Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) cancellations, suspensions and restorations 010-03070000
This document outlines procedures relating to the cancellation, suspension and restoration of Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC).
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Suspension of AIC payments
It may be necessary to suspend AIC payments for one of the following reasons:
- the applicant's or student's circumstances have changed
- the applicant failed to comply with the requirements for payment
- further information is required to ensure that payments are directed correctly
Suspension of (AIC) Scheme payments can only be actioned by AIC Smart Centre staff.
Restoration of AIC payments
If an applicant continues to be entitled to AIC payments after a period of suspension or cancellation, the payment will need to be restored.
Care should be taken to establish that all the information required is met for eligibility, before restoring an applicant's payment.
If the decision to restore payment is made, an advice/letter must be sent to the applicant.
Restoration of (AIC) Scheme payments can only be actioned by AIC Smart Centre staff.
Cancellation of AIC payments
An applicant may no longer be entitled to AIC Scheme payment(s) due to the following:
- result of a change in their circumstances
- failure to comply with the requirements for payment
- because they transfer to another payment
If the decision to cancel payment is made by Services Australia, an advice must be sent to the applicant with the cancellation reasons and rights of review and appeal.
Cancellation of AIC payments can only be performed by AIC Smart Centre staff.
Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for AIC
When making a decision to cancel, suspend or reject an AIC claim or payment a specific code must be entered on the Centrelink system.
A description of the code is used in correspondence with applicants.
Suspension of payments of Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme
Restoration of Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC)
Cancellation and debt raising of Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme payments