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Completing the Claim form for Austudy (SY002) 010-04010030

This document outlines how to complete a Claim for Austudy (SY002). Austudy is a payment for full-time students and Australian Apprentices who are 25 years of age or over.

Breakdown of the Austudy claim Questions 1 - 130

Table 1: This table describes steps to help customers with their Austudy claim (SY002) and covers questions 1 - 130 and claim requirements.



Questions 1 - 14

Personal details + Read more ...

Identity confirmation

The claimant must provide 3 acceptable original documents with the claim to confirm their identity. At least one of these must be a piece of Primary Identification.


It is optional for the applicant to identify themselves as Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander or South Sea Islander, however doing so helps Services Australia better target its services for Indigenous customers. If the applicant is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, they may choose to claim ABSTUDY instead of Austudy.

See Identifying the most beneficial payment for students or Australian Apprentices.

Questions 15 - 27

Residence details + Read more ...

The claimant is required to prove their residence status. Recent migrants to Australia may be subject to a Newly Arrived Resident's Waiting Period (NARWP).

For more information, see Residence assessment for customers claiming Austudy.

Questions 28 - 51

Relationship status + Read more ...

The claimant must provide details of their relationship status and partner details if they are currently in or were previously in a relationship.

Check the customer's response to see if additional information is needed to determine whether they are living as a member of a couple.

Questions 52 - 53

Your living arrangements + Read more ...

The claimant is required to provide names of anyone who regularly stays in the claimant's home.

This does not include immediate family members. It does include anyone who regularly stays any number of nights per week or uses the home as a base.

Questions 54 - 87

Accommodation + Read more ...

Accommodation details must be provided so eligibility for Rent Assistance can be assessed.

If the applicant is paying rent, board, lodgings or fees (Q 61 - 89) they must advise:

  • details of public housing the applicant may live in
  • how much rent is paid, who it is paid to, what type of rent it is and if any other fees are paid for the accommodation
  • with whom they share accommodation
  • a formal lease or tenancy agreement must be provided, otherwise they will have to complete a Rent Certificate form (SU523HD)

Question 88

Payment details + Read more ...

The claimant must provide details for the bank account they would like their payments made to. This includes the bank account balance.

Questions 89 - 122

Income and assets + Read more ...

Currently receiving income from work

  • All customers must provide details of any paid employment
  • Australian Apprentices must provide details of their employment as an Australian Apprentice under Job 1. If they have a second part-time job, details must be provided under Job 2

Paid work in the last 6 months

The claimant must complete a Seasonal, Contract or Intermittent Work Details (SU496) form with details.

Paid work in the last 12 months

The claimant must provide proof of any termination payments received, e.g. Employment Separation Certificate (ESC).

Involved in any type of business

If claimant states Yes to any of these, they must complete and attach a Business form (Mod F). If the business owns real estate, they must also complete and attach a Real Estate details (Mod R) form.

If claimant is required to complete any modules, see Standards for helping customers complete claims and forms for assistance.

Involved in a private trust

Customer must complete a Private Trust (Mod PT) form with details.

Involved in a private company

Customer must complete a Private Company (Mod PC) form with details.

Claimed or became entitled to compensation or damages

If claimant has become entitled they must complete and attach a Compensation (Mod C) form.

Owns any real estate and/or their home (they live in) is on land > two hectares (five acres)

If claimant states Yes to either of the above, then they must complete and attach a Real Estate details (Mod R) form.

Other income or assets

The claimant can advise here any other income and/or assets that were not covered previously. If claimant states Yes to either of these, they must complete and attach evidence of additional income and assets.

Questions 123 - 130

Study details + Read more ...

The applicant must advise details of their Australian Apprenticeship including:

  • date Australian Apprenticeship started
  • expected End date of Australian Apprenticeship

Services Australia will obtain the Australian Apprenticeship details from the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

This means it is not essential for the customer to advise this information on the claim.

Course details, proof of enrolment (POE)

  • the claimant should complete all course details as requested
  • actual proof of student status is not required unless there is a doubt as to the enrolment status of the student (for example, a customer is not sure of the exact course details)
  • acceptable evidence of enrolment would be:
    • acceptance of enrolment in a full-time course
    • receipt for payment of course fees (full-time study load)
    • Student Contribution amounts papers showing full-time study load

This proof must be provided within two weeks of commencing studies.

Claimant is enrolled on a full-time vs. part-time basis

The claimant is required to provide these details in full, so Services Australia can determine whether the student is eligible for approval to undertake a concessional study load.

Claimant is undertaking Year 12 study

Austudy is usually paid for the first or second attempt at Year 12, within a 10 year period.

Past tertiary level study attempted and/or completed by claimant

Any previous years of study in the current course or other courses by claimant at the same academic level may reduce the time tertiary students can get Austudy. If at any time during a period of study the student failed such a course due to circumstances beyond their control, they must attach a statement giving reasons.

Medical condition

If the claimant has a medical condition which could limit them from doing certain types of work or study, they are not required to tell Services Australia. However, it may help Services Australia and other service providers to deliver appropriate services which may assist the claimant. If they do have a medical condition, documentary evidence may be required (e.g.medical certificate).

Breakdown of the Austudy claim Questions 131 - 139

Table 2: This table describes the steps to help customers with their Austudy claim (SY002) and covers questions 131 - 139 and claim requirements.



Questions 131 - 132

Dependent children + Read more ...

Dependent children (natural or legally)

A child is considered dependent if they are wholly or substantially in a person's care. If the customer has a dependent child or children, they may be eligible for Parenting Payment (Single) (PPS) or, if they have a partner, Parenting Payment (Partnered) (PPP). See Claiming Parenting Payment.

Briefly, advise the claimant that Family Tax Benefit (FTB) is another payment which may be available to help them to raise their dependent children. See Initial contact by customers claiming FTB.

Questions 133 - 135

Tax details + Read more ...

Tax file number (TFN)

The claimant (and their partner) have 28 days to provide TFN details or authorise Services Australia to obtain them from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) otherwise they will not be paid.

If the claimant (and/or their partner) has provided their TFN(s) on a previous claim, they can indicate this and do not have to provide it again.

Tax to be taken out

The claimant can request to have a nominated amount of their payment withheld from their Centrelink payment for taxation purposes.

Generally, if this is their only income for the financial year, they may not have to pay tax. However, if the claimant is or has received any other income during the same financial year, they have to pay tax. If they are not sure of the amount to nominate, they should visit the ATO website for more information.

Question 136

Permission to enquire or nominee + Read more ...

The claimant must advise whether they give permission for another person or organisation to enquire or act on their behalf when dealing with Services Australia.

For further information about nominees, see Adding or rejecting a nominee request.

For further information about person permitted to enquire arrangements, see Person Permitted to Enquire (PPE) authority.

Questions 137

Checklist + Read more ...

This part is not compulsory to complete, but will assist the claimant in checking they have answered the questions and have all the required documents.

Question 138 provides information on privacy and personal information.

Question 139

Statement + Read more ...

Claimant must sign declaration

Advise the claimant to read this part carefully, sign and date it. The claimant must advise if someone assisted them in filling in this claim.

If they do not sign the declaration payments cannot commence.

If the customer has a correspondence nominee, the correspondence nominee can sign the claim form on behalf of the customer.