code is 83020
  • HLC code is 88001:
    • Ukaka

Laynhapuy Homelands school

  • Hub school code is 81011
  • HLCs are also coded as 81011:
    • Barrkira
    • Biranybirany
    • Dhalinybuy
    • Gangan
    • Garrthalala, includes Makarrata Senior Boarding facility
    • Gurrumuru/Ninydjiya/Wandat HLC
    • Gutjangan/ Bremer Island
    • Rorruwuy/Gulnga
    • Rurrangala/Mandjawuy
    • Wandawuy/Boruwuy or Wulwulwuy

Maningrida School

  • Hub school code is 84916
  • HLCs are coded as 84016:
    • Borlkdjam
    • Buluhkaduru
    • Gamardi
    • Gochan Jiny Jirra
    • Jimilawa
    • Ji-Marda
    • Malnjangarnak
    • Marrkolidban
    • Mumeka
    • Ngankalord
    • Wurdeja
    • Yikarrakkal
    • Yilan

Milingimbi School

  • Hub school code is 81904
  • HLCs are coded as 89904:
    • Gama-Guyurra
    • Langarra
    • Murrunga

Shepherdson College, Galinwinku

  • Hub school code is 81009
  • HLC is coded as 81909:
    • Mirrngatja

Tennant Creek Primary School

  • Admin School code is 86017
  • HLC code is 86017
    • Mungkata HLC